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Topics - Tapkevich

When i first read line about new restriction on hunters weapon, i didnt make account of it. But then i realised, that i cant understand any reasons behind this new restriction. Moreover, its bad for gameplay. I list down my thoughts on it.

1. Why its pointless:
Players choice and its consequences. Every game, is about choices player made to reach goals he or developer set. Its even more expressed in rouge-like games. And Rimworld has alot of rogue-like elements in it, and you can call it rouge-like colony sim. When we focus on players chooice we must give player ability to make meaningfull chooices. Hunting is one of them. Now player has full control of Hunting. He chooce colonist who can hunt, he equip them with weapons that he think suits for that kind of activity. And there is absolutely nothing bad, in using melee weapon in hunting. Moreover it can be much more efficent in bunch of situations. And then, he choose targets for hunt. Thats important, colonist dont choose targets for themselfs, player do it. So only player decisions may lead to situation when guy with shiv hunt thrumbo. Its not game fault at any point. Its not some high-skill stuff. Understanding, that hunting cougar with knife may lead to wounds is sometink basic all people know outside of gameworld and its rules. So player that chooce to do so understand possible consequences he will have to deal with.

2. Why its bad for the game:
Rimworld relays heavily on storytelling, or you can say story creating. Player can use default scenario and try to build ship to escape this hostile planet asap. He may play like cannibal tribe, and eat all humanlikes who dared to come. Thousand stories may be created using Rimworld. But you need instruments to create story. So as developer, you gave us alot of opportuninties to specify every run we do in RW. Huge roleplay stuff happen if player want it. And now you want to restrict hunting. If take into account first paragraph, how will it support Rimworld ability to stoy creating ? roleplay? Or settlement of Norbal(hi shinzy) berserkers, that despise armor and ranged weapon is "bad" scenarion and should not be played in Rimworld? By implementing this restriction you mostly put restriction on roleplay capabilities of Rimworld and i think that its bad. Its not something crucial, but such small things is something that differs masterpieces from medicores.

tl;dr. This restriction add nothing to game, and solve none of game mechanic problems. It only take away its roleplaying capabilities

It there is something i miss, i would like to hear it so i understand where im wrong.
Bugs / Not actually a bug with PawnDef and ThingDef
August 11, 2016, 04:06:29 AM
Hi. In process of development of our mod we find out, that if you make pawn with name "Muffalo" and then you make Thing with same name, you will not have this Thing in game.

Thats kinda fine, but we got no error message about it in log. This may cause problems for you and mod developers when they accidentaly use same def Name for Pawn and Thing and then try to firgue out what the problem.

So it would be good if you add erro message for such cases.
Hi guys, im member of Rimworld Ascension team and i got some request for you.  We need unique factions in Rimworld Ascension and i ask you to share any ideas you have in mind. Will be awesome if you can formalize your idea so it can answer this questions:
1. History of faction.
2. Special traits that will make this faction unique.
3. What their equipment should be.
4. Their relations with player.
5.Any special events that include this faction.

We appriciate interesting mechanics and events, some of them my end being impossible to implement, but you never know it before you try. So be creative and give us your craziest and not so crazy ideas. For now we most interesting in Neolithic and Medieval factions, but that dosent mean, that we dont need  modern,space, or steampunk factions. After we finish first 2 eras we will diffinetly implement best ideas in future versions of the mod.

You can leave your ideas here, or pm me on forum.
Bugs / UI bug. Wrong leather base volume.
June 12, 2016, 10:58:32 AM
Here 2 picks, 1 from game 2nd from defs. Same happens with different animals. Actuall screenshot is taken from muffalo stats.

[attachment deleted by admin - too old]
Stories / Just my colony 0/
May 27, 2016, 11:45:34 AM
Hi, here is colony i was working on for last several weeks. Its Rimworld alpha 12 with mod Varietypack with some adjustments. difficulty lvl Cassandra Challenge.  The idea was to build real shelter with full production circle for 64 colonists.

Bunker use only nuclear power as energy source. Its come up that even if plasma generators give more energy, but they produce too much heat. that parrametr is crucial in my situation. Reddist heat was not  rdy for that big and complex system i was trying to build, so it ends up as cooling system for reactors, cuz venttubes f''cks logic so i got free cold air.
After some time i make friends with almost all factions, so my only enemys become mechanoid hive. But after i build artilery it become no problem to defend at all. Sadly, i cant recruit mechs for my colony, so at one moment i reached pop cap. To resolve it i massacured several waves of visitors.

If you got any questions ask.  :)
Here is some pictures:

Cant upload them in forum... probably becouse of size.