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Messages - arl85

Translations / Re: Official: Italian | Italiano
August 22, 2022, 05:27:23 AM
Ciao a tutti,
solitamente io gioco in lingua originale ma ultimamente mi sono trovato a giocare con un amico a cui piace giocare in italiano ed ho notato con piacere che la traduzione è quasi completa, anche se ha alcune anomalie.

In particolare ho notato che tutti i log di combattimento sembravano non riuscire a tradurre il genere, tipo {TOOL_gender? il:la:lo}.
Cercando un po' ho visto che la causa potrebbe essere
Quote from: ison on September 04, 2018, 08:06:39 AM
Note that we now use {} everywhere instead of []. The RulePackDef system (used by art descriptions and name generators) still uses [] though. Even though the RulePackDefs system works similarly they are 2 separate systems.

Così per prova ho buttato lì un cerca/sostituisci { con [ e } con ] sulla cartella DefInjected\RulePackDef e devo dire che sembra andare un po' meglio, anche se compaiono ancora errori e sembra che manchino dei pezzi.

Sono anche un po' confuso da certi passaggi: non la traduzione, ma proprio il principio di funzionamento, in particolare il DefInjected\RulePackDef\RulePacks_CombatIncludes.xml in cui viene creato questo

<!-- Separation gender: il/la/lo  -->
<li>recipient_part_destroyed0_il_la_lo(recipient_part_destroyed0_gender == Male)->il</li>

che sembra non venire poi riconosciuto nel gioco.

Al momento non ho tantissimo tempo a disposizione ma se volete posso provare a sistemare qualcosa e dare un po' una mano: ho solo l'espansione base (no ideology, no royalty) quindi mi concentrerei sul "bug fixing" delle traduzioni (i casi in cui si vede palesemente che la traduzione non "s'aggancia") ed eventuali traduzioni mancanti sul core.

So utilizzare (almeno a livello base) git, pull request ecc quindi credo non avrò difficoltà da quel punto di vista.
Releases / [1.5] More filters for animals' pen
July 27, 2021, 05:20:16 PM
Previous mod name: Animals' age filter
Allow to filter pens' content by:
- animals' age (baby/juvenile/adult);
- pregnancy/fertilization status;
- sterilization status;
- age greater than life expectancy of animals' race;
- if a pack animal is carrying items;
- an immediate or periodic needs for tending;
- designation for slaughtering;
- malnutrition status;
- with resources ready to be harvested
- with all injuries tended
- with permanent injuries
- with name

An example...

Release history

v. 1.0 - Original release (1.3 only)
v. 1.1 - added filters for pregnancy/fertilization and sterilized status
v. 1.2 - Added filter for animals older than their race's life expectancy
v. 1.3 - added filter for pack animal carrying items
v. 1.4 - added filter for animal designated to be slaughtered and filter for animal with an immediate or periodic need for tending
v. 1.5 - added malnourished status filter
  v. 1.5.1 - fix: diseases that hit whole body were ignored by "tendable condition" filter
v. 1.6 - Added filter for animals with resources ready to be harvested
v. 1.7 - Added filter for animals with all injuries tended and for animals with permanent injuries
v. 1.8 - Updated for Rimworld 1.5
v. 1.9 - Added filter for named animals
Releases / [1.5] RuinedByTemperatureFilter
July 22, 2021, 05:32:30 PM
A simple QOL mod that allow to filter fertilized eggs based on their status (ruined or not ruined by temperature).
Useful when you want to use fertilized but ruined eggs for cooking or just to store them separately.

It's my first mod so any feedback is appreciated

Release history

v. 1.0.0 - Original release (1.3 only)
v. 1.1.0 - Added support for 1.2
v. 1.1.1 - Minor changes to metadata
v. 1.2.0 - Updated for 1.5
Fertilized eggs ruined by temperature are still "fertilized eggs"; it has been reported several times (here on forums, on discord and so on).

That thing make very difficult to use ruined fertilized eggs for cooking, because they cannot be discriminate from "not-ruined" fertilized eggs.

I know there's a mod (Animal logic IIRC) that forces ruined fertilized eggs to be converted to unfertilized ones but my idea is different: simply add a filter to allow/disallow "ruined by temperature" items, without converting them.
We already have "tainted", "rotten/fresh", "smeltable/not smeltable", etc filters

If I got it correctly it could be done with a class derived by SpecialThingFilterWorker class but I've no ideas about how to really implement it from scratch.

I found a similar implementation of derived class here but I need to study how that modder used it

edit: I think I did it but I'd like a review about code (I think it's okay, after all it's quite simple) and functionality (default values, allowing filtering for ruined and not ruined or ruined only, etc)

I'm attaching here code and output, if anyone would like to comment.

@mods: maybe you could move this topic in the most appropriate section

edit: mod released, see here
Releases / Re: [1.1] [KV] Path Avoid [ModSync RW]
May 02, 2020, 04:48:29 AM
Right now I'm unable to start a new colony:

Exception filling window for RimWorld.Page_SelectScenario: System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
  at Verse.Find.get_MapUI () [0x00005] in <032d0428bd3b4871b44e7cd832eb5c58>:0
  at Verse.Find.get_ReverseDesignatorDatabase () [0x00000] in <032d0428bd3b4871b44e7cd832eb5c58>:0
  at RimWorld.GameRules.SetAllowDesignator (System.Type type, System.Boolean allowed) [0x0003c] in <032d0428bd3b4871b44e7cd832eb5c58>:0
  at PathAvoid.Settings.SetIsPreferEnabled () [0x00021] in <b86dfa4f084b4a11b16a8c2c8f9ca155>:0
  at PathAvoid.Patch_Page_SelectScenario_BeginScenarioConfiguration.Postfix () [0x00000] in <b86dfa4f084b4a11b16a8c2c8f9ca155>:0
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.Page_SelectScenario.DMD<DMD<BeginScenarioConfiguration_Patch1>?1158924416::BeginScenarioConfiguration_Patch1>(RimWorld.Scenario,RimWorld.Page)
  at RimWorld.Page_SelectScenario.CanDoNext () [0x00014] in <032d0428bd3b4871b44e7cd832eb5c58>:0
  at RimWorld.Page.DoBottomButtons (UnityEngine.Rect rect, System.String nextLabel, System.String midLabel, System.Action midAct, System.Boolean showNext, System.Boolean doNextOnKeypress) [0x000e0] in <032d0428bd3b4871b44e7cd832eb5c58>:0
  at RimWorld.Page_SelectScenario.DoWindowContents (UnityEngine.Rect rect) [0x000ab] in <032d0428bd3b4871b44e7cd832eb5c58>:0
  at Verse.Window.InnerWindowOnGUI (System.Int32 x) [0x00165] in <032d0428bd3b4871b44e7cd832eb5c58>:0
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle)

Quote from: UnlimitedHugs on March 04, 2020, 12:55:04 AM
Updated to 3.8.3
While I was at it, I also added a toggle that automatically unforbids drops during drafted hunting.
I'm using 3.8.4 on vanilla (no Royalty DLC) and I'm unable to make the "unforbid drops" option work.
I've started a new game just to test it and it seems that if I use ranged weapon, body remains forbidden, even if I toogle the unforbid prey.
If I attack melee, instead, option seems to be respected.
Already reported here (and marked as solved) but still present in 1.0.2282: "Nutrition eaten per day" value on form caravan screen depends on current hunger level of the creature. (see attached screenshot)

[attachment deleted due to age]
I found the same behavior in 1.0.2282
In this savegame, stockpiles around Rynyk doesn't show the "allow rotten" filter.
I can't remember anything strange I did with those zones, other than shrinking them and then expanding again, but I cannot reproduce the behavior.
if it can help, you can find a savegame in my post reporting the same behavior.
Hi, I've found a strange behavior of pawns, that start moving between two positions in a loop.

it happens sometime when you order to build a grave on a place covered by rock chunks and pawn tries to make free place for it.
I'm not sure if it is related to having no dump zones to take moved chunks, but I'm almost sure it is not.

Here you can find two savegame:

  • the one named "t" is "normal" save
  • the one "loop" is instead the one where pawn named "Shield" is looping, after I tried to build graves in marked spots.

Yes, exactly that!

edit: playing a bit with it I found that you can only see data for unburied corpses; my idea was to have a way to display these info for all colonies members, even death ones, even if buried/burned.

Any way, I still think Numbers may be good enough for what I'd like
If you press the "i" button on a character, there's a tab with a lot of statistical data, e.g. time as colonist, animals killed, etc.

All these data are not accessible when a pawn dies, because the tab disappears (and the body is usually disposed in a grave/burned/etc...)

My suggestion is to give access to data, for example with a button on the grave or some other way if pawn is burned or body destroyed in any other way, so you can check and "remember/celebrate" (in storytelling sense, not in game) the dead pawn.

Maybe a new tab on history page, keeping a list of all pawn that were once part of your colony, with access to statistical data of each of them.
Quote from: Illusion Distort on July 18, 2018, 10:24:04 PM
I believe this is to prevent a pawn to break while sleeping.
I'm not so sure about that, because it doesn't always happen when a pawn is sleeping, but I'll keep an eye on it
I'm not sure if it is a bug or is working right, and I saw this happening even on previous beta, but sometimes a pawn loses almost all their thoughts.
They are not expired, because after few seconds (at 1x speed) all thought returns.

Could it be related to lowered consciousness?

In this case the pawn was sleeping when it happened; it is in withdrawal from psychite and her consciousness is at 76%.

I received a message saying that my colonist is inspired for 3 days, but in colonist tab the inspiration length is 8 days.