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Topics - TOWC

I guess it happens because of your fixed instakill probability for every downed non-colony pawn. And since wimps are so much easier to lay down... ya know.

Dunno if it's a bug, but it's sure is strange.

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Help / Can't make the simple mod working.
January 27, 2017, 12:01:46 PM
Just fooling around with XML, making some pitiful imbalanced adjustments to the game.

Tried to make some super-powerful trait but I failed so hard and I don't understand why.

Can someone point out why I can't see that trait in the game? Mod is attached to the post.

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The issue is that I simply can't load the game. I was playing the whole day yesterday, since it's holidays, but on the next day it just stopped loading. Dunno why.

That issue happened to me already, I thought it's mod-related so I disabled most of the mods, which I thought may be a problem. Debug logs became much less red and stopped being yellow, so I started a yesterday's colony thinking it'd go alright.
But it didn't, and I still have that strange red note in debug log after the load attempt which just happened to me randomly and doesn't go away.
All the mods are updated to A16.

Look into attachments, do you have any idea why it happens?

P.S. Also, I made some fixes to the core, nothing serious. Just increased the number of generated factions. 4 for outlanders, 5 for the tribes and 10 for the pirates. Though, I think, that loading issue happened to me once before the changes. And also, for some reason, error logs for my latest load attempts do not generate, so I will include files from those before. Output log is very large for the attachment(7.7 mb), so it isn't included.

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I mean, those items are unique, because upon using them, player targets a creature manually and after clicking effect is applied. Where's that code stored and how to access it if it's not as easy as just launching notepad++?
Greetings gentlemen.
Right now I'm kinda roleplaying some sort of a bad guy and I imprison a lot of my enemies to torture them to death.
The thing is, that they oftenly go berserk and try to break down doors with their fists. And they do that lol, if I don't send anyone to repair the door from inside, when it cracks in half because of the madman inside.
In real life... it's not how that works, I think you all agree with me. If you punch a steel door with fists without retaining yourself in order to break it down, you kinda HURT YOUR GODDAMN FINGERS, don't ya? In a fight beetween shut tight steel door and a barefisted man, door always wins, because of the broken finger bones, both on legs and hands, depending on what you use in advance.

Also, before that happens, I, sometimes, harvest ears and eyes so my enemies are totally disoriented. And there comes another funny problem: warden can communicate to the deaf and blind prisoner. How? It's a goddamn good question. You can... suggest, that blindman communicates through tactile manipulations. Even so, I'm pretty sure, that even without both legs and hands prisoner will be able to communicate, because I CAN FEEL THOSE GAME MECHANICS THROUGH MY SKIN HELL YES.

Also, I would like to say, that totally free-handed prisoner who can even fight his warden without any problem is actually... strange. There must be an ability to handcuff your agressive prisoners. so they can't do anything to their current masters.

Oh, and also I would like to suggest an ability to amputate limbs without them being infected. You know, like some additional operation bill or something. Would be cool.

That's it for now, I was just passing by and decided to stop here for a moment to share my raw thoughts. Disscuss if you wish, and good luck to ya.