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Topics - makkenhoff

They can't seem to handle a bit of rain. (Batteries got wet during rain, and they chain explode one after another.)

Made for an amusing situation, to be sure; but also took down the base defenses, leaving only the mortar and a larger than expected army of pawns with high powered weapons to murder my assault team.
Since I actually don't know how to replicate the circumstances of this one, I'm leaving the attached save game. I've never seen it before, but the pawn appears stuck in limbo.

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Okay, so if you have a raider stab a colonist, and then decide to kidnap them, they will leave the map with the injured colonist - the bug happens after they leave the map, but not immediately - however long it would have taken them to die as if they had remained on the map.

We can literally do nothing to prevent this, we can't chase them off the map on an emergency rescue mission, and they aren't stopping (apparently) to bandage/care for prisoner wounds. This is equally true for caravans - but the player always has the option to 'settle' an area temporarily for bandage purposes, for prisoners or otherwise.

Another issue in line with this one; food/medicine does not get calculated for raiders, they don't require the same supplies to attack/travel that the player does. I realize this is quite complex and a WIP, but I felt it needed to be highlighted, as this will also affect a player's ability to respond to generated quest events in the future.
Stories / An Alpha 17 story
May 03, 2017, 04:15:24 PM
Bowman, a pilot fan, had always dreamed of adventure. After finally deciding that their home planet, a Glitterworld, was just too easy of a life, took action to go to the outer rim. The arrangements made, Bowman left home with a handful of supplies and an adventuress's spirit. Upon arrival, it was determined the landing site, later known as Tri-River Rendevous, was a balmy 80 degrees year round. This seemed like a wonderful place to settle, so Bowman got to work on some simple stone lodgings, having ample stone walls left conveniently nearby. (In hindsight, Bowman realizes this was a warning sign of previous failed settlements)

By this point, she had calculated out she had arrived in the middle of winter, which she had decided to call Decembary, due to the short planetary cycle which alters the seasons. After finishing her basic stone shelter, she began working on a potato garden. Halfway into her planting, she received a distress call from a wanderer, who was being chased by a pirate. Bowman agreed to provide protection, and the wanderer named Phelps, a clerk, arrived shortly before the pirate.

The pirate was surprisingly well armed (a chain shotgun on the first combat!), which shocked Bowman into cowering in a corner, while the surprisingly strong Phelps, grabbed a wooden log and assaulted her assailant. This gave Bowman time to calm down so could give Phelps a hand in disabling the attacker. Upon victory, Phelps was feeling quite happy considering that she was covered head to toe in bruises, but Bowman managed to convince her to go lay down to recover from the injuries.

A few uneventful days passed, while Phelps recovered and Bowman got back to work on the potato garden. After completing the days long experience of working in the garden from sunrise to sunset, Bowman needed some joy, and finally gave herself a day off, and Phelps was impolitely invited to mine some rock, and began the long task of learning to mine from scratch.

The following day.. it was clear something was wrong. The temperature was already 85 F outside.. and it was still dark.. this was new. Phelps and Bowman met in the morning and politely discussed the sudden weather change, much to their dismay the temperature continued to climb into the 100's F by mid-morning. By the afternoon? 120 F. Both Bowman and Phelps discussed what to do, and a plan was hatched to build a power generator and an air conditioner. Unfortunately, they lacked the steel required.

So, Bowman and Phelps went out to where Phelps had been mining the day before, as Phelps had discovered a deposit that looked promising. They set to work, failing miserably to extract any useful steel, multiple times, before realizing they needed to learn more about mining before they could extract it. It was time to sleep, and it was an uncomfortable night, that barely cooled to 95 before the sun rose again.

The temperature was almost unbearable now, Phelps collapsed in a heap, and another traveler who was being chased called on the radio for help, and Bowman, being pressed for help, called in that she could provide assistance. A Barkeep named Alette arrived, and ran for cover. Bowman, managed to get Phelps inside the stone house, before collapsing in a heap as well. Alette thankfully picked up Phelps and got her into bed before realizing she was alone, and being afraid of violence cowered inside the building helplessly.

Alette was unable to leave, and the man who chased her was angry. He determined since he could not bash his way into the building, that he would simply burn the potato garden instead. Successfully, he started a number of fires around himself, cackling to himself before realizing he was nearly surrounded by fire. He managed to somehow avoid the flames, and decided to steal something for all the trouble he went to.

Around this time, Alette had smelled the smoke, and had finally worked up the courage to go outside, she saw to her dismay the potato garden fire, and rushed outside to put it out. The raider saw his chance, and ran towards the house. Alette saw him coming, and ran back inside just in time to shut the door in his face. Angry, he left empty-handed.

Alette waited until she was certain he was gone, and then rushed outside to save what she could of the potato garden. She had just managed to put the fire out, before she realized she wasn't sweating anymore. And then she fainted.

The heatwave lasted a few days, and killed everyone. 80 F degree average to 120 F was too much for this colony to handle.

Moderator's edit (Calahan) - This was originally posted in the A17 unstable build feedback thread. So I split it off and moved it to stories because it is O/T and not feedback.
Stories / The shortest story I've ever had.
February 26, 2017, 05:57:46 PM
I've just landed, both excited and curious about my new home. I gather my supplies and build my research station and a wind turbine. I'm excited to get to work, but I don't want the rain to spoil my day, so I build a quick awning, using the side of the nearby tall hill.

One small mining job later...

As I write this, I'm severely bleeding from my neck, my awning crashed down on me, cutting my neck deeply. To whomever finds this note, for the love of research, publish this brief research paper on why awnings built on unstable hillsides can risk you getting your neck sliced open, which is bad for your health.

Signed, Amelia 'Engie' Flais

Less than 2 hours into my game, I accidentally bring a roof down on her, and it deeply slices her neck. So much blood in the area she was continuing "research" despite the critical neck wound. I just felt it would be improper to ignore her dedication to research.
Bugs / 0.16.1391 Forming Caravan, during party
December 18, 2016, 04:36:20 PM
Forming a caravan, during a party, causes the caravan to be formed without any members, if the selected caravan members join the party. It should also be noted that you can't seem to remove these "empty" caravans.
Ideas / Two New Drug Suggestions
December 04, 2016, 03:46:34 PM
Antibiotics - helps fight infection. Cost: the person being unable to effectively work, making them have a mood penalty while in bed, and a larger penalty when doing anything other than bedrest, but this can be self-administered at a medical bed. This also has a chance of causing an mild illness.

Cyanoacrylates (Dermabond, liquid bandage, various other glues) - helps to clot/cover a bleeding wound, can be self applied per injury site, infection is a possibility when applied, as well as the relatively minor toxic damage (but it stacks with multiple applications).

I've tried to figure out how this stuff is made, but this is largely chemistry and that's an area of study I've not had much experience with. My understanding is it takes a lot of "in between" steps to get these products to this point, allowing for more in between drug types as well as more labor to produce. This should in a sense, be a good trade off, to the otherwise "powerful" effects.

In theory, I'd like both drugs to be expensive and hard to produce, because I wouldn't want the ability to allow for pawns to self administer basic wound and infection treatments to make a doctor's care somehow less worthwhile. I suppose given the possibility of infection from the wound bonding, and the antibiotics increased chance of illness.

This might even be a good idea for a modification, if someone was looking for an idea or two, and it hasn't already been made. (My search came up empty though.)
Bugs / A15 1284 Death by Alcohol Addiction
November 28, 2016, 03:23:11 PM
So, I had a weird one today, we had 4 tribals which have gotten half killed/half downed by a successful attempt at dropping a thrumbo. Blood loss finished it off, but not before he gored the surviving idiot pawn to death, since he kept running in and out of the base, despite his urge to cower in fear; (I didn't catch it in time.)

Now, here's the odd part. One of the newest members of the tribe, was an alcohol addict. He had drink, which he carried with him since he arrived, so he  had not yet suffered penalties for withdrawal. He had severe blood loss, minor malnutrition, and alcohol addiction. For a total of -45 to consciousness, which seems to me, the likely cause of death.

I've attached both the save game parts, to better figure out this strangeness. I'll post a screenshot when I have a chance.

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Background: So, I'm a bit stumped how exactly this happened. I researched passive coolers, thinking I could build a couple of them to try and keep electricity from my colony a bit longer. It was the first time I've ever used them. When I got them built and placed two of them, the temperature was hovering around 60 F, not cold enough. So, I went ahead and built a tiny shed next to my cooler, to put a fueled power plant and a battery. Now, to the potential bug; Perhaps it is a problem with my layout, but the behavior I'm experiencing is bug-like at the very least.

After setting my up new air conditioner, I set the temperature to 32 F, and then waited. Nothing, still at the same temperature. I removed the two passive cooler units, thinking perhaps they didn't like being in the same room as the AC; nothing. I went as far as to set my AC the lowest it will go, nothing again. So, at some point, something 'broke' the air conditioned room, and I am not sure what it is. As I examine my setup, it should work - so something is preventing it from working.

Expected Behavior: After building passive coolers, and subsequently the air conditioner, it should have allowed me to have a walk-in freezer; I also expected two passive coolers to cool more effectively than one.

Resultant Behavior: After building passive coolers, and subsequently the air conditioner, it refuses to go below the original passive cooler temperature of 60F, and I am not sure why, or if something isn't behaving as I would expect it to.

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Bugs / A15.1279 Pawns not respecting forbidden areas
August 29, 2016, 04:10:04 AM
I had a pawn that was determined to enter what I had forbidden them to enter. I had designated a large area (basically the whole zone, minus a 8x8 square bedroom for my hermit) Inside that small area I had a couple of chunks of limestone. For some reason, the forbidden pawn kept entering the restricted area and then running back out with a "wandering" tag.

Expected Behavior: Pawn once forbidden from a certain zone, stays out of said zone, unless a mental break occurs.

Occurring Behavior: Pawn is ignoring zone, and doing other odd behaviors perhaps as a result.

I've included a save that is not the exact same set of circumstances, but it does appear to be happening again. I had a separate bug that occurred shortly after this, which resulted in a different bug report here: so it is possible they are influencing each other.

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Bugs / A15.1279 Traders eating MY food.
August 29, 2016, 03:58:03 AM
So, I just had a couple of possible bug things happen in rapid succession in my current game, this is the second bug within the same game; the first is located here:

Expected Behavior: Traders eat their own food, or just leave if they are that hungry.

Resulting Behavior: Traders come in, eat my packaged survival that I just bought from them.

Different bug, but tangent relations:

Additional information: I "may" have been able to buy their stored meals from their inventory.
So, I had a pawn run around while on fire, open a couple of doors to go inside, while on fire headed right into my main stockpile zone, and burn to death, starting the stockpile on fire. Normally, I'd just chalk this up to a bad decision on the part of the pawn, but after it happened, I got to really thinking about this behavior. Your on fire, yes, burning, the situation is crazy out of control. Do you really have the sense and control to open up multiple doors?

Occurring behavior: When on fire, your pawn is out of control, and will sometimes open up doors.

Expected behavior: When your on fire, your not opening up doors, your trying to put the fire out. Stop, Drop, and Roll pawns.
After they had successfully kidnapped my main pawn's soon to be wife, I got the message that she had died, and he naturally went berserk. This is all well and truly expected. What I was not expecting, after he perished in a horrible tantrum spiral of depression and anger after two back to back waves of two different pirate factions, is getting the message from the kidnappers offering his presumed soon to be dead wife back to the colony for 400 silver.

Occurring behavior: Kidnapped pawn is dead message, partner pawn does berserk spiral, after partner pawn 'dies', ransom is later offered for supposedly dead pawn.

Expected behavior: Pawn should either be dead, or alive when outside the 'box' that is my entire world, not both.

P.S. This is not unlike Schrödinger's cat, except with a pawn person!
So, I had a strange set of circumstances lead up to this; I wouldn't call it common. But, I released two prisoners, at the same time. They both left to the east, I presumed I only got credit for one prisoner with the tribal faction in question. Later, after a reload, I discovered he had gone berserk after he was released, and then failed to properly leave the map after his recovery. All of my colonists felt this innocent prisoner had died under our care, despite having released him in relatively good physical health, and rather below average mental state.

Expected behavior: Upon recovering from his mental breakdown, it was presumed he would still exit the map.

Resulting behavior: Released pawn failed to leave the map after mental breakdown recovery, despite being physically able to leave, and having good mental health.
So, I searched high and low on the forums here, and I found no mention of this angry fun behavior. Effectively, these traders show up with "pack" animals, uninvited, invite themselves into my home, eat my food, don't carry anything worthwhile, and then leave without so much as a thanks for the meal donation. What really caused me to feel like posting this as an oversight/bug: I had just traded them prepared meals for pemmican. Those blasted fun muffalos ate half of it.

We lack a way to designate where npc's are allowed to go, as well as animals they bring. A trade depot would solve the problem perhaps, but only for traders. Another option would be to call that stealing and allow players some Rimworld justice!