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Topics - Nekomimi

As in title. It would be pretty useful.
Ideas / On subraces and operations.
May 22, 2015, 04:32:59 PM
Tynan said it's good idea for thread, so why not.
Quote from: Tynan on May 21, 2015, 06:06:53 PM
If new races are put in the game they'll be xenohumans or trans-animals.

-People engineered/evolved to live on super high gravity planets. In tunnels. Dorfs?
-People engineered for gladiatorial fights (super strong brutes)
-People engineered for decision-making
-Half-gorilla half-human hybrid with a gun
-And so on

In my opinion it would be great idea to add option of harvesting parts from "shocked" animals and using them on human.
- Let's go TF2-style and give an baboon heart in order to increase blood flow (I believe it helps with diseases)
- Or just make them have hearts of rabbits. Less efficient, but still better than your [Crushed - 1/10] heart.
- So. Many. Options. Some animals have better eyes than we do. Or are faster.
- Cat ears. Cat tail. Bonus to hearing, bonus to movement, if both are combined maybe bonus to social skills.
- Traits like zoo-phobia and zoo-philia (ok, we srsly need other name for second one). First reiceve abrasive-like debuff if talked to person with zoological implants. Second one give mood boost after such talk.
Help / Can someone check if it work?
May 22, 2015, 01:48:23 PM
I really have to go now for some time and I will have no chance to check if it work. It probably will. If it does not, could someone check where I made mistake?

What it does:
- Replace mined steel with "steel ore". That ore have to be refined at stonecutting table (cut out of stone).
- Change quantities of steel and gold ores, as well as add compacted steel (that give pure steel as opposed to ore)

Download link:

I'd be really glad if you told me what I did wrong if it does not work. If it does work I will ask to delete this thread and post mod in Mods section, as while it's small, it's still enjoyable, right? ^^

Steel icon taken from: Superior Crafting.
Help / How to change ore drops from veins?
May 22, 2015, 08:46:40 AM
As in title. For example, to make Compacted Steel drop 50 instead of 35. Or to make Compacted Plasteel drop Chocolate.
Bugs / Make debug log work properly
May 21, 2015, 12:01:36 PM
As in topic name.

You know something is wrong when even without single mod game ignore you every single time when you check "disable auto-popup".
Mods / [Modpack Request] Mini-Overhaul.
May 20, 2015, 08:41:58 AM
Could someone try to make it sure these mods would work together?
- Superior Crafting (Tons of bonus points if modified to have vanilla wall textures)
- Mechanical Defence (Droids & Fissures, rest can be ignored)
- Prepare Carefully
- Biodiversity
- LT-RedistHeat
- RT Fusebox
- Caveworld Flora
- Between Magic and Tech Infusion
- Vanilla Enhanced

I do realize almost all of those are in Ultimate Overhaul modpack... but that modpack also have tons of stuff I'd like to avoid, like "Seeds, Please", "Mechanoid Terraformer", "Darkness", "Finer Things", all these scary interface mods and so on.
If someone could make mod that add aperture science (portal 1/2) and vault-tech (fallout series) stuff to game, I'd be glad.

Seems like list will be like this:
Easy (change visuals, mostly):
- Vault outfits. Don't really give bonus, so they are cheap. Number depend on material they are made from.
- Computer-like version of research lab and chess table.
- New aperture/Broken down aperture/Old (Cave Johnson era) aperture flooring and walls.

Medium (require some mechanics that already appeared in other mods... I think.)
- One-grid chainable hydroponics.
- Furniture that occupy space, but speeds you up. (Acceleration gel or just some kind of special floor addition?)
- Indoor fusion reactor made from steel and uran. Require repairs from time to time or go out with big bang.

Hard (I think it did not appeared in any form... yet)
- Movable turrets
- Portal system for connecting two sides of base
- Personality cores (Don't need to eat food, need to be on rail, use energy, can do simple tasks). They can interact with colonists. They spawn with either abrasive (60%) or slowpoke & lazy (40%) traits. Random eye and frame colour and pattern. Made from plasteel and uran.
- Rail for personality cores (Neutral beauty, Personality Cores can move only on these. One rail must be powered in order to power whole rail grid. Additional piece that work like wall but let Cores to get through it. And additional piece for personality core "beds"
- Excursion Funnel - speed up entities walking in one direction by, say, 50%, slow down ones walking in opposite direction. Three modes (off, pull, push).
Mods / [Request] I ******* love dirt!
May 11, 2015, 08:07:19 AM

Basically, could anyone make rock chunks craftable into low-quality, low-priority food (that also lower happiness)?