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Messages - Sig

I'm running two simultaneous big colonies, modded now, in temperate forest and temperate swamp, largest default map 325x325 i think it was. No lag even in the third speed. The 64 bit adition is truly the game changer of 1.0.

It would be nice to have the main menu display whether the 32 bit or 64 bit version has been launched, because it is not always clear, like when the game autorestarts after changing mods, or when launching it from the steam tray icon.
Of all the new art, I also don't agree with how meat and silver look like.

I have no knowledge of anywhere in the west where meat is cut, stored and presented in the form of cubes, unless its some form of grinded meat, so for me and I guess also for the rest who don't like it, it looks unnatural. A drawing of a steak, or two steaks one on top of the other would be more representative.

Regarding silver, considering it is used as currency, it could be expected for inhabitants of the planet to have adopted a better way of transporting storing and counting silver, like ingots of different lengths, since balls are harder to store and measure. Also considering it is a metal, it would appeal more to the collective imagination to have it presented in the shape of an ingot, rather than the actual stones which can represent anything. A new player would never tell that the silver texture is a metal, at first sight it resembles rubble or something else.

I like the rest of the new textures, but it will take time to get used to the new components.
I suggest slowing down the deterioration rate of hay when roofed outdoors. Having elephants entering buildings through doors to eat the hay makes me feel strange things deep within my soul.
Today I started several naked brutality games in different biomes to check, and in two of the attemps I got the catatonic breakdown mental break, which was instant game over. I was thinking that perhaps it could be reserved for states of extreme mental break chance, because in one of the occasions I don't think it was major even. Or perhaps lower the chance of that particular mental break happening when you have only one colonist, because It was quite annoying having to set up the game again just for that.

If a meteor landed on the pawn it would be unlucky but still would make up for a good story, but a catatonic breakdown until death by starvation for no major situations like raw cannibalism and so feels wrong, even in extreme (was extreme). But maybe it is just my perception of the matter.
Quote from: mndfreeze on July 13, 2018, 08:47:07 AM
Quote from: Sig on July 13, 2018, 08:23:33 AM
Quote from: DubskiDude on July 12, 2018, 01:27:11 PM
Quote from: Tynan on July 12, 2018, 08:26:58 AM
That's a terrible way to play, btw. The game is designed for loss and recovery, you're totally neutering it.

I'm gonna redesign how permadeath is presented. Maybe on by default.

Tynan, I respect you as a dev, but making permadeath mandatory would be a terrible idea.

And also useless. All it takes to bypass permadeath is instant alt+F4 and load the last autosave.

It seems pretty apparent to me he just said to change it to being the DEFAULT setting and how its presented, not taking away the ability for turning it off.  Quite simply the checkbox checked on instead of off when you start a new game.  I'm not sure why everyone is missing this and so argumentative over it. 

IMO Tynan has an a vision for how he thinks the game is generally meant to be played as after all he did design it.  He also knows there are tons of other types of players who play for different reasons, hence the ability to check the box on and off, change storytellers, difficulties, etc. 

If someone wants to keep permadeath mode turned on, but then ALT-F4 they are doing nothing but cheating themselves.  IMO switching the defaults to perma on is perfectly fine and would most likely help a lot of new players understand the design goal vision a little easier as I'm sure quite a lot of people don't really grasp it right away.  It's easy for people to see this more as a colony sim where they think they are supposed to play perfectly vs suffer, lose and rebuild.

All of that said, unfair stuff definitely happens in this game.  That's what we are in this thread to help Tynan figure out.  Balance, improvements, etc.  I came to Rimworld from DF and I definitely struggled for a long time (and still do sometimes) to view the game as a story maker and less of a colony sim.  I bounce back and forth between permadeath games and not and some days I'm totally ok with getting my ass handed to me a few hours into a colony to some bad RNG, other times I save scum or ragequit and take a break.  I wish I had started watching hardcore/extreme type players who are all about the story on youtube/twitch before I played and I think I wouldn't have some of the same bad habits I do now.

TL;DR: changing how perma is presented is totally fine and has zero effect on anyone already playing, as does changing the default checkbox to ON instead of off.

I never assumed he wanted to make it mandatory. By replying to that other message I was trying to make a point of how I perceive the permadeath mode as useless in its current state, since it doesn't enforce anything and can be bypassed if the tentation arises, therefore permadeath mode is more in the mindset of the player than anything else.
Quote from: DubskiDude on July 12, 2018, 01:27:11 PM
Quote from: Tynan on July 12, 2018, 08:26:58 AM
That's a terrible way to play, btw. The game is designed for loss and recovery, you're totally neutering it.

I'm gonna redesign how permadeath is presented. Maybe on by default.

Tynan, I respect you as a dev, but making permadeath mandatory would be a terrible idea.

And also useless. All it takes to bypass permadeath is instant alt+F4 and load the last autosave.
Randy extreme. Plasteel plate armor, normal quality, and a plasteel gladius normal quality, 10 melee skill, the pawn managed to down a scyther with charge lance on his own, with only some bruises as a result.

I like this new system. Before, even with armor, small wounds were inevitable in melee, which often ended up infected if not at base. Now melee warfare is much more viable and it pays off to use expensive and rare materials to craft armor.
Another situation: a map with caves and dormant hives. When raiders appear (not sappers), they attack my double walls. When they destroy an outer wall block, some leave my fortress and go attack the insects in the caves, rather than to keep attacking the walls.
Kinda an exploit: If the walls of an ancient shrine are claimed, raiders will go and attack it, liberating the mechanoids and bringing forth their doom, and the doom of the next 3-4 raids. In the end you get off your back some raids, and get someone else to kill the mechanoids for you. Maybe making shrine walls unclaimable would avoid this situation, though its up to the player to do it or not in the end.
Quote from: Oblitus on July 05, 2018, 07:03:43 PM
The jungle is still barren.

1.0 freshly generated jungle:
0.18 freshly generated jungle:

In the older version, every fertile tile was occupied by some kind of vegetation. Now, no less than half is just bare. In fact, flora density of current jungle is somewhere around that of 0.18 boreal forest:

I've also noticed this. A tropical swamp used to have vegetation everywhere, but now even at regular temperatures, the dirt is much more noticeable.
Why won't predators hunt humanlikes anymore? I strongly oppose this, I really hope it is just temporary.

It has always been a thrill when in tropical biomes panthers begin to roam the outskirts of the base, that sensation of danger added to the experience. It would make sense if cobras didn't go for humanoids, but big predators not trying to hunt colonists seems very wrong to me. It takes away the challenge of some biomes, and also the immersion.

This could be a thing in lower difficulties, but passive predators in extreme doesn't feel right.
I just built an awful wooden dresser, I thought the "awful" quality was removed. Screenshot in the attachment.

[attachment deleted due to age]
Regarding the old "Ok" turned into "Dismiss", I personally feel it was good as it was. "Ok" being universally understood as "I get it, no action taken" while dismiss can be more ambiguous.

Example with a prisoner rescue quest: "Dismiss" or "Jump to location", made it feel like dismiss would remove or discard the quest, and jump to location would accept the quest.
Hello Saebbi, I paste here this comment that I got in the Mantodean mod workshop, in case it is useful:

QuoteCE patch has a borked XML line in it, causing it to not work. Error given is 'XML error: Duplicate XML node name statBases in this XML block', the offending line is:

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

I don't know how to actually fix it, but plinking the line out entirely does at least let the patch work again.
Quote from: Harry_Dicks on February 11, 2018, 08:38:00 PM
I ended up making a full post about my thoughts for a playable xenomorph (Alien, Aliens) race. Thought that you might like to take a look at it, maybe adapt some of the ideas. It is a little bit of a wall, I'll say. Only because I've been thinking about this for a couple of weeks. A lot of the ideas I had for that, I tried to adapt for your mantodeans as well. Anyway, of course I don't "own" any of these ideas, but thought that you might care to take a look, and see if anything would fit what you want for your mod :)

Thank you, I'll take a look
Thank you all for your comments and ideas, I want to implement more stuff, but it will be a slow process over time.

Quote"- Would be nice if you could relabel the backstory so they include "Mantodean". This is special with the use of Prepare Carefully very handy."

Yes I noticed that in prepare carefully you can manually pick other non mantodean backstories for them, but I'm not sure if that can be avoidad or how yet, I would have to download prepare carefully and look at its files.
Thank you for the ideas, I really appreciate them, after all it's the ideas what make things move forward, I have never programmed or modded before, but I wanted a race like this and since no one had done it yet I started this.

Related to the cheap throw away upgrades, that is a very good idea, instead of bionic expensive parts, being able to grow specialized biological implants in an embryo or something (workstation) through crafting, implants that would substitute body parts and give special bonuses further than just increased performance. Using human meat to produce them or as stimulants as you propose would be an interesting idea. I think it is also possible to make some bodyparts show aditionally (or not show when missing) with the alien races framework, so it should perhaps allow the game to draw and actually see these bionic implants in their bodies.

To be honest you are right about the clothes, one of the reasons I disallowed them to wear clothes was that I wanted to see their bodies rather than a megaspider head over a parka (they would always spawn with parkas due to their low cold tolerance lol). Instead of trying to make clothes that fit them, perhaps that time would be better spent making new more detailed bodies and heads, and tying them to backstories since the alien race framework seems to allow that, so each bacsktory would have a unique body, more bulky warriors, smaller gatherers, and so on, like it happens to some degree in nature.

The eggs idea and growing them as cheap pawns would require more than just modifying .xml files, so right now it's beyond my abilities, but it's a nice idea to keep in mind for the future.