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Messages - Play2Jens

Ideas / Re: [Story] Imagine a Storyteller !
May 25, 2015, 05:19:35 PM
I really like the Genghis Game concept and would love to see it implemented into the game. Raids would be more frequent and start sooner. But then again the game should help you more often by giving your free stuff and less negative events
Yeah, I also love to see this with Alpha 11's new combat AI
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
May 22, 2015, 09:31:04 AM
Here's my cheapest idea, it's an event:

1-4 characters from a neutral faction arrive. They get in and steal some food or other basic resources. Only from the moment they grab something a warning messages pops up.
- Now the player has the option to:
1. Attack them. They will run off or fight back (with poor weapons) and won't return
2. Try and arrest them. If one gets captured, they won't return
3. Let them go. They might return to try it again or one day in the future repay the debt

As I see it it's pretty easy to implement. If you attack them or arrest them it will be a 30% odd that they will change their stance from neutral to hostile. 70% that they start fleeing as if raiders do at the end of a raid.

If you let them go there should be a variable that remembers that the colony 'helped' them. there is a 20% chance that they're pitiful and will come back in approx. 6 months - 2 years with a big reward. 80% chance that they are scumbags and will come back next month to steal again
General Discussion / Re: RimWorld change log
May 20, 2015, 06:59:30 PM
Quote from: Wolfen Waffle on May 20, 2015, 05:41:54 PM
I now demand acid rain with the potential to destroy outside crops!

And in addition to that I demand pesticides to fight back blights!

In that case I demand ice cream!
Ideas / Re: A use for the coast and water....
May 19, 2015, 08:36:49 PM
I completely agree with this topic. Also, fishing and laying by the beach/building a sandcastle can be implemented as a cheap idea.
- Fishing could be done the same way as hunting. a shoal of fish appear next to the coast, you have to mark them to hunt, and colonist go hunt them, but without a weapon
- Building a sandcastle, but only if there is sand and temperatures higher than 22C°
General Discussion / Re: RimWorld change log
May 19, 2015, 08:04:00 PM
Quote from: Sir_Aroun on May 19, 2015, 07:16:00 PM
psychic soothe incident?

Not sure, but I think it's the opposite event of psychotic wave incident, where all colonist of a specific gender get a mood penalty. With this, all colonist should get a bonus to their mood.

I didn't see how well the event where you have to make a decision is implemented in the game. But I already love it. Tynan, we'd love to get more hard decisions to make. 
Quote from: keylocke on May 13, 2015, 06:54:28 AM
^expect a sudden spike of sick leaves and vacation leaves upon a11 release.   ::)

My thought exactly!
There are a few things I would hope for the next combat AI though:
- It would be nice if attackers had a specific plan(s) when attacking. Pirate's aim would be to steal your silver, if the game reads that you have a lot of silver. Or maybe release prisoners if the game reads that it has their people locked. That way you can still hide your colonists if you feel like you cannot handle a specific raid
- They could also have a sub-objective. If a specific colony has a lot of turrets, they want to disable any solar panel/wind turbine/battery they come across (read TURN OFF, not destroy!). Or destroy crops if a colony has a lot of farmland? 
- Maybe some way that AI pawns won't check for enemy pawns behind them when they are busy with something (eg.: shooting)? And only when they get hit? It would be easier for the player to get a bonus out of flanking
General Discussion / Re: German review
May 13, 2015, 06:55:18 AM
As a Belgian guy learning German it was easy for me to read. Good job!
General Discussion / Re: Thanks, Tynan
May 06, 2015, 03:41:59 PM
Last months there seems to be a lot of people criticizing the new updates. I sometimes think these people don't think things through before they start posting negative things on the forum, since Tynan reads most posts. Besides, the game is still in alpha and these last few updates where simple things that were needed to make the game feel alive and more realistic. Sure, these updates are not action packed. But I'm sure most people are happy with them.

Keep up the good work!
- You can build a working trade beacon inside, so your items won't degenerate. I do not agree with chests being more relevant in the game, although specific shelves might be a nice idea to store different clothes on the same tile. I really like the automated trade option 'Banished' has. It would be nice to have the same traders come in the intervals, and selling things like food and pre-modern weapons automatically. Maybe we could do some quests to unlock new (better) traders? Hmm, I'm dreaming again. 

- You still have to set up summer and winter outfits manually. This new future isn't perfect yet, but it's already great since you have to do a lot less micromanagement.

- On what difficulty are you playing? I don't seem to have a problem with getting new weapons by attacking raiders after a few years in-game.

Help / Help with editing start of a new game
July 08, 2014, 12:52:38 PM
Hi all,
I would like to edit the start of a new game. These are the following things I'd like to edit:
- Change the starting message.
- Start with an intact part of your crashed spaceship on the map. 
- Starting pawns all have the same uniform.
- Starting pawns are a random variable between 2 and 6.

Can I edit this in XML, or do I need to work in the core script of the game?
And is there a mod somewhere which adds different races?

This will be my first attempt on modding, but I did some programming courses in school.