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Messages - wedekit

Releases / Re: [B18] Medical Dissection (v1.1.2)
March 22, 2018, 05:35:19 AM
This game makes me feel terrible about myself when I take a step back and consider the things I do. As a way to try and get extra medical skill experience I usually do crazy experiments on animals (no mood debuff and I can just butcher them afterwards). Dissections is a great compromise to that, so I really love the idea behind this mod.

Also, just as a thought: damaged corpses actually (in real life) provide valuable data/sources of learning for those studying medicine. For example, seeing damaged limbs or organs is how you train future surgeons to identify specific complications and important indicators on appropriate courses for treatment. Healthy legs aren't very helpful when learning about how to properly amputate, or even how to determine if an amputation provides the best treatment outcome. Another example would be that people who die from damaged/destroyed organs can be later observed to determine if surgical intervention could have saved their life.

If you don't mind a suggestion, it seems more appropriate to tie the skill gains on the freshness of the corpse. A body with molding/decaying parts isn't particularly useful when it comes to treating living things... other than as inspiration not to let them get that way! ;D

But, like I said, corpses with missing/badly damaged pieces are actually valuable resources, just in a different way. Sometimes less is more!
I'm so stoked that the repair feature is finally implemented! My bots have always had the knack for being at the wrong place at the wrong time.
I got so excited when I saw you added the Chronicle research for the altar "report card." I thought I'd mention that it currently doesn't work for Favor spells.

I was also wondering if it would be feasible to add a report card for daily worship scores. I basically taught myself C# to scour your code and determine if all the same things that contribute to sacrifices help with worship too... or if proper attire (which the tooltip reminder indicates) is the only thing that helps.

Also, I tend to get a ceaseless spam of errors when I try to move my Forbidden Knowledge research table. The last time it even spawned a miniature table while leaving the research table where it was... I had to delete both to make the errors stop.

Are these the kinds of things I'm supposed to report on the GitHub? ^^; Next time it happens I'll copy the error and post it.

Also wanted to add that I really love the Bone extension to this family of mods. The floors are probably my favorite part. They all look really nice and are a nice break from all the Vanilla flooring. They're pretty much my new staple for hallway flooring. =]

Oh! And the "dice rolls" being visible is also incredibly helpful. But I tend to be a person that likes to know all the variables involved rather than just surrender to the mystery of mods.

Vampire mod blew my mind as I'm a huge fan of the World of Darkness setting! Now that you have Werewolves and Vampires covered, any thoughts about trying to implement a Mage the Ascension mod? That's my favorite of the three. ^^;  Some of the Conventions/Traditions have some relevance to basic Rimworld mechanics. The most obvious ones are Conventions since it is more SciFi-ish than fantasy: Iteration X and and Bionics and Crafting; Progenitors and Medicine and Animals (including genetic engineering); Void Engineers and travel (space or dimensional; gates to other parts of the map, for example); Syndicate and trade.
Releases / Re: [B18] A RimWorld of Magic
March 22, 2018, 04:52:27 AM
Just from a design standpoint, I noticed that most classes tie not only to combat but to some kind of utility in the day-to-day life of the colonists. However, it doesn't look like there is anything that helps out with farming/plant growth, which seems would easily fall into the realm of Druids (earth magic). Druids in general seem to have quite a bit of overlap with other types of magic/classes.

In general, when classes overlap in abilities (e.g., multiple classes can heal) they in turn lose their uniqueness unless they are intended to be a hybrid. I think you had some clear vision on how the different combat/magic classes fill unique shoes on the battlefield.

Here are some thoughts you may or may not find helpful just based on my fondness for elemental systems and magic in games. :

  • Water (ice) is traditionally associated with healing and purity in most cultures. Water is also associated  with emotions and thus our connections to other people.
    Rimworld associations
    : Social (recruitment, relation scores), Medicine (tending speed and quality), Art (connection to emotions), Cleaning. Perhaps even a spell to counter or mitigate heatwaves.  I believe you already have a spell to make it rain (to counter wildfires).
  • Earth/Nature is inclined towards well... flora and (sometimes) fauna. However, Earth magic can also refer to the actual dirt/rock that serves as the foundation for us land-dwellers as the "nature" aspect of Earth usuall only happens when you pair it with water. Building/construction and craftsmanship are typical associations of earth, as we use its resources (rocks, metal, etc.) to mold into tools and structures. In this regard, trade also falls into the earth element.
    Rimworld associations
    : Construction, Crafting (Tailoring, Stonecutting), Mining, Social (Trade, specifically), Growing, and/or Handling. Since it's heavy on non-combat skills, maybe it is the least combat-oriented class? If anything, Earth is associated with defense more than offense. Perhaps even an ignore terrain spell in regards to movement speed or temporarily increase the fertility of patches of ground (even if its just in the form of a item that increases in radius like the Fertility Totem in Rim of Madness: Cults). Terraforming (added in from other mods) would be another natural association.
  • Fire, of course, is often the high DPS specialization due to the destructive nature of fire, thus it's associated with strength and power. However, it also be associated with "burning away" impurities and the general necessity of heat to sustain life. Interestingly, it also associated with the spirit/soul and that "spark" of life (big bang, for example) found in all things. Fire's association with transformation ranges from symbolic, such as the Phoenix and its renewal, all the way to the more pragmatic use of fire in transforming ore into metals/alloys fit for forging. This association with transformation extends to modern chemistry as well, where a general rule of thumb is that burning things changes them on a chemical level.
    Rimworld associations
    : Crafting (Smithing, smelting), Handling (maybe), Melee, Carry Weight (strength), and Cooking (including Food Poisoning chance). Perhaps even a spell to counter/mitigate cold snaps.
  • Air is tricky, as some associate it with lightning (as you have) while others the wind. Some use both. Lightning is often associated with reflexes, naturally. I think the spell to fill a battery is really cool and can save my colony's ass during an perfect storm of "Zzzzt" events and solar flares. xD Wind is commonly more focused on communication... "Words are wind!", to quote A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones. It gets more complicated with the "wind" part because of its relation to communication extends to written word, which further extends into the realm of knowledge and thinking... which further extends into logical thought and precision... It's a little fitting because wind isn't a stationary thing in the world.
    Rimworld associations
    : Research/Intellectual (including drug crafting speed), movement speed, shooting (accuracy, specifically), dodging, carry weight (light as a feather!) and Medicine (surgery). Perhaps even a counter/mitigation to toxic fallout (as it is spread via air).
Hopefully you get some inspiration from these (if you were even searching for any). It would be cool to see some more options regarding colony utility for the different classes, as they clearly have drawbacks in regards to combat utility (e.g., starting a wildfire with a Fire Mage). Perhaps you can even make a forced choice where they have to pick between a combat spell or a utility spell. It would make those magically inclined people that aren't soldiers/combatants still make use of specific class. Your (1) researcher/surgeon/hauler/hunter can specialize in air; (2) doctor/artist/cleaner/recruiter on Water; (3) trader/crafter/construction/miner on Earth; (4) Smelter/Smith/Cook/Brawler on Fire.
If I wasn't clear, this is probably the most exciting mods I've come across in a while. Utility/QoL mods are great, but this one shows a great deal of creativity that I admire and think this game can use more of. It'd be nice to see some screenshots and proper advertisement for the mod would help in getting more feedback as the OP doesn't really convey how much work has gone into it. I'm sure plenty of this mods artistically-inclined fans of this mod would be happy to help out in that regard if you ask!

If you wanted someone to bounce ideas off of for mechanics type things I'm your guy. I can be a useful mind to run things past when it comes to balance and making sure every class stays unique and tempting.
Quote from: Thangunis on March 21, 2018, 10:42:00 AM
Is there a spreadsheet or a something so I can easily decide upon my outfits for each class?

I constantly refer to the above page to decide on what to have everyone wear. ;) Also, looks like it was last updated on 2/26/2018, which may indicate that it's current.

I wish there was a spreadsheet that compiles on the popular mods that adds apparel... There exists that kind of spreadsheet for weapons:
Releases / Re: [A17] PowerSwitch (0.17.6 / 09.06.2017)
October 14, 2017, 08:29:27 PM
Quote from: NemesisN on October 13, 2017, 06:03:28 PM
wedekit thank you for the screenshot it helps a lot and it should be posted on main top post as a example

Kinda shame I have to place switches all around the base looks just ugly but what can you do

Suggestion: Mabye re-code the switch so the object triggers the switch when the colonist is near the object that is connected to conduit which is connected to a would solve placing switches all around....1 switch would be able to control multiple rooms (in current state colonist needs to be near the switch and not the object for the switch to be triggered, very confusing for someone who first time uses the mod)

No problem, glad I could help. If Haplo wants to use the image as an example in the OP I say go for it. Documentation in general isn't a strong suit in this modding community, so it's something to get used to. I basically learned XML (which is fairly elementary and easy to learn) and eventually a bit of C# just to get to the bottom of Rimworld mods and what they are coded to do.

You could probably accomplish the "one switch" instead of dozens with some careful/strategic power conduit placement, but you'd have to probably also design your base to accommodate. Meaning lots of planning. You could also look into the Power Logic mod, which adds circuitry type objects/structures to make complex circuitry (not unlike red dust from Minecraft). AND, OR, XOR, floor/weight sensors, temperature sensors, etc. options. I'm not good at coming up with stuff like that from scratch, so I couldn't help you much with designing anything.

One of the structures in Power Logic is a little satellite that can send signals across the map to activate receivers. So placing them on the edge and set to trigger when they detects enemies. Then a receiver attached to turrets will activate them all when the "enemy signal" reaches it. It's very versatile. The tradeoff is that you'll have a lot of clutter/"ugly" structures spread out everywhere. It's why I tend not to use any of the stuff from Power Logic.
Releases / Re: [A17] PowerSwitch (0.17.6 / 09.06.2017)
October 13, 2017, 04:30:12 PM
Quote from: NemesisN on October 13, 2017, 09:20:43 AM
Can you post a screenshot of your switch connected to a lamp or something and connected to a power source that will trigger automatic switch ON when colonist enters the room and switch OFF when colonist leaves the room

Because here is what I figured out so far....the colonist or enemy needs to be near the switch not the object you want to be automatically turned ON in order for the switch to react. That means I need to place a switch behind every single lamp and try to connect them with conduit without them touching other conduit and that is very difficult when you have room to room (2 or more rooms next to each other) especially in prison where I wan't the power turned on in cell just when there is a prisoner in it...its hard for me to manually just keep switching on and off each cell once I get a prisoner in it.

Other thing is that you have a default set radius for the switch to active when the colonist is in that set radius and I can't configure it myself. Only what I can configure is the timer one. That means if the default radius is 100 the colonist that just walks around the park near a 100 radius from the switch will activate lights in a room where nobody is in and waste my power.

Here, I was in a position to post a screenshot of how I have it set up for both room and turrets.

So for all the bedrooms (at the top of the pic) I have them all set to the motion detection (green pawn button). As you can see, they all have one tile of power conduit on the other side of the power switch, all unattached to anything but the power switch. The lamps (or whatever you want) have to be attached to that little slither of power conduit and not to the other side of it. Otherwise it will just stay powered. 

As you can see in my pawn Mie's room, the power switch "opens up" and draws a blue line (power current). It'll also close off again automatically (without needing a pawn to flick it) when she wakes up and leaves. I use this same format for setting up my hospital room. Lights, TV, and vitals machines are all attached to a power switch set to motion detection.

Just as a tip, the invisible power conduits also included in this mod are great for when you have to draw them outside of walls and into rooms. You only see them when the power tab is open. I wouldn't mind invisible power switches too, tbh.

Anyways, at the bottom is how I tend to set up my turrets. The turrets are all technically outside. My power switch is inside. It's set to detect nearby enemies. When I hover over the icon I think it says 137 range or something. When an enemy is nearby, the power switch will automatically set itself to be "flicked." So it falls on the player to make sure they have dedicated flickers (specifically non combatants as you'll likely have your combatants drafted). However, in my experiences, it doesn't detect aggressive/manhunting animals as enemies, so they won't trigger the power switch to set itself to be flicked. I found that out when I had a stampede of manhunting bears.

But the main points are that the enemy detection doesn't automatically turn on and off like the room motion sensor setting. Also, the power switch does detect enemies through obstacles, since my power switch is clearly inside my base.

If the mod isn't working like this for you then there may be some kind of conflict with another mod, etc. Haplo would be the authority to ask on that one.

Hope this was helpful. 
Releases / Re: [A17] Orassans 🐱
October 09, 2017, 06:45:06 AM
I'm afraid I have to agree with some of these recent critiques regarding the Orassan.

There are no counterbalancing elements against all these Orassan perks... There's a .05% decrease in mining speed, but otherwise nothing. There are plenty of things you could do to balance this all out. You can go back and forth and argue about hypothetical alien races and how they've developed or "evolved" on their worlds... but the fact of the mater is they've been designed after a family of animals found on Earth (cats), they use weapons peculiarly similar in design to Earth weapons, and their clothing/armor designed are so very similar to Earth designs as well. So arguments of "well they're alien" slowly start losing the ability to hold water when you start isolating all the elements that are so very "Earth" in perspective. To think all ranged weaponry would look the same throughout the galaxy is just silly, in my opinion.

  • Reduce any number of things concerning ranged combat (think about how you have to position your hands to pull a trigger and the mechanics behind a humanoid with retractable claws). Orassan weapons can be designed to accommodate their own hands (paws?), but regular weapons found in the game would not.
  • Limit or nix their ability to use growing and make them carnivores in diet. If they have claws and fangs, it's not a stretch to believe their bodies are designed process only meat.
  • If they have problems mining, chances are they'll have troubles with human construction and repairing. The base game is about humans and their buildings, structures, items, and other designs. A .05 decrease in effectiveness is hardly a counterbalance for their high innate melee damage, for the record.
  • Greatly increase the likelihood of the trait "night owl." Cat species are often nocturnal. Cats (minus lions) are also not pack animals. It would be fitting for them to be up at night while everyone else is asleep, doing their own thing.
  • Increase their chances of getting into social fights with other colonists. Cats don't really care to be agreeable. It's why I find domestic cats so charming.

The list can go on, but the point is the focus so far has been only on positive things and nothing about negative. That's why this "mary sue" terminology has been thrown into the mix. Think of the Asari from Mass Effect... They are supposed to be this genderless science-focused alien race... but they have pretty faces and big breasts (even though they aren't mammals...). Oh, and they can mate with every species in the galaxy. And refer to their leaders as matriarchs... But they're genderless.

Based on what I see right now, I have to agree with many of the critiques regarding the "mary sue" (or "author's pet") elements. Beautiful, smart (research speed), nudist, innate high melee damage, and gay. Not to mention the recent admission by the author that, true to heteronormative tradition, the females would be the gay ones if they could support it with coding... All that's missing is maid outfits for those that bother to wear clothes. 
Quote from: SpaceDorf on October 08, 2017, 07:35:33 AM
You can either produce crucible cores at the federation table, when you researched the right tech, or you gather them and foerum by smelting federation equipment.
Smelting Equiment and Buying is also the only way to get your hands on foerum.  ( btw. foerum is awesome when used for doors )

Thank you! I'm at the point where I'm probably just gonna force federation raids with the debug menu. My wealth and colony size has steadily increased and I hardly get any raids on Cass rough. I got them all the time at the beginning. It's like she fell asleep.

I've had foerum sold in a few shops and quite a bit drop from pods (thanks to Cthulu). I'll def give foerum doors a shot!
Outdated / Re: [A17] Toolmetrics: Work Tools for Pawns
October 08, 2017, 01:23:10 PM
Quote from: Ncates1234 on October 08, 2017, 09:42:46 AM
Quote from: Chronometrics on September 04, 2017, 12:21:28 PM
Additionally, I have no plans to make objects such as pillows, blankets, or forks as accessories at the moment. Mechanically, the goal is to give the player interesting choices for their primary equipment slot. Having all the bonuses equipable without occupying that valuable slot defeats the purpose and would require rebalancing. Environmentally, you hold a fork in your hand and you can't hold both a fork and a gun and use them effectively.

Plus, it's hilarious to get a first raid with an Assassin background pawn carrying a pillow as a weapon =D
So I've read trough the comments...
Assassin with a pillow is rather scary actually, but could you atleast make a separate patch to make minor tools as accessories for those who don't like raiders with books and flowers raiding their home?

I mean you can still hold a pistol and that fork right? You do have 2 bionic hands after all...

To be honest, I just use simple sidearms with it. I put backpacks on my people that typically haul, scalpels and first aid kits on my doctors, chefs knives for the cooks, power drills on repair/maintenance/builders, and scythes (really speeds up planting and cutting) and my growers. Oh and whistle/leash for my handler. The encyclopedia on researcher.

Most of the other items are not really worth the time of micromanaging. And I suspect the door open speed items don't work as intended. I haven't tried them myself, but I've learned a bit about the XML and C# for modding the game and door open speed is strictly a building stat. It's the same as putting a bed rest effectiveness stat on a weapon... if it's not the bed, there's it does nothing.
Releases / Re: [A17b] Power Logic - (v1.5) (14.06.2017)
October 08, 2017, 12:11:25 AM
I don't have a circuitry/engineering mind. I'd love to see some of the smaller useful things people have come up with so I can mimic it. ;)

Also, do enemies attack things like the proximity detector?
I have also had inconsistent elections.

I'm more concerned that you only get the leadership "aura" bonus when you are in the same room as a leader. It makes many of the +speed effects a little useless. For example, most people put their research table in its own room, so good luck ever getting the research bonus.. unless the researcher is the leader, of course. And unless your operating on the leader, good luck getting your surgery/doctoring bonuses. Fortunately in my current game my doctor is one of the two leaders...
Outdated / Re: [A17] Toolmetrics: Work Tools for Pawns
October 07, 2017, 11:16:05 PM
Quote from: Ncates1234 on October 07, 2017, 03:50:00 PM
The mod is amazing, but has problems. Not bugs but just silly stuff.
You need to make a new clothing slot for "Tools" like bundle of roses, backpacks-duffelbags (especially)
little tools like screwdrivers, scalpel and stuff not made for fighting in general. although scalpel could be made more dangerous and made an actual weapon

Stuff like drill, axe, pickaxe kept as weapons.

It just seems stupid how raiders come with bundle of flowers or books to beat my colonists.

Most important would be backpacks... My god should you make it an actual clothing, not a weapon. Who carries damned "Back-"packs in hands?

I'm not a huge fan of raids coming in with the tools either. It's  little silly how they all rush you and try to poke you with a thimble. It also makes it so the hospitality mod ends up with a base full of these items when a satisfied visitor leaves.
Quote from: SpaceDorf on October 07, 2017, 09:53:50 AM
Has to be an unzip failure, I have the current version myself and my Faction file works.
Try redownloading the Zip and delete your current folder, maybe more is missing.

If this does not work, try the attachment.

Actually it turned out to be some kind of weird internet explorer issue. I've never gotten around to changing the default program to notepad++ so I typically view XMLs in it. So that's my fault for being lazy... and I'm now officially notepad++ defaulted. Sorry for that!

I did the research and have all the Rimsenal worktables made (including that for Federation) but was trying to figure out where I got cores from to actually craft Federation items. I hadn't heard or seen anything about a federation in my global relations (I have the faction mod that spawns them without making a new game... can't remember name) so I got curious and started poking around the mod folder. When poking around the DEFs it popped up and I figured that's why they haven't attacked me yet. Ferals have been at me a couple of times but no federation.

Anyways, since then I've used the debug menu to spawn a couple of waves and everything is in working order for Federation. Still no cores but I'll figure that out.

Let me just say how fantastic the textures are for this mod. My current resolution makes it so I don't get to see much of the detail of the smaller items (guns and armor) but I can admire the documentation and texture folder anytime I want, lol. Federation raids look very, very polished when grouped together.
Erm.. current Rimsenal -- Federation A17 download has a FactionDefs file ("FedFaction") with only one line... "FPC Federation Peacekeeper Corps". For obvious reasons, they don't even spawn in game.

I'm gonna copy over the A16 version code and assume that'll fix it, but just thought I'd point out the problem.