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Topics - ashaffee

I thought it would be cool to open a suggestion based on this idea from Tynan. So maybe when he has time he could find even one of our suggestions helpful for this direction he is pursuing. 

Quote from: Tynan on July 14, 2018, 11:27:18 AM
One thing to bear in mind regarding pawn usefulness: I'll always try to keep the game balanced. So if difficulty was added to one area by making more pawns with problems (or other internal colony/survival challenges), difficulty would be removed from other areas (e.g. toning down raids).

It's not about just making the game harder by adding more pawn selection challenges, it's about shifting the difficulty that's there from massive raid defense towards internal management.

All that said, I've no concrete plans to change anything on this soon, there's a lot more immediate things to solve for 1.0.

My ideas on how this could be implemented are as followed. Please give me your suggestions as well.

- Drug addict wanders into colony. Colonist got lost on a drugged out trip and decided to join your colony.

- Pyromaniac joins colony. After being kicked out from their tribe for lighting the base on fire. "Colonist" some how convinced one of your pawns to join.

- All prisoners have a chance to become a spy after recruitment. Since prisoner recruitment is the most optimal choice for most people in growing their colony with no side effects or reduction in safety compared to chased refugee or caravan quests it only is fitting they have a negative.

All prisoners have a chance to revert back into an enemy and because they were a spy, they have notified the next raiding party where all of your defenses are located . They will also start attacking from within.

Or to take away the raid focus the next possibility could be. The spy convinces one of your colonist to rebel against you. You can in prison both of them. Both will have a less likely chance of becoming a spy/rebel after recruitment.
I personally only desired to do space launch once to see if I could do it. Afterword my following playthroughs of rimworld usually ended when I got bored with the colony and wanted to try a run with a new mod or with the new update.

I personally been experimenting with creating scenarios for myself to complete to "win". One of my more interesting games was to start near all angry villages and destroy them all to win.

Have you guys ever done anything similar?
Previously in beta 18 my strategy for scyther, centipedes was to take it close range. My melee specialist would take a blunt weapon to a centipede to stop them from shooting. My ranged targets would get 1-2 squares away from scythers to gun them down since scythers can easily out snipe you but fire to slowly to stay alive from rifles and miniguns.

In 1.0 I had a poison ship drop. I built a little wall/sandbag defense area to set up. My tech level didn't allow for any emp stuff yet. 2 Melee scythers 2 ranged and a centipede pop out to fight my 4 colonist. I kited the melee guys into a line of shot guns and killed them before they approached without taking damage. The ranged scyther fleed to get cover at their max range.

I dropped a shot gun on 1 character for a steel mace drew the minigun attention while taking him out of line of sight of the scythers with another character as my melee weilder engaged. I moved in with the rest of my guys 2 with shot guns one with a machine pistol right behind him to not do friendly fire and to kill it as fast as possible.

Then the stupid centipede fires the minigun auto killing my melee guy and injuring everyone in the back. I send another target in to melee it with the mace. He delays using his mini gun for 3 attacks then drops another guy before I take him down. By this time though the scythers were back in range and no longer giving friendly fire to their buddy so my guys get dropped fast.

I feel like I implimented a careful solid plan but the melee system is broken in 1.0. Being able to fire large weapons like shotguns, grenades, lauchers and miniguns while in melee combat is broken. I use to love a few good brawlers on my team but now i think the melee stat should just be thrown in the trash.... How could I have won this fight?

Editing: Sorry the ship wasn't poison it was Psychic so building a full defense to do door flankings would of probably lead to mental break chain that would of crippled the ability to fight.
In most of beta 18 I've been scared to do quests. I always play on extreme difficulty so not having some of my colonist for a week plus the chance I didn't send enough of them for the threat level sounded not worth it. But in 1.0 most of these trips are only 1 day away and you don't need much food since they can graze.

I've only done 1 quests in 1.0 so far. I had 3 colonist a the time ( 1 none violent). 1 shooting scythe appeared. I waited till the scythe turned the corner so we could fight it out 1 tile away. I got lucky and took no injuries on my guys before it got killed. The person we rescued joined and had decent enough stats but gained two infections before getting home. I barely saved the person the infection got to 95%+. So over all it was 100% worth it.

I am really really tempted to do more of them but im still scared and only have 3 attacking colonist. What strategies do you guys use on these quests on decisions to pick them.

Next time I do this I realize now that you can't just leave the person down and heal them after the fight. Very very high chance they die of infection. It seems like you have to tend to them a little while the fight is going on.
I know that 1.0 isn't finished but personally I was ready to start a new game anyway and might as well start it on 1.0. It has been a while since I've had an unmodded experience and almost forgot some of these things weren't in the game while playing. Here are my favorite mods that I struggle to play without because the are sooo good. What are yours?

While your up - It pains my soul to have to micromanage a colonist to pick something up after they went half way across the map to mine components.

Mass Graves - While it may be cheating the desire to make cremation. I still think the labor required to make graves for all these raiders is insane. Dump them in a mass hole like old war stories.

Work tab - I basically never played without this mod. Being able to tell my colonist to all work on very specific tasks and having an option of 1-9 instead of 1-4 gave so much more control without tedious micro managing. I could tell one crafter to always do medicine and another to do stone blocks. One person could always smith my components and other work on my weapons. By far my favorite mod in the game.

Refugee stats - These events are so much more difficult as they stand. But couple that in with the chance to get a depressive pyromaniac that is none violent and won't do dumb labor. With the mod I rarely accept these missions without the mod I regret it 90% of the time I do accept them.