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Messages - ShivaFang

Ideas / Re: Aim or Snap
June 30, 2014, 08:21:28 PM
Quote from: johntiger on June 30, 2014, 01:19:55 PM
To me, they are more of cooldown timers than aiming to make battle manageable and predictable. What I am proposing is a trade-off between faster firing rate and accuracy. Therefore, I propose making those current cooldown timers as snap shot mode. Switch to aim mode to gain longer cooldown but more accurate shots.

I'd prefer the ability to toggle faster but less accurate shots, as most combats I'm outnumbered greatly and more shots is helpful, hence why I think the current 'cooldown' is actually the aiming time and a snap shot would be much faster.
General Discussion / Re: repair faction hate
June 30, 2014, 12:11:32 PM
Quote from: Tynan on June 29, 2014, 09:34:09 AM
Relations should shift over time into a certain range. I think for tribes it is like -70 to 70. However this was never carefully tuned so I may have mistuned it or broken it :(

Currently broken - unless some factions are right up hostile (Like the Thieves).  I have 3 factions that are -97 to -99 and those numbers haven't changed all game.  I didn't interact with them to make it worse or anything that I know of (unless they hate you more when they lose after attacking you)  I bribed the nearby tribe who was at -40 something to be neutral, though (which actually creates problems because now when the tribe and the nearby settlement both visit they start fighting each other 0-0)
General Discussion / Re: Day 204.
June 30, 2014, 12:05:31 PM
Quote from: DeltaV on June 30, 2014, 09:33:29 AM
How does the gauntlet work? If I know anything about raiders, they'd just have an guy with an M24 pick off the turrets one by one from out of range. What kind of raids to you get on Phoebe?

To get around the M24 issue - create a wall that they have to go around and as soon as they get around it they are in range of the turrets.  The M24 can't do anything about that.  Tynan said he's planning on adding artillery that goes over walls, though (then the easy solution is to build indoors/underground.)
General Discussion / Re: Multiple Researchers
June 30, 2014, 12:02:42 PM
I know building 2 research stations allows 2 researchers to work them.  I would imagine that they each add progress to the current research.  (That said, the current technologies are so quick that I typically have them all done within a few game days - so I only did this on my first play through and only ever had 1 researcher every other playthrough.)
Ideas / Re: "Guest" tab for non-hostile visitors?
June 30, 2014, 11:41:47 AM
I definitely wish there were more ways to interact with visitors.  I think all they do currently is;
1)  Attack other factions they are hostile to.
2)  allow you to arrest them (if you want to go to war with that faction).

As it stands now, I feel they are pointless except when I'm being attacked.  "Oh wow, more random people visiting that I can't really interact with.  *snore*" and when I am attacked the attacking force always outnumbers the visitors so it's a quick roll before they come for me, so still pointless.  For some strange reason they go for wherever I've got meals stored and just hang out there.

Being able to chat with them to increase faction reputation a little while they are there (and possibly increase their loyalty to recruit them) would be huge. 

You don't even really have to create the ability to 'guest' them, just send someone to chat with them when they are visiting - either by recruiting your colonist and moving him to where they are (and let them chat normally) or perhaps a new 'task' called 'Diplomacy' that works like the Warden except chats with visitors.  Have it so that visitors that like you already are more likely to visit you than new, random ones.  Thus you can 'win them over' over the course of repeated visits.
Ideas / Re: Roof to Sun Lamps
June 30, 2014, 11:37:56 AM
I'd rather have a greenhouse walls that create a greenhouse roof that lets in sunlight but not rain (actually that would be awesome for putting batteries next to solar generators too)

Then, I'd also like it if sunlamps would turn themselves off when they already have regular sun on them as well.
Ideas / Re: Aim or Snap
June 30, 2014, 11:29:30 AM
The current shots are 'aimed' shots.  A snap shot would be faster than the current shot IMO.

You'll notice if you have a colonist selected they have this 'arc' appear on their gun and when it shrinks fully they shoot - that's their 'aiming' timer.  A snap shot would be shorter than that, and the 'arc' would be the random range of the misfire.

'glancing blows' only really happen if their skill is low (which it will be for everyone who doesn't have shooting as an interest or burning passion, because they level slowly)
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
June 30, 2014, 10:50:44 AM
* Squirrels could occasionally (about as often as they go insane) try to nibble on the nearest power cable left outside.  If they chew through it they get electrocuted and die.

QuoteBeing able to select what foods a colonist is allowed to eat would be nice. We could set prisoners to eat only paste or simple meals so they wouldn't eat all your expensive meals. Or set the other colonists to eat lower tier food so you can build up your stocks of luxury meals you're making for a unhappy, nearly psychopathic colonist.

Reading this made me think of something I tried to do that didn't work as expected.

I tried to install a paste machine in the prison area so that prisoners could feed themselves (I had the hopper behind it so that my colonists didn't have to go in the prison to put stuff in the hopper.

The prisoners were still delivered meals.  So I turned off the 'gets food' so they didn't get delivered meals.  They starved (even though the paste machine was in the room).  And I know the paste machine works because at one point I had no meals cooked (the power was out to my oven, but not my dispenser) and my colonists ate from it.

I don't really 'get' the point of the paste dispenser because the cook oven is so much better, I thought it was for prisoners, but it apparently isn't.

SO, to sum all that up into the 'cheap ideas'....

*  allow prisoner AI to use the paste dispenser when hungry if one is accessible.
General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself!
June 30, 2014, 08:33:26 AM
Hi I'm Justin, AKA ShivaFang.  I've also been tinkering with game making as a hobby, but I launched a company doing so a few years ago.  Haven't published anything noteworthy (yet).

My room-mate told me about this game - I was looking for something in this genre after he started a Let's Play series of Banished.  He said Banished doesn't have a whole lot of depth and wasn't worth the money.  Dwarf Fortress is too complicated for me, I can't get around the UI.  He recommended this and Prison Tycoon (I think it was Prison Tycoon, but I'm not sure I just know it was a Prison game) based on Let's Plays he has watched, and after watching a bit of splattercatgaming's lets play I decided to pick it up.

My favourite other game varies, as I tire of games and find new game and then go back to old ones.  I'm currently playing a lot of Factorio.
I *really* like the idea of staggering it based on how many colonists and turrets were lost vs how many raiders were killed.  Maybe use the #colonists + 0.4*#turrets as a baseline and then the storyteller can adjust this baseline based on how effective each wave was.
Quote from: Tynan on April 12, 2014, 11:53:26 PM
ColonistCount + 0.4*TurretCount

Is this formula used for 'psychic waves' too?  It seems to me the more turrets I have the more squirrels come in a wave (which is flat out stupid since turrets will not target squirrels)  I pretty much always lose to being zerged by squirrels and I haven't figured out an effective way to deal with them other than reloading the save 2 saves before and hoping that the RNG doesn't pick squirrels again =(

Other than that, I pretty much agree with exactly what AlexxKay wrote two posts above me.