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Messages - arl85

English is not my first language, but I think there's a unneeded "mini-turret" string in following log.
In following image, you can see that an uninstalled table displays "room: outdoors" in info box; I suppose it should not show anything.
I'm not sure it is a bug or it should go to suggestion section, but right now, when a tamed animal is attacked by a predator, game slows down to speed 1 (speed 2 and 3 are unavailable) but no message appears to inform you about what's happening.
Even if it is extremely difficult to save the animal, I think a message should appears to inform the player.
I don't know if it is relevant, but a lynx attacked a "self tamed" chicken and no message appeared.
Quote from: Rulin on July 07, 2018, 04:35:58 AM
And why not a naming option for stockpiles aswell?

You can already name a stockpile, using the rename button that appears when you select it (next to delete, expand/shrink, etc...)
Some bill's option (for example: do until you have X for apparel) have lot of option.
In low resolution, I think a bit of them go missing.

For example, in following image, the option related to "pause when satisfacted" are not shown; I think they are simply hidden because window cannot be expanded further.

also, what the "only allowed ingredients" checkbox does? There's no tooltip for it, and I cannot understand what it is enabled by it
Other bills allow to select which stockpile to consider when checking for the "do until" condition, but not butcher's one.

Further, it is show "counting: meat"; is it possible to count anything else, like leather?
If a fertilized egg is ruined by temperature, it is still considered a fertilized egg. this means that, by default, it is not used for cooking meals.
It seems that, in bill orders, there's no way to differentiate between "real" fertilized egg and ruined ones.
I think that once ruined, a fertilized egg should revert to a unfertilized status.
What do you think?
I think it would be very useful if you could manually assign a custom name to the bill, too.
For example, instead of a generic "make jacket" you could rename it "make cloth jacket" or similar in order to easily keep track of what every single bill really does.
When you create a "make apparel" bill, pressing the information button about the item that will be created displays information about the "cloth" version of it.

In previous builds (B18 and earlier) it was possible to rotate items blueprint while building pressing middle mouse button.
In 1.0.1956 clicking middle mouse to rotate the blueprint doesn't always work.
If not found a steady way to reproduce it but most of the time if I middle-click nothing happens and I'm forced to middle-click twice in rapid succession (double middle-click); in that case object rotates.

double middle click always work, but I suppose that also a single middle click should work; indeed sometimes it works, but most of the time no luck.

I first noticed it when trying to rotate crafting spot but it seems to happen with every object.

Did anyone else notice this behavior?

(windows, 64 bit build)
Hi Calahan, first of all I'd like to express all my gratitude for taking the time to write such a detailed answer to my post: I really appreciated it, because you make me think about how unclear and confused I was in my report.

Quote from: Calahan on February 20, 2018, 04:35:09 AM
To Summarise

- Delivering materials to several blueprints at once is WAD, and this is how the game has always worked (with possible exclusion of very early alphas).
you're right, it is absolutely WAD

Quote from: Calahan on February 20, 2018, 04:35:09 AM
- Pawns choosing to repair things ahead of building things is WAD (AFAIK). And is the result of the Repair job type being merged (in A14 or A15) with the Construction job type, and repair being given a higher priority within the combined Construction job type (either use a mod that separates these jobs again, or use MM to remove the Home Zone of things that need repairing).
It is WAD in strict terms: working as designed. Even if sometimes I'd want it to be reversed (ie: when you have to rebuild walls and pawns prefers to repair damaged one) it works exactly as expected.

Quote from: Calahan on February 20, 2018, 04:35:09 AM
- Delivering materials and actually building a construction blueprint are two separate parts of the construction task. It may or may not be a bug that (in B18) prioritising the construction of a blueprint via right-click doesn't encompass both parts into one single prioritised order.
perfect way to put it.

After checking again, it seems that if you right-click prioritize the build order, both parts of it are indeed merged in a single, prioritized order.

But in my savegame I saw a different behavior and I was not understanding what's happening until I noticed that I was queuing orders.

Indeed, what I should have reported is it the following (again, sorry for being very confusing in my first post)

when queuing several build order, only last one is indeed completed, before priority "take controls".

Pawns bring materials to all queued order, but start building just the last one.
after completing it, if there are more urgent jobs (ie: repairing) pawn will do them first.

In this savefile, Burton has been ordered to prioritize building wood walls (queuing right-click on every single section): she will carry materials to all of them but build only the last section, before coming back to repair granite walls.

in this case, it seems that order is queued in this way:

  • deliver material to section 1
  • deliver material to section 2
  • deliver material to section 3
  • deliver material to section 4
  • build section 4
  • repair
please note that section 1->3 are not built, even if player clearly wanted them to be (prioritized!)

I'm not sure what a better solution would be, maybe

  • deliver material to section 1
  • deliver material to section 2
  • deliver material to section 3
  • deliver material to section 4
  • build section 1
  • build section 2
  • build section 3
  • build section 4
  • repair
in this case I don't know if it is better to keep the original queued order list (section 1->4) or reversing it (you just delivered to section 4: it's the closest one, so just build it).
Still, building in the order you queued orders seems more "expectable".

Another possible approach would be

  • deliver material to section 1
  • build section 1
  • deliver material to section 2
  • build section 2
  • deliver material to section 3
  • build section 3
  • deliver material to section 4
  • build section 4
  • repair
but this one will break the usual "deliver as much material as you can before start building" rule.
Still, if player really really wanted to build section 1 and only after that build section 2, I think it should be considered. In this case, breaking the "delivery then build" rule could be accepted.

I hope this is a better, more complete and understandable report of the problem.
I was unable to find if it has already been reported, but if you right click to prioritize construction in some cases pawn will only bring materials to the prioritized building and then continues with his own priority.
For example, if there are damaged items, forcing building a door will only force pawn to bring materials there, then he will continue repairing other items, because repairing has an higher priority than building.

it becomes even more frustrating when you want to build several items in a row, for example several walls. If you queues the constructions, pawn will bring materials to all walls one after another without first completing construction. In other words, you'll have a lot of "frames" of buildings, but no built ones.

It is especially frustrating when you try to recover from a raid that breached your walls: pawns will prioritize repairing over building, even if you forced construction.

I suppose it is because working on blueprint is a different job than constructing frames: in fact, when you right-click to force construction, it only says "force working on blueprint" and only after that you can force constructing the real object.

so, to recap:

  • you want to construct several buildings
  • you place construction order and queue building order (right-click)
  • pawn will bring materials to any single building and only after that* he will start building them
    *if there's nothing else with higher priority (ie: repairing)

expected behavior:

queuing construction should force pawn to bring material and build before bringing materials to other queued constructions.
Bugs / Re: Game over in permadeath but game not saved?
February 18, 2018, 03:46:28 AM
I did some tests and now I can confirm that every time the game is over and you decide to go back to menu, game is not saved, even if permadeath is on.
I don't think it is intended, because I expect that permadeath should also force you to accept that game is over, and all pawns are death, instead of giving you the ability to reload the last auto-saved file.
Bugs / Game over in permadeath but game not saved?
February 17, 2018, 12:27:09 PM
Vanilla beta 18 - my permadeath colony died and I saw the "game over" window, the "story is over" one.
I clicked on "back to menu".
After reloading the savegame, a previous auto-saved savefile was loaded: it seemed that pressing "back to menu" didn't save the game.
It is the first time it happened to me, in more than 170 hours.
I don't know if it can be related, but previously, while playing the same colony, my pc shutdown.
Luckly, the auto-save feature created a savegame just few minutes before, so I loaded it and I suppose (not 100% sure) that I was playing this auto-saved session when my colony died.

I'm sorry if I was unable to fully explain what happened, feel free to ask more details if needed.
Quote from: Vlad0mi3r on January 02, 2018, 08:36:13 AM
This is not necessarily the case.
Plant cutting is if the crops are not anywhere near maturity I think around 80% of less. You can still use the Harvest tool but only on sufficiently mature crops.
Yes, I can select them using the "harvest" tool, but only pawns with a "plant cut" job will harvest them.