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Topics - ModernGib

General Discussion / Colonist Houses/Rooms
April 30, 2016, 10:01:34 PM
How do you usually make your colonist rooms?

This tends to be my set-up.

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Stories / so many GOD DAMN CATS
April 10, 2016, 11:08:37 PM
So, due to an event which went as follows ; "A group of cats, abandoned or lost, have entered the area. They appear to be accustomed to human touch, so they join the colony."

I tried assigning images, but it didn't work. So heres a link.
Little did I know that i'd take up eight small, UNTEACHABLE, UNMASTER-ABLE DAMN CATS
This was pretty early on within the game, too. About four raids in, and the colony is going 5 people strong along with two prisoners. So, I have this really compact-ish area that i've designated for my group and not much space for cats. In an act of panic, I quickly assign eight animal sleeping spots within the dining/kitchen area.
I then assigned a general area for these little whisker demons to earrape me with their constant meows
My finest shooters had recently shot down a muffalo group of about eight (i'm in a boreal forest) and so textiles were abundant, and I decided to make a cat-house.
About two days and the house was finished and the cats fell asleep within their muffalo-fur beds
Now, I haven't taken to favoritism as all they do is go around eating squirrels and my meats, aswell as nuzzle my pawns and meow speratically.. But I do like this little guy called 'Nosferatu', for giving me nostalgic feelings towards a Vampire : The Masquerade game. Any of you guys have experiences with mass amounts of animals? I remember a particular thread that had a story about guinea pigs swarming the colony then erupting in flames.
Stories / "Mechanites"
April 10, 2016, 01:26:17 AM
As Jon sits down on a stool propped up close to the old, marked up steel table he places down his meal. The meal was relatively simple, as ingredients around the colony were limited (even though being in a temperate forest, the colony hasn't seen much game in weeks.) and 'talented' cooks were non-existant within the group of seven.  Looking down at his food, he recalls hunting for the same meat that he's about to take a chunk out of. A hare. The colony's cat (Snowball, named after the color of his fur) had spotted it and got into a bit of a tussle for it, ending with it getting scratched on the right cheek. So, Jon, being a former huntsman, had gone and tracked it down. Taking a single shot before downing it. Whilst he didn't cook it himself, he was still quite proud of it. 

As he was thinking, the newly arrived (and bought) 'Saio' had taken a seat in the stool to the opposite side of the table. Whilst quiet, the large woman donning alpacawool clothing (freshly looted from two raiders who attempted to flee) still liked to ask questions, and be inquisitive. After all, the colony did save her from a past life of slavery.  Jon was a tad bit startled, but engaged in a friendly conversation nontheless.
"Woah, you uh, startled me." "I apologize, I should have announced my arrival, yes?" The girl had an accent, certainly not a local. Determining ethnicity nowadays however appears to be a very difficult task. Saio continued. "I just wanted to inform you that a.. woman, Tah-lee-a? Yes, her.. She's, well.. very non-clothed at the moment.. And she's also stumbling in the mud."

Talia was known for being an enthusiastic, but closed individual.. So taking a naked jog didn't fit her character. The only thing that Jon could attribute this to is the fact that she was diagnosed with some form of Sensory Mechanites, which made her act very odd as of recent. She walked faster, started hearing more "acute" sounds, and enunciated like a robot would. It was under control for a while. The colony surgeon had attempted to find a way to cure it but, the only way that came to mind was removing the stomach as a whole. Which was clearly not an option.

Jon and Saio walked outside, took a small path to the woods and sure enough, there she was. Tripping over herself and stumbling mindlessly, Talia was there.. Covered in mud.  Jon, clearly freightened by the behavior, had brought his rifle up to hip-level. Ready to raise, were the case to arise. Talia turned, and promptly fell over when facing the two.  Jon and Saio ran over immediately.

Jon's first instinct was to grab her, and haul her over to the small medical area that the group had designated, but Saio stopped him, and did a motion as if to indicate rolling something over. So, he took action and laid his rifle next to a tree, cautiosly approaching the unconcious body. Upon rolling her over he discovered large amounts of blood coated her torso and a small cut that was pouring sanguine fluid was also pouring these small, maggot sized creatures, that looked robotic in the way they acted and sounded. 

Saio approached, next to Jon, along with his rifle. Instead of giving it to him however, she was holding it firmly shoulder-height, and pointed directly for Talia's head.   

Jon yelled "Saio NO-"

A shot was fired.

"Mechanites." said Saio.
Stories / Families
April 07, 2016, 10:10:48 PM
So, I'm just about to start a playthrough with three colonists, all of them being related. To be more specific, I have a grandfather, a father, and a son. Not quite sure what to expect as this is my first alpha 13 playthrough, though i'd love to hear all of your guyses familiar stories about the game.
Stories / Final moments of your colony?
January 01, 2016, 02:50:17 PM
My longest lasting colony's final moments (The Italican Clover, named after the former ship of which crashed), involved a toxic fallout conveniently happening when we were least prepared, most of the colony was hungry but we had some reserve food, we sealed everything up and amde sure to keep everybody okay, hypothermia was a growing problem and just when I thought we were at our last edge, a raid begins, several pirates attack our main power supply, setting our solar panels on fire, and the wires that connected the geothermal source were destroyed. We held them off, but with no steel to repair anything much I watched as my colony slowly died of hypothermia and starvation. Many were driven to insanity.

Rest in peace, the Italican Clover.
General Discussion / Rate other people's colonies!
December 30, 2015, 09:11:43 PM
Not sure where else to put it, basically you have to rate the poster above you's colony on a 1 to 10 scale.
You also have to post with a picture of your colony, or the colony you want rated.

I'll go ahead and start.
Stories / How we lost two of our best.
December 30, 2015, 07:23:18 PM
So, to give backstory. Our colony (a decent one of about eleven people) made a division of three "elite" soldiers. Basically these were people with either military background or superior fighting skills, they were equipped with fine weapons and power armor (Of which they wore proudly around the colony). They were addressed by nicknames that the leader of the elite gave to them, he refused to give himself one so we just call him 'Boss' around the colony. Apart from him were Jester, and Cricket. Cricket was the least capable of them all but certainly more capable than anybody else in our 'family' if you were to call it that. This.. Is how we lost both of them.

Punishments given were relatively ordinary.. Perhaps cruel at the least but we were a small team of people in a large world full of beasts and raiders, so we needed the best protectors we could get. Lashings to the back of the legs were given out if friendly fire were to happen, on accident of course. They would be severely painful and disable the poor soul who commited the crime to walk for a few days. Now that was usually the only thing we had to worry about, no 'real' threats from inside the elite.. Because we simply couldn't imagine what the boss had planned be it that somebody had done something such as.. Murder. Well, we soon found out. A colony designated miner was going out to haul some plasteel back to our main stockpile when he saw a group of beavers ready to take out as many trees that they could find. The elite was dispatched immediately, Cricket and Jester hurried out to the field as the boss took this occasion to see how well their shooting skills were up-to-date.  Jester took out his AMR and took position, a little too stealthily perhaps, as just when Cricket ran into the field to take cover behind a tree, he was shot in the head. Brains, blood... Everywhere. The poor tree was stained with this man's body. Jester stood there with fear of what he had done. Atleast some think. The colony as of recent have been speculating that he did it on purpose, unsatisfied with Cricket's performance and as a chance to get farther ahead in the ranks and possibly gain respect from the boss, as the elite would rely on him. But no, that didn't work out.. at all. I was watching from the solar panels, we had previously been attacked by a group of pirates and they had burst one into flames, so it was my job to fix it. I watched as the murderer was stripped of his armor and weapon, he tried to retaliate by hitting the boss. While he was a skilled fighter, the 'Boss' was named 'Boss' for a reason. Jester was brought down in under a minute and dragged off to an interior of a small mountain.. of which nobody knew existed. The elite was down to one man after what seemed to be as little of five minutes, and the past leader instructed everybody to not have a single social interaction with the now imprisoned man apart from feeding him.

I personally have no idea wether or not the man's still alive, i'm pretty sure the cook stopped delivering his food about a month ago.. Perhaps I should leave this colony, it's hit a downfall and has shown what men can do for a promotion.

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