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Topics - Kirid

Help / Glitched text
August 17, 2014, 12:59:50 PM
I activated several mods, then restarted the game, when I loading it again the game text is extremely glitchy. This has happened to me in previous alphas. Not certain, but I don't think any one mod is doing it.

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Off-Topic / Outpost - Awesome (not a) knockoff
July 10, 2014, 01:42:16 AM
Hadn't seen anyone post this yet. Looks similar to rimworld, but it is very different. Super fun ;D
Idk if advertising for other games is okay.. but its free to download!
Quote on indiedb from the author:
QuoteI'm going to put my hand on my heart and say I'd never even heard of Rimworld till a few days ago when Outpost started getting some public attention.
I've had a look at the Rimworld site (not played it yet) And in my mind my main influence when developing the game was actually FTL.. its a WAY for more similar game to that than Rimworld.
Help / Alpha 4 dll references
July 01, 2014, 11:38:28 PM
I'm having trouble updating my modular solars dll.
I fixed the sections of code that changed but I'm getting an error concerning my references.
A Problem occured while trying to set the "References" parameter for the IDE's in-process compiler. Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.
Currently my references are Assembly-CSharp and Unity Engine from my Rimworld 4f folder.

Also my class starts with
using UnityEngine;
using Verse;
No error from that but unsure if it's causing the problem or should perhaps be using Assembly-CSharp instead.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Help / Blueprint texture glitches
May 19, 2014, 12:54:42 PM
This is a recurring issue, when placing a blueprint it will sometimes switch to another completely random texture.
Example: placing a geyser generator, the generator is transparent red on most terrain, then when over a geyser it turns into a green square or giant green toilet(from clutter mod) when it should be a green generator.
Once placed, the blueprint looks blue like normal, and when built the buildings look and operate fine.
I'm currently running 40 mods, no compatability issues otherwise, but I've experienced this with a lot fewer mods, and with different game versions.
I've had textures change to all sorts of things, can provide screenshots if needed.
Anyone know what causes it?
General Discussion / Stockpiles permanent?
May 09, 2014, 09:42:02 AM
Are stockpiles as they exist currently a permanent feature? I know dwarf fortress and many other similar games rely on the the stockpile method, but it seems like there would be a better solution.
Why not have a silo-like building to store resources, a scrap pile, silver safe. Items like meals take up anywhere from 10-30 spaces, but could logically occupy a space as small as 1-3.
It's still alpha so I may be jumping the gun, but I really hope something different can be figured out.
Stockpiles take up extreme amounts of space and are quite an eyesore. About half of any colony I build ends up being stockpile space.
I'm wondering if its possible to code a building to have a toggle for passability. This would achieve the same effect as selling and rebuilding a wall section between raids, back/side doors for your colonists.
This might be possible with a new building class. Passability isn't super hardcoded as far as I've seen.
In the Assembly-CSharp; Traversability is where to start, then follow that to passability in EntityDef, which is used by many things.
Just looking for opinions or help. My attempts at writing the code were mostly met with failure.
Help / Many Dll Questions
April 26, 2014, 04:06:49 AM
I have a lot of questions about dlls, I'm going to post them all here as opposed to separate threads or within another discussions. Other people are welcome to ask questions, and hopefully no question is too dumb. I've done up to step 5 of writing custom code and I have CAssembly pulled up in ILSpy. Maybe this will help create a few simple FAQ on dlls for the modding page.

First question: What does my 'using' header need to contain?
Most of the CAssembly dlls are only using System;. Only using others only when needed.
Does my modded code need to contain all of these, or just what it uses?   Is it bad to include them if not used, or is it good to include them all in case the code needs it?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

using UnityEngine;
//using AI;      //if needed
//using Sound         
//using UI;

Second: When exactly do I overwrite/reitterate existing code, or should I only include what code I want to add? This is an example of trying to make a new SurfaceType.
Original:using System;
public enum SurfaceType

New Surface Type:using System;
public enum SurfaceType

ORusing System;
public enum SurfaceType

Or would something like this work at all?
Help / Robot faction help
April 25, 2014, 09:11:28 AM
I'm really close to having a robot faction:P
I started with a version that made them as an animal, It worked fine. I added them as a faction, that worked except they don't move then.
My problem is that I don't know how to define their backstory.
<hasStory>true</hasStory> makes them not spawn at all.
<hasStory>false</hasStory>makes them spawn but they won't move because they have no skills(from backstory).
They have an identical ThinkTree as normal Humanoids, I just copied it and renamed it.
I also don't know how to make them able to be arrested and added to colony. Currently they can only be attacked.
If you load the mod, spawn them in with godmode, or use a comms console with godmode to increase your relation then request aid. This will show what the act like at the moment.
It might be going nowhere, But I feel like I'm really close.

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Unfinished / [Unfinished Mod] (Alpha 3) Heavy Door
April 25, 2014, 07:30:37 AM

The menu texture and blueprints are misleading, the door still builds the same size as a regular door, which is why it is unfinished.
I like it enough, I'll try to solve making it build like the picture, unless someone else knows how.
It has 800 Health, cost 150 metal, fireproof, transmits power, but doesn't require it.
I Think it doesn't let them "move through quickly" like a powered door, it only transmits for convenience sake.
I'm not sure how raiders react to it or if it is useful/balanced.
Let me know what you think.

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Outdated / [A11]Extra Research Tables (1.7)
April 22, 2014, 08:03:24 AM
Extra Research Tables

Adds 2 new research tables of different sizes and textures. A computer console and a chemistry desk.
Functions the same as a normal research table.

This now only includes the research console, which overwrites vanilla research bench.
Due to changes in code, 'extra' tables have been made impossible (as far as I can tell)


*chemistry set not included

How to install:
- Unzip the contents and place them in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate the mod in the mod menu in game.

Chemistry table texture by mrofa!
I give my permission to include this in any modpacks. Contact me if you plan to use or alter the code or art. Please give me credit in either case.

Change Log:
1.0- Added.
1.1- New texture for chemistry table, top-down.
       Changed shadows.
1.2- Updated and altered code for Alpha5
       Still works for Alpha 6
1.3- Updated for Alpha 7
1.4- Updated for Alpha 8
1.5- Updated for Alpha 9
1.6- Updated for Alpha 10
      Removed chemistry bench
      Now overwrites vanilla bench
1.7- Updated for Alpha 11

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Ideas / Lots of different things
April 21, 2014, 11:47:55 PM
These are my thoughts from my playthrough of Alpha3 so far. I think these are some of the most pressing changes needing done to the game. I've tried to be as brief yet descriptive as possible. I stayed away from adding more of existing content or hypothetical features (Tynan can add more turrets and new features as he wants) Things further down are a bit more hypothetical. I focused on ideas that refine or fix the current content of the game in simple ways.
If you don't understand something, want elaboration, or don't think something would work at all, please leave a comment!

-Colony silver total isn't shown when talking to factions via comms console.
-"Building needs power" is displayed when power is manually turned off to an object.
-Door isn't visible if debris is in the same spot.

-Loyalty in overview
-Event log
-Hide construction blueprints.
-Hotkey for selecting structures with bills/stockpiles/etc. (Double and triple clicking to get to item where carpet is planned, or items are on top.)
-Remove, stack, or summarize redundant messages ("roof has collapsed" x 25)
-Option to permanently ignore messages "Building needs power", "Need grave", "Table needs chairs."
-Change workshop bill screen size and location, make scalable and movable, or give transparency. Could apply to all in game menus. (Takes up most of the screen, difficult to see bill range.)
-Individual priorities for hauling, construction, repair, hunting, growing, and crafting in the overview tab. Directly organize what gets done first for everything.  (Mining also it if we get more ore.)

-Rain should wash away sand.
-Restricted from colonists "danger" zones.
-Don't leave home zone option. Individuals or all.
-Lock a door to all colonists
-Individually locking doors. (Default locked to none. Left click colonist, right click door to assign.)
-Weapon type categories on equipment racks.
-Disable or enable all weapons or types on an equipment rack.
-Way to change all or nearby equip racks to hold the same weapons. Same with plants on hydroponic tables.
-Designate which colonists can use a specific workshop, preferred workshops.
-Copy a Bill or setting on a workshop.
-Colonist group hotkeys. (Assign via Ctrl+Number)
-Manual bed assignment. (Left click colonist, Right-click bed. Kicks out any current owner.)
-Command to tell colonists to eat and sleep.
-Designate which food is for prisoners and colonists. (Warden walks across colony instead of using nutripaste in jail.)
-Split the tasks of butchering and cooking.
-Search a larger area if collecting a resource and stack is not full after collecting all nearby. (Hauling back a tiny or nearly full stack when more is just out of range.)

-Sell or remove floor tiles.
-Remember what job they are working on after breaks and day-to-day.
-Moving things blocking blueprints should be included as a step when prioritized to build multiple things like wall sections.
-Colonists need to claim and finish what they start (One places resources, another comes from across map to build)
-Colonists claim multiple nearby items when demolishing. (Builders all walk over to demolish one piece on a distant wall section)
-Larger blueprint placement scanning area  (Placing a section of wall and one blueprint piece is left just out of range)
-Bring all resources to identical connected blueprints before before starting construction.
-Recognize a building/wall as a whole.
-If prioritized to build a structure (wall,floor,furniture) they build all identical connected structures and then others nearby. (First all the wall on the building, then all the wall on the nearby buildings.)
-Toggle a stockpile being usable for construction. (Builders stealing resources from a stockpile intended for workshop or trading.)
-Turrets blueprints need an arrow showing which direction the turret gun faces. (Even though it shoots 360)

-Colonists avoid crossing the path of each others and turret line of fire when not drafted.
-Colonists stop shooting when another colonist is in their line of fire. (Hunters shooting into a crowd, combat shooting colonists who are rescuing others)
-Assigned positions (reassigning for each battle is a chore.) Moves to position when drafted.
-Draft all and select all drafted options.
-Turrets target psychotic animals.
-Non-violent types should avoid gunfire. (In battle, they either just stand drafted or end up wandering out to work and dying.)

-Colonist skills required for research. (Research comes from what you choose your colonists to be good at instead of a straightforward grind.)
-Colonists do some research at workshops or othe structures. Interaction slot or just gathered around it (New research is still done at the research bench.)(Turret and nutripaste research)

Strong metal door- raiders avoid unless using explosives or given no other choice.
Gate - 2 Wide Open/Close
Medical Beds- incapacitated are brought here when rescued and severely injured attempt to sleep here.
Medical item- Inured gathering spot,  Doctors stay posted here and wait to heal injured.
Art workshop- Sell paintings for silver or decorate.

Other Important Suggestions:
Vas's recent "Playability and Cosmetic ideas"
"List Of All Suggested Features"
Ideas / Mega List?
April 21, 2014, 11:42:17 PM
I think it would be nice to make a mega list of suggested features.  With distinction between suggested new features, and tweaks to existing content. The current "list" is just a collection of outdated links to comments. Finding anything in 50+ pages of cheapest suggestion and the rest of the forum is a challenge. Tynan could possibly even mark items as eventually planned, confirmed no, or in the works. I think I could do it, though it would take several other people to keep updated.
Outdated / [A11] Alpha Muffalo (1.8)
April 14, 2014, 09:54:50 PM
Alpha Muffalo!

Adds large alpha muffalos to roam around.
350hp, and hit like a truck when mad.

How to install:
- Unzip the contents and place them in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate the mod in the mod menu in game.

Semi-rare. Some maps may spawn several, some maps may spawn none.
  If you get none, some should come along eventually.
I give my permission to include this in any modpacks. Contact me if you plan to use or alter the code or art. Please give me credit in either case.

Art by shadowtajun.

Mods with incompatibility:
Anything that also alters the Biome.xml. Namely other animal mods.

Change Log:
1.0 - Added
1.1 - Updated for Alpha 4
        Reduced spawning a bit
1.2 - Updated for Alpha 5
1.3 - Updated for Alpha 6
1.4 - Updated to Alpha 7 (Thanks to skullywag!)
   1.4.1- Spawning fixed
1.5 - Updated to Alpha 8
   1.5.1- Spawning fixed
   1.5.2- Alphalos can now survive cold temps (Thanks to SC_Reaper)
1.6 - Updated to Alpha 9
1.7 - Updated to Alpha 10

1.8 - Updated to Alpha 11

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Small Walls
Halfwalls, Curbs, and Stairs
(and Hedges)

HalfWalls: They are similar to sandbags. Can be shot over. Decorational or can provide cover to colonist or turrets. Transmit Power. Uses Custom1 LinkType
Curbs: Can be shot over, do not transmit power.
Stairs: Slows people down as they traverse the stairs. Can shoot while on stairs.

You can remove any unwanted items by deleting the respective xml from the def folder.

I give my permission to include this in any modpacks. Contact me if you plan to use or alter the code or art. Please give me credit in either case.

How to install:
- Unzip the contents and place them in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate desired mod in the mod menu in game.

Change Log:

7/8/14 - Version 1.2
   Updated and rewritten for Alpha5
   Removed Solid Halfwalls(Meshing issues) and Hedges(Unnecessary Huge Texture).
   Reorganized walls into one download.
8/13/14 - Version 1.3
   Updated for Alpha 6
   Reduced health and metal cost.
10/9/14 -Version 1.4
   Update for Alpha 7
   Now uses stuff system, Consolidated curb, added Stair and Lamps.
12/10/2014 - Version 1.5
   Update for Alpha 8
   Removed Lamps
2/19/15 - Version 1.6
   Update for Alpha 9
    Added Hedges 1.0 (remake)
4/15/15- Version 1.7
   Update for Alpha 10
   Hedges 1.1
6/11/15- Version 1.8
   Update for Alpha 11
   Hedges to version 1.8 to prevent confusion
4/14/16- Version 1.9
   Update for Alpha 13
4/26/16- Version 1.9.1 - Base_Building fixed. Mods combined.

CURRENT VERSION: 1.9.1 for alpha 13

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General Discussion / Strings and Namebanks!
April 10, 2014, 06:49:57 PM
Found this amazing folder Mods/Core/Strings/NameBanks. It's idea storage.
I don't think any of it does anything, and I seriously doubt all of it will be implimented, but you can pretty much guarantee some of it will.
This got me all excited on pondering possible future additions. Maybe some of it works already?
Help / Wall Questions
April 04, 2014, 02:11:28 AM
I've made several types of walls, and have 2 problems/concerns.
So far, I haven't had any issues in creating "frankenstein" modded buildings with whatever specs I want, borrowing code from other building types.

I've been told twice linkType is hardcoded. I need to create new one for walls that only connect to themselves. I know alot is hardcoded right now, will this eventually be accessible definitions, like in alpha 3 perhaps?

All of them suffer from the blocky shadow like sandbags and minerals do. A lot of other items have complex shadows that conform to shape. Is this graphical issue permanent or planned to change? Can I fix it somehow by defining my walls to have shadows more like a potted plant than a wall somehow?
     This topic was covered in an already locked thread but I'm wondering if I can fix it through modding, rather than not using an item because it has minor graphic issues.

Outdated / [MOD] (Alpha 6) MedBed 1.4
March 24, 2014, 03:59:10 AM

Adds 2 medical beds.
The basic is uncomfortable and cheap, but heals much faster than a normal bed.
The advanced medbed requires research and is more expensive, yet heals colonists extremely quick.
How to install:
- Unzip the contents and place them in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate the mod in the mod menu in game.
- Restart Rimworld Otherwise there will be graphical glitches.
Advanced medical bed texture- mrofa
I give my permission to include this in any modpacks. Contact me if you plan to use or alter the code or art. Please give me credit in either case.

Working on an Alpha 7 update. Simple medbed has been discarded.
Advanced bed is being updated as an expensive next tier beyond current medical bed. 
Change Log:
1.0- Released
1.1- Added advanced medical bed
1.2- Updated for Alpha 3
1.3- Updated for Alpha 5
1.4- Updated for Alpha 6

Attachment removed as it was corrupted with forum migration. Needs to be re-added.
Ideas / An long term vision of vibrant towns.
March 19, 2014, 09:05:02 PM
These are my ideas about an overall vision for the game, rather than individual ideas. I don't know the extent that Tynan has planned for the game, or if these ideas are even plausible with the direction he wants to take it. I understand he wants a low population so players recognize colonists rather than a mass of unknowns. If used with storytellers, these ideas become options rather than absolutes.

I've tried to paint a picture here similar to many of my favorite suggestions. I see colonies being more like vibrant towns rather than closed-gated communal homesteads. It's not always a sealed off vault, it's a colony on a Rimworld; an open planet that gets heavy traffic and expects travelers of all sorts. Each persons play style is different, so colonies should be drastically different, with economies based on anything. I feel storytellers kind of nudge you to do everything in equal balance right now, which creates a lack of surprise and uniqueness.

These are some thoughts I had based on various other ideas, I apologize ff you find they aren't unique. I didn't want to take over another person's thread with disconnected ideas. This is a suggestion thread and you don't have to read if you don't want to. I respect thoughtful feedback.

-Population influx and outflux increases dramatically so you're not worried about keeping every citizen there and alive. Make it so people are constantly coming and going, and the player cares less if someone decides to pack up and leave, maybe they just want to move on. What if 10 people did get killed in that last firefight.. we've seen worse. You could still develop long term residents.
-Widely varying health and loyalties, to create more heroic or expendable colonists
- Some might enjoy playing with few colonists of course, struggling to get and hold on to anyone possible. A gamestyle where you have more people visiting than you can build houses for, all sorts of traveling unknowns walking through bustling markets and misconduct soaring as high as the profits, you would still know a good portion of the town's main players.
-Colony laws or morals. Maybe you are a slaving town. Or you might not want slavery at all, and everyone's gun is to stay at home. Maybe you could play as raiders; or a cannibalistic society that caters to raiders. Your town death rate is high from civil chaos, but some towns function that way; there are always more bloodthirsty creeps flooding in. Fear items become happiness, and pretty items get destroyed.
- More specialized roles and less everyone being a jack of all trades. The game already does this fairly well, but only in skills, the population is too low for anyone to get firmly established jobs/roles until late in the game. Instead of "This is bill, he's mostly a miner, but will also be building, repairing, shooting, and farming in his off-time." I'd like to see "This is bill, he'll be on the mining crew."
-Better training, less soldiers, more danger. Raiders coming in almost perfectly timed waves is annoying, and having colonists all line up for "shoot-out day" gets ridiculous sometimes. This will probably change once the game gets more threats, more randomness. I feel the colony should have specific people on guard duty and training.
-Every single slave and farmer doesn't need an M-16, they would probably just get in the way, only give them guns when the town is in serious danger.
-Like noble classes ideas, different roles have certain housing size and decor requirements. But conversely, some people can be kept in smaller quarters. Farmers and hunters don't mind a small hut, researchers and guards need decent rooms.
-I really hate standard housing, in this game and DF. Yet it is quite difficult for whatever reason to make unique colonist housing, built near other colonists of similar caste/job role.
- People are personally affected by environment. A noble expects a well paved and maintained walk to work. Hunters and farmers meanwhile prefer to live and spend time near nature.
-Slaves are kept in slums, tiny cells or huts, ruled by fear, given no wage, heavy on skills like mining and farming, they actually try to escape sometimes, and are treated low by colonists (some could be nice). Some could be trusted servants and have quarters in colonist houses, eventually being full members of the society.

Releated threads:
"A Pure Colony" Personal expenses, a bazaar market for travellers and colonist, established stores and inns, colonists managing their own house and furniture.
Noble classes and housing
Mods / Giant Muffalo
March 17, 2014, 03:19:39 PM
This is an idea for after alpha 3 relase if we can make new pawns.
The general idea is a rare giant muffalo that wanders. Basically a Male(or female) muffalo that wanders herd to herd, assuming all the regular muffalo are all female (or male)
About 2-3 times the times of a normal muffalo.
I perfer if it was purple and had ridiculous huge green/purple horns, just to offset how dopey muffalos normally look, not hating I love muffalos.
Off-Topic / Colony Tv Shows and Movies?
March 17, 2014, 09:26:09 AM
Does anyone know any movies or shows that take place around a planetary colony or that visit one?
There are tons of random sci-fi space things I could watch, but I perfer something that is focused towards colonies and perferably with a tech system comparable to Rimworld, semi-modern semi-space age.

I found a show called Outcasts I just started watching, no idea if it's near what I'm looking for.
Firefly is a good example I can think of, it take places on a spaceship, but they visit several colonies and has a very Rimworld-like feel. Sure they have some high tech, but they're still bumpkins living in the boonies, and if you get shot, theres no high tech healing machine, you get stitches.
Tatooine colony from star wars maybe?