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Tools / Request for help with the RimPy mod manager
November 27, 2020, 03:33:33 PM
Can anyone help me with the RimPy mod manager? I get an error whenever I try to download any mod.

Until recently, I was able to download a few mods with RimPy, but it never worked properly. I had separate folders for Rimworld 1.1 and Rimworld 1.2, and that seemed to be confusing RimPy because it was downloading mods intended for Rimworld 1.2 into my Rimworld 1.1 folder. In an attempt to correct the situation, I deleted my Rimworld 1.1 folder, and now RimPy doesn't work at all. I get this message when I try to download anything:

QuoteAn issue occurred, some mods were not downloaded or updated. Press 'Show details' button for more information.
This mods were added to download list, press 'Download' button to try again.

I don't understand RimPy well enough to diagnose the problem. There is a debug.log file in the RimPy folder which says this:

Quote[1127/120745.824:WARNING:resource_bundle_qt.cpp(115)] locale_file_path.empty() for locale

I deleted all the RimPy program files and all the RimPy data files I could find in AppData, then I reinstalled and reconfigured RimPy. That didn't change anything; it still doesn't work.

Can anyone provide any advice?
According to the release notes, it should be possible to turn a manhunter with scaria into a pet: "Scaria can also be cured quite easily if you down an animal with it, which makes it possible to make them into pets or meat for slaughter if you are ready to trade medicine for food."

However, there doesn't seem to be any way to actually make a manhunter into a pet, since maddened animals can't be tamed, and they never un-madden.
Minor typo - the description for Hideaway reads "[Name]'s overprotective parents encouraged him to stay at home nearly every day. Thoughhe had a lot of time...", with no space between "Though" and "he".
General Discussion / How do you cure scaria?
May 29, 2020, 08:19:47 PM
How, exactly, do you cure scaria? I have a downed cow with scaria. I've added the operation "Cure scaria" to the cow's operations list, but whenever I try to assign someone to perform that operation, I see the message "Cannot cure scaria: Need material". From the in-game documentation, it seems that you need 3x medicine to cure scaria. I have that. What else do I need?

(P.S. Forgive me if this question has been asked and answered elsewhere on the forum, but the forum search feature doesn't work for me.)
I like Rimworld, but I don't like combat. More specifically, I don't like the micromanagement of combat. I am looking for mods that shift the balance so that careful preparation before battle matters more, and detailed control of colonists during battle matters less. Here are three mods which I believe fit that description:

  • Combat Extended
  • Defensive Positions
  • Defensive Machine Gun Turret Pack
Can anyone suggest other mods along these lines?

In particular, are there mods that do any of the following?

  • Makes traps reusable?
  • Allows colonists to improve their shooting skill via target practice?
  • Makes mortars more accurate? (so they actually hit what they're aimed at sometimes)
  • Makes doors and walls more durable? (so they don't crumble in minutes against unarmed assailants)

Consistently, the name suggested for my faction seem more appropriate for my colony, and the name suggested for my colony seems more appropriate for my faction. Is there a mix-up in the code which is causing the names to be reversed?
Ideas / My Wish List for Stockpile Management Features
September 17, 2017, 04:17:59 PM
When playing Rimworld, I often desire more control over stockpiles. Here is my wish list of stockpile management features which, as far as I know, are neither in the game nor offered by mods.

1. Stockpile Content Preferences

I would like the ability to designate the preferred content for a stockpile.

For instance, I'd like to indicate that a stockpile may contain lavish meals, fine meals, and simple meals, with a preference for lavish meals first, fine meals second, and simple meals third. If the stockpile is currently full of simple meals and lavish meals are available in a lower-priority stockpile, then hauling jobs will be generated to move the simple meals out and the lavish meals in.

This would be useful to help control the materials used for an activity when I have a preference for the materials used in that activity. For instance, I could use the lavish/fine/simple scheme described above to ensure that the stockpile closest to my dining room is full of the meals I want my colonists to eat. Another example might be configuring a stockpile to ensure that tuques are made from wool when available, and cloth only when wool is unavailable.

2. Hysteresis

I would like the ability to set a Min/Max range for a stockpile, such that no hauling jobs are generated until the quantity falls below Min, and hauling jobs are then generated until the quantity reaches Max.

This would be useful to help avoid inefficient "topping-off" of stockpiles that are gradually depleted. For instance, I have a small steel stockpile next to my component assembly bench. Every time my craftsman makes a component, a hauler brings 25 steel to top-off the stockpile. With hysteresis, I could make the hauler instead bring 75 steel after the craftsman makes three components, thereby cutting down the hauling jobs by a factor of three. Component production is actually a minor example; more significant efficiency gains might be achieved in food production and animal feeding, where I've observed topping-off to consume an extreme amount of hauling effort.

3. Minimum Quantity

I would like the ability to set a minimum quantity for a stockpile, such that if the currently stored items do not meet the minimum, they are swapped out for items that do.

For example, I'd like to specify that the meat stockpile closest to my stove must contain at least 10 meat. That would help me avoid a situation where my food production line stalls because, for instance, my two-square meat stockpile contains two units of muffalo meat and one unit of milk – inadequate for the production of a single fine meal – while hundreds of units of alphabeaver meat are sitting in cold storage outside the stove's ingredient radius.

4. Stockpile Leveling

I'd like the ability to designate several stockpiles as part of a "levelling group", such that hauling jobs are generated to keep those stockpiles equally stocked.

This would be useful to spread out resources when small quantities are needed in many places. I would use it, for instance, to create a small stockpile of medicine in each hospital room.

5. Task Hauling

I would like the ability to associate a stockpile with a task, such that hauling to/from that stockpile is regarded as part of that task, and not as part of the "Hauling" task.

For instance, I'd like to be able to say that putting items into my produce stockpile is part of the "Grow" task. That would help encourage my growers to bring produce in from the fields, rather than leaving it out there to rot. In general, this seems like a good way to make sure hauling jobs get done by the people dependent upon them, and could thereby help avoid the hauling bottleneck phenomenon.

6. A Pull System

I'd like the ability to restrict the production of resources if there is no stockpile room for those resources. Currently, a hauling job is not generated for an item if there is no room in a stockpile for that item. I'd like this principle to be extended one step further such that production jobs are not generated if there is no room in a stockpile for the produced item.

For instance, I'd like to suspend stone block production if there is no more room for stone blocks, and I'd like to suspend reaping jobs if there is no more room for the plants being reaped. This would make it much easier to use a pull strategy for inventory management.

7. A Query Language for Stockpile Contents

Consider the task of specifying the contents of a stockpile. Rimworld has a graphical user interface (GUI) for this purpose; it is what you see when you click "Storage" for a stockpile. That GUI has checkboxes for "Allow Rotten" and "Allow non-deadman's apparel"; there is a slider for hit points, but not for quality; all item classes are shoehorned into a single hierarchy. These elements are all part of a pragmatic approach – they are compromises and half-measures designed to simplify a complicated task. They work well, but offer limited control.

I would like an alternative to the pragmatic-but-limited approach. I would prefer to have complete control over a stockpile's contents (at least sometimes). It seems to me that Rimworld could offer complete control in the same way databases do – by supporting a query language. I've used MDX on the job, and it seems that either MDX or a similar query language would work well here. I envision a checkbox on the Storage GUI which would allow the user to either use the current system or to enter an MDX expression.

This would be useful for fine-tuning stockpiles. It would allow the player to specify, for instance, that a stockpile may contain charged weapons of any quality, but only melee weapons of masterwork or better quality. It would also allow the user to say "deadman's apparel is not allowed here" in a way that unambiguously avoids the confusing syntax of the current system. As the game evolves, a query language can accommodate further complications of this type in a way that the current system cannot.
Support / Comments on the EULA
February 23, 2017, 11:59:12 PM
I just read the end user license agreement.

I want to thank Ludeon for making the effort to use a good license agreement. For the most part, it is free of verbiage and avoids placing unnecessary restrictions on the user. It is clear that time and attention was given to this document, and that it was composed with honest concern for the rights of the end user. Please know that such effort is appreciated by those of us who still read legal documents before we sign them.

With deference to those who composed the agreement, I noticed two curious things which may be worth pointing out:

First, the agreement says "Ludeon reserves the right to modify the terms of this EULA from time to time...", but later in the same paragraph implies that such changes would constitute a "new EULA". Legally, "this EULA" and "the new EULA" mean different things, so that paragraph is problematic.

Second, I suspect that "jursdiction of Ludeon" doesn't mean anything. I think Ludeon will have a hard time enforcing its choice of venue based on that wording.
Support / What are the system requirements for Rimworld?
February 23, 2017, 11:18:40 PM
What are the system requirements for Rimworld?