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Tribal, merciless, temperate forest, 40 days in.

Building speed feels way too fast for me with wood, steel.
I feel like I was able to achieve way too much with 40 days in merciless.

Also way too much steel around, and steel gets mined super fast. I had standing reserve of 1000+ 2 weeks into game.

Food gathering speed is also bit too fast, I have tons of food and my cook is mostly wandering around even though he's feeding 5 people + 3 animals.

Crafting needs some love already, 1 skill for many different activities, still not enough useful shit to craft.

If colonists cared more about what they wore at each point ("this armor is heavy - 8" / "I need a hat -6" / "wearing nice shirt +2", "wearing shitty pants -3"), had affinity for certain weapons ("I prefer using bows -5/+5"), etc, would probably make the whole crafting game much more relevant and help make the mood game less extreme

Animals follow into building when door hugging, massive difference, boom animals fucking scary now.

Muffalos self tamed after I got first quest in tribal, not sure if intentional, but I finally did first caravan runs and that felt great!

If that could be constant that getting quests add some chance for muffaloes to self tame would be awesome.

At same time my quests are giving me rewards that are far beyond tribal level. I would prefer to be given relevant rewards or at least not be able to do a power claw surgery on day 20 as a tribal.

Maybe random thought, but why does patchleather exist if we dont need to convert all leather to it before creating clothes? is it not meant as another (correct imo) step before crafting clothes?

I find that with tribals I need 2 research benches to make decent progress, and at the same time there's still not enough for my tribe to do in between discoveries. Having animal handling be worth while, or having to actively sustain def options like fire wall / oil wall, water moat with ammunition that needs to be continually created would fill that gap of things to do.

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Unfinished / Re: Economics
August 13, 2018, 06:42:02 AM
This is super interesting. Would love this mod.

If effect could start "earlier" and mod could do below would be fantastic

1) allocate resources (stones/crops) to map regions at random
2) disallow none native crops from player
3) overwrite meals and create more meal types to require more/difference resources
4) overwrite stone defs to differentiate their value more clearly
So I think I'm tested out of the new version. In total I spent 450 hours on the game, on B19 I spent about 40-60.

Feels like game took massive step forward but I see big problems with:
1) research pace + unfortunate RNG can create many dead real human hours which feel wasted. Maybe make scaling research pace a first class citizen in the difficulty choice screen, just because I like being destroyed by raiders doesn't mean I want to wait a year for electricity.
2) RNG battles dont feel very satisfying and I'm not really looking forward to the next challenge where my defensive options are very limited.
3) lack of access and interaction with the world - muffalos require high training, caravaning requires high preparation, drop pods are far off in research tree and in all the time I played this game I never left original map once.

These reasons as well as an incomplete tribal experience & end game experience really discourage me from continuing colonies past the first year as well as continuing to play the game after I ran each scenario once-twice.

Maybe create new scenario dedicated to caravaning, or maybe adjust tribal to always start with 2 muffalos and build this variant of the game from there.

Having said that, and as a gaming product manager, I really believe you've created an very special piece of software and hope you continue to dedicate yourself to this amazing creation and give us all a clear roadmap of future DLCs so we can show you our willingness to continue to pay to expand this world we've all fallen in love with.
Quote from: lauri7x3 on August 01, 2018, 07:37:56 AM
Storyteller: randy
Difficulty: rough
Biome/hilliness: boreal forest
Commitment mode: yes
Current colony age (days): 476
Hours played in the last 2 days: dunno, much

so i dont know how to recreate it, and im not sure if its accurate, but i think there is a bug with disappearing weapons, when equipping new ones. i had this now multiple times. the old equipped weapon just disappears and is never seen again :/

your dude/dudette probably hauled the weapon back to stockpile after equipping new 1
Storyteller: Randy, tribal
Difficulty: Survival
Biome/hilliness: temperate, hills
Commitment mode: yes
Current colony age: mid first winter
Hours played in the last 2 days: ~9-10

started tribal run, kinda hoping with each update that tribal scenario will become this magical world with its own pace.

Starting animal counts very high, I had like 40-50 animals.

Big game animals should be riskier to hunt. Decided to go straight for megasloths from day 1 with 2 hunters and had no incidents.

I built my base with an external jail outside the perimeter of the base, raiders focus on external structure not my base until I shoot at them to lead to killbox

Traps are super op, all events up to & including ancient danger all dead with no casualties using 9 wood traps, all traps replaced same day used and available for next raid with 1 builder. i didn't even notice some raids happened.

Raiders tech went up too quickly, and I looted some guns that essentially ruined my own game. maybe to improve raid strength test mutiple waves?

Between op traps and raider weapons there's no value to smithing & most of machining.

Starting tech takes bit too long i think, first column of research projects should be reduced by 20%, electricity also creates too much dead time.

Winter animals converging on base is ridiculous. 30-40 animals attacking storage every day and dying everywhere/littering base with rivers of blood is just silly. All animals have some way to find food in winter or sleep it off.

Also, why do they automatically know if a door to my base is open? If this behavior stays can we please get a "lock door" or a "shoo animal" action? I had like 5 boomalopes in my base at one point and had no peaceful way to remove them other than drag all food out.

Lastly, got bored so started shooting the boomalopes, inside my sealed off base, and instead of frying everyone I was able to lower temp and save the day by deconstructing two walls, inside a burning base, where everything inside is burning or gone. Need to add some logic here around roofs i think that will create a more realistic scenario and keep adjacent tiles next to fire when all under roof still hot.

Randy random, crashlanded, "Survival struggle" (please change these to 1 word descriptions :)) 8 days in, my addict is already catatonic in bed with only 9% withdrawal, two others have food poisoning from packaged meals, 1 pawn has 3 mental breaks consecutively, tons of events all over each other, not sure if intended so added message log.

Few thoughts:
1) Why is there so much marble? in every play-through the most common stone chunk type I see is marble. Should it not be more rare or is it valueless?
2) Please bring back batteries by default to crashlanded or hide wind turbine behind research. Noob trap.
3) Please explain in the item description whats the difference between the two generators? Why is there a chemfuel generator to begin with that I can't get fuel for? What's the added value of the chemfuel generator?
4) Why do ALL animals have to be threats? Can't we have some 1 hit easy slaughter animals in hares, squirrels, field mice? They already yield very low meat for effort as penalty. Maybe even let a pawn who can't do violent but can do animals slaughter this basic wildlife?
5) TONS of agave in high fertility zones, map otherwise pretty empty (shrub). Not sure if intended
6) some mountains are uniform resource wise and bland and some have mixed, a mountain with plasteel/uranium + sandstone + steel + etc etc looks much more aesthetically pleasing. Not sure if that matters to you.
7) It would be nice if there was some build-able that exposes wildlife animal fighting messages to us. Its interesting action that's being hidden from us for some reason, and its a potential for free downed animals to tame or food to steal. Just lots of interesting micro interactions that we dont really get exposed to unless we're pause scanning the map every few seconds.

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played a few goes of 1.0, all in all really really awesome improvements. the overall pacing from tribal to modern much improved, base construction and crafts flows much better.

few comments based on gameplay:

- please please give more love to traders and their overall positive impact on the game:

Traders are such a joyful event that i am not sure why its being held back so much.
1. its one of the only options for a three sided war.
2. it can be a big motivator to mine something other than steel early game
3. will create interest and links very well with caravaning which is not so hot right now.

i think its tragic that trader events dont happen more often, to the tune of every few days.

- please please give more love to raids. raids early scale too linearly and are too far apart so get very "computer generated" feeling. and i play randy random extreme.
Need way more, weaker, raids.
if today you send strength .8 to 1.2 every X time, add 2-3 minor raids in between with strength .4-.6. I have a lot more animal attacks, but those are not raids in my book and need humanoid opponents

- make caravaning easier/more appealing. Havent had a level 8 animal trainer/food/muffalo combo available in the first year in any of my games but irrelevant quests keep coming.
1. pack animal training should go down to 4-5
2. cost of leaving base should go down
3. one rewad is not enough, would be great if the quest pop up would say something like: "this [QUEST] is expected to also hold a treasury with (steel/food/etc.)
4. assign fixed amount of villager per settlement and keep track of outgoing raids/caravans and expose to us so we have incentive to keep track of world and attack weak settlements

small things:
- move grave construction to highest priority, requires ton of multi tasking for construction  grave orders while everyone getting corpse debuffs.
- electricity requires way too much research. with not enough traders/villains theres a real dead zone of 1-2 seasons here while you wait for new options to unlo ck

playing ALOT of a17 and the missions are a real sore point for me right now.
If I'm going to get so many missions in the first 2 years, then give me muffalos in the beginning of my tribal start and drop pods for crashlanded.

I just feel so stupid because I can never reach the point in my progress of actually sending out a mission and I dont like that..

so pawn got malaria, was treated with glitterworld + had sex with husband and was healed in less than 1 night. is this intentional?

edit: pawn got malaria 3 days in a row and was healed instantly by glitterworld medicine 3 days in a row
set up several tribal colonies on randy intense/extreme, really fun now. few thoughts i had, hope you find them helpful
- pemmican lasts only 2 days, detecting bushes in the environment became one of the main activities now and it hurts the eyes for a poor 35 year old like me. 
- i can always get to electricity before first winter, since i can I do it, but it kinda takes away from the fun of having a first hard tribal winter
- enemy weapons become advanced way too quickly, and i feel like i have to cheat the game to win rather than have a healthy battle. poison ship in first year is just ridic for tribal and i have to use a "closing wall" trick i just happen to know cause i saw a discussion.
- on that note its entirely unclear how to defend yourself
- colonist recruitment is always at 99% difficulty in my games, not sure if im just getting unlucky
- I dont like microing hunting and it just takes forever now with the running mechanism, its a bit silly.
- most of my time is spent microing food, making pemmican for winter and simple meals for the present. its fun but i'm not really expanding as fast as I'd like, sending out caravans or trying to take over adjacent areas (which would be fun)
Made this account to say the game is brilliant, have been playing for about 6 months now, and I'm absolutely in love.

few thoughts:
1. balancing - i think would be amazing if you put this patch out in beta (if possible). The wacky outcomes and exploitablity of economy/enemies are awesome at first, but after a while its a real deterrent to replaying
2. Improve the storyteller - I think idea of storytellers is amazing, would love to see more work added here