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Topics - Edrin

If the title isn't clear: If an animal restricted to a zone is going to a place, and you remove that place from that zone, the animal continues to go there, usually to be either dismembered or walled in.
I billed the excision of a carcinoma on my pregnant boomalope (Yes, I live dangerously).
Now, the surgeon takes the boomalope in a pet bed out of its zone (there is no couch for them in the zone because of the toxic fallout).
By the way, it would have been nice to have a warning about the selected herbal medicine being of insufficient quality when ordering the bill instead of a cryptic "material needed" message when I try to prioritize the operation.
Now, the surgeon goes to take medicine, and the boomalope goes back where it belongs. Which reset the whole mess, and loops. Note that there is a free animal sleeping spot in the zone.
The workaround is simple, but the bug needed to be reported.
I've got people sometime going to "relax socially" at the other side of the map, when they have other places to do the same far closer they sometime use, with available chairs.
Support / Eclipses at night
March 03, 2020, 09:27:03 AM
Is that an intended nonsense? I mean, it's not any kind of a gameplay problem, but it just make my mind bug when it tries to get the meaning...
Support / [typos] First names genre mismatch
March 02, 2020, 11:26:41 AM
I've a woman named Beau, and another named Isaac.
Support / "Cannot hit target"
March 02, 2020, 10:12:15 AM
I had this strange problem where I could not fire at some critter for no apparent reason. It was with an autopistol, I was one tile away without anything between me and the target, and no shield, of course. It wasn't a small target either: a donkey. Another character had no problem to shoot it with its shotgun, thankfully, as my husky was having some difficulty.
Bugs / [1.0] Limb loss do not require recuperation
October 19, 2018, 02:32:16 PM
I know this is more like "a feature" than a bug, coming from the way wounds work, but this feels really wrong: after a limb loss, just put a band aid against blood loss, and you're good to continue your day of work. Even more strange, it does not even produce any kind of pain.
Bugs / [2009] Silly, time consuming cleaning behavior
September 25, 2018, 05:00:26 AM
I've got a very thin and long room (2 tiles large without the walls) around which colonist can walk. When the walkway to the north and south are very dirty and I send someone to clean it, the pawn will clean one spot upside, then go around to the other side, clean one spot downside, and then go back up and start over until it's clean.
Bugs / [A16] typos
February 03, 2017, 02:20:31 AM
"A group of travelers are passing by"
Obviously, the group is the subject, and so "it is passing by", and not "it are passing by".
"A group of friendly outlanders from [] have arrived"
Well, I suppose you see the pattern, here.
Bugs / Colonist wont sit to eat any more
December 28, 2016, 02:35:10 AM
We are in the home zone, and there are no other, but for animal zones. My people used to eat there, taking the food from the nearby fridge. Since I last loaded the game, they won't, even is the food is right next to the table and chairs, like on the picture.

(and that verification stuff to register and post is really, really very annoying)