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Messages - Sion

Releases / [1.0] Remove: "Ate Without Table" Debuff
February 05, 2019, 05:09:04 PM
Remove: "Ate Without Table" Debuff
This mod simply removes (or reduces) the debuff when a colonist eats without a table, that's it.

There are 2 versions (remove & reduce), you should ONLY use one of them at any given time.

  • The remove version will not show the mood description when eating without a table (because Rimworld hides zero values)
  • The reduce version sets the mood to -1 for 1 hour
I updated my old mod to work with Rimworld 1.0 too.
I wanted to let the user select (in-game or in mod menu or something) how much the debuff should be, but this was the only way I could think of at the moment.

Author/Mod Team

>>Download the mod here<<
(Link updated: 2022-07-23 if it breaks again in the future, please email me, address in profile).

How to install:

  • Unzip the contents and place them in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
  • Activate the mod in the mod menu in the game.
  • Make sure you are ONLY using ONE of these 2 mods at any given time.


  • All feedback is much appreciated. Thanks!
  • I'm still looking for a better name for this mod, all suggestions are welcome.


  • Feel free to include this mod in your modpacks, but credit the author
  • Feel free to change this mod in any way you like, but credit the author
I just found out that I can't see the attached file through my phone, possibly because I'm not longed in.
Anyway, here is a Google Drive link to the file:

Why did this thread die?
I made this temporary mod (attached file), it has 3 tiers of floor:
Wood (118%), Concrete (443%) & Carpet (1300% of base movement speed)
So far no power stuff.

Feel free to look at it and give feedback.

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]
Quote from: dburgdorf on July 19, 2017, 06:57:52 PM
Quote from: Sion on July 19, 2017, 06:55:27 PMHowever I think it would be cool with just 1 floor and then it moves faster depending on how much electricity you give it, but I have to do research about the electricity first for something like that.

As I said, I don't know that you'll be able to do that. But I'll be thrilled if you figure out a way, as it'd be an amazingly handy mod. :D

( solved, I found it: <basePowerConsumption>75</basePowerConsumption> )

I took a look at the power switch, and the power is quite binary, eihter it transmit power or it's flickable:

<ThingDef ParentName="BuildingBase">
      <li Class="CompProperties_Power">
      <li Class="CompProperties_Flickable"/>

So then I thought to take a look at the lamps, mabe I could adjust how much powe the floor required, but they don't have a "<RequiredPower>" tag or something:
<ThingDef ParentName="StandingLampBase" >
    <label>standing lamp</label>
    <description>Standing lamp that lights an area.</description>
      <li Class="CompProperties_Glower">

So how do I decide how much power something uses?
Ok, I have made "Speed Concrete" (-10) and it's working, however I noticed a quirk, when a colonist is "wandering" he moves at normal speed even on the Speed Concrete.

Any requests on the floor texture? (only Rimworld textures or if anyone else want to make some textures that I can use?) I'm thinking carped textures: blue = slow, green = medium & red = fast?

Also, where does Rimworld store the images?
I see the paths like:
but I can't figure out where to go and look at the Concrete texture.
I know that I should put the textures in a /Texture folder, but I need to get the texture first.
Thank you!
Strange that <PathCost> change walk speed instead of <MoveSpeed>.

Anyway, I could probably quit easily make like 3 different speed floors with different speeds & costs?

However I think it would be cool with just 1 floor and then it moves faster depending on how much electricity you give it, but I have to do research about the electricity first for something like that.
After some tests I couldn't find a way to make the MoveSpeed be applied to the colonist on the floor tile, I think I actually made the floor tile itself have a move speed ;D :P

However Rimworld didn't complain that I put <MoveSpeed> inside the <StatBase> so I guess there actually are a MoveSpeed property in StatBase?
I'm a programmer but noob to RimWorld modding, but I'm looking for somewhere to start and this project looked plausible.

But after looking in the .xml files I couldn't find any floor stat that change walk speed, not even in the .xml for concrete floors that is supposed to be fast to walk on:
Path: Mods/Core/Defs/Terrain_Floors.xml

<TerrainDef ParentName="FloorBase">
<Description>Quick-poured concrete. Fast to walk on, cheap, and very quick to pour, but quite ugly.</Description>

As you can see there are no stat for "walk speed" os similar.

I only found a <pathCost> in Core/Defs/Terrain_Floors_Burned.xml but that probably only affect the pathfinding so the colonists doesn't walk there.

However I found <MoveSpeed> in Core/Defs/Traits_Spectrum.xml for the Fast walker & slowpoke colonists, maybe that can be inserted in a floor?

I'm doing some tests right now.
I suggest you start to play the game as Vanilla, and when you find something that annoys you or you feel that you miss "this" functionality, or something else feels wrong, come to this forum and look for a mod that addresses that issue, in this way you can play the game as normally as possible.
Mods / Re: [Mod Request] Enhanced Trade Beacon
July 19, 2017, 04:50:08 PM
Do you want to sell everything everywhere that lies on the map, or only things in your stockpiles?

I think it's better to skip the checks all together and just return a list of all items or your stockpiles only, because I think the game are already tracking those so there are no need to search for them again.
Yeah, I have already adjusted the cost as soon as I realized that a 1x1 table costed as much as a 2x2, so I now they cost almost equally (the 1x1 is slightly more expensive because of rounding the number up), I didn't know about the beauty difference, I might have to adjust that too.
Outdated / [A17] Remove eat without table debuff
July 05, 2017, 07:50:05 PM
This is my first mod!  :D
Like the title says, this mod removes the "Eat without table" debuff.

>>Download the mod here<< (top right corner)

Just extract it in your /mods folder, just like all the other mods.

Read the original thread that started the mod here:
[Mod Request (RELEASED)] Remove: "Ate without table"
So I made a mod out of the solution instead of changing the core files.

>>Download the mod here<< (top right corner)

Just extract it in your /mods folder, just like all the other mods.
I'm also open for name suggestions.
Ok, so I found the solution here:

Scroll down 2 posts to download the finished mod

Basically, go to:
Find the start tag:
<ThoughtDef> and about 9 rows further down you will find the end tag: </ThoughtDef>
Change from:

Now the thought will still exist but it have no mood effect.
Mods / Re: Looking for a 1x1 table mod?
July 02, 2017, 10:23:30 AM
Thank you!