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Topics - Thias

Hi there!
I just read that the new a16 is out for testing. I can't wait!
But it seems I can't find no download link. I bought the DRM free version. An I am a notorious no-steamer.
How can I get the new alpha?


It would make such a nice power source for my cave forts...

General Discussion / Produce until you have...
September 14, 2016, 01:36:49 AM
Hey guys, I have a bit of a problem understanding how those tasks (I play the german translation, so sorry if I dont use the correct english words...) inside the workbenches work.

For example: I want to have 500 marble stone blocks and 500 sandstone blocks on my stockpile at any time. And I have two guys to take care of it and two workshops for them.

In my mind, I would put two orders into both workshops:
Workshop1: task1: produce until you have 500 blocks - use sandstone
Workshop1: task2: produce until you have 500 blocks - use marble

Workshop2: same tasks.

But it does not seem to work that way. (It does not help that I cant read the numbers in the task settings, because they are overlayed by the "+" and "-".) But I have the feeling that the tasks don't know the differenciate between stone blocks made out of different rock types?

So I now set one bench to produce until 500 marble and the other one to 1000 sandstone. This setting will give me a certain number of both types, but it kind of depends on luck how much of both types I get.

That is a bit unsatisfying.  :o
... Will it go away at any time? Its quite anoying to type in those answers over and over again...