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Messages - Jovus

A funny thing happened. I'm using the world pawn GC, and I think it was the cause.

I have a colony that's seen some rough times. I've lost about ten colonists, all told, not all at once, and have gotten down to even just 1 colonist a couple times. It's been a fun ride.

For one of these instances, where I lost four people to heroic action during a raid, I built a sarcophagus (the lucky lady was also wife of my chief architect, alas) and three graves to go around it for the others.

Life went on, for a year (maybe two). I lost more colonists over time. Times being what they were, I butchered them instead of burying them.

Then reality kicked it up a notch and I left the game alone for about a month.

This morning, when I booted up the save again, imagine my surprise when all the colonists who had died and gone under the knife were walking around, hale and healthy, lending a helping hand to the previously hardscrabble colony. The only ones who had remained in their graves were those I had buried, in the ground or in sarcophagus.

I can upload the save, or screenshots, or logs, when I get home. I just didn't want to forget to mention it beforehand.
Quote from: deshara218 on April 11, 2017, 11:51:20 AM
correct me if I'm wrong but there is already a "how does this colonist react to threat" toggle, right? Unless that's a part of a mod I've installed, we already have the game calling when they're in immediate danger or when they're relatively safe, so, you could easily insert a line in the "drop weapons upon collapse" that checks if the colonist is in danger when he goes down before forbidding the weapon, or maybe make it a setting?

For even more fiddly-to-code but painless-to-play goodness, we could keep the forbid flag - but auto-generate a new job for the downed colonist, of high priority, to grab the same weapon regardless of the forbidden flag. (I figure I'd be comfortable with a priority just under the priority of 'go rest in a bed until you won't die from moving')

General Discussion / Re: Self Sustainability
April 08, 2017, 04:55:04 PM
Quote from: Shurp on April 07, 2017, 06:53:54 AM
How do you keep tribals with great bows from plinking out your turrets?

Keep your turrets turned off until said tribals are in range.
For added realism in Intense-and-higher difficulties, when performing surgeries the game should just drop you into a running instance of Surgeon Simulator 2013 (now bundled with and required for Rimworld to run). Doctor medical skill determines the sensitivity of the hands for tool manipulation.
Plague of locusts incident.

A horde of flying insects descends on your colony, eating all your outdoor crops and every other food-bearing plant on the map. The incident ends in a couple days, leaving around a fair number of dead locusts around, which you can pick up and cook/eat (with the same mood debuffs as insect meat).

Not actually convinced this is a bad idea, now that I type it out.
They're both in the misc menu.
Thanks for your quick and helpful reply! I swear I looked all over the first post and didn't find it, but lo and behold, there it is.

Out of curiosity, what kinds of bugs have you experienced with limb harvesting or transplantation? I just ask because this kind of thing interests me.

Thanks again for all your hard work.
Ideas / Re: Coffee
March 30, 2017, 10:08:34 PM
Quote from: Syrchalis on March 30, 2017, 04:30:34 PM
The whole idea was to NOT have addiction be part of it. The positive effect should be small, because the negative effect should only be the time/space you sacrifice for the coffee production. Coffee isn't really addictive IRL either.

My wife would disagree with you. If she goes more than roughly 28 hours without caffeine, she develops a powerful headache as a physiological withdrawal symptom.

(She also drinks about a liter of espresso a day, having a mind-boggling tolerance.)
Ideas / Re: Coffee
March 30, 2017, 12:02:46 PM
I'd model it instead as a malus percentage of tiredness and a (small) bonus percentage of consciousness. No mood boost; +consciousness is already really useful. (Consciousness affects almost all skills.)

Make it somewhat easier to make - there are a lot of small steps in food or drug production that Rimworld just doesn't model. I'd think coffee beans directly to cups of coffee would be fine. If you don't want to have a whole bunch of prepared mugs lying around, put in a coffee-maker pawns use, like the nutrient paste dispenser (but much smaller, of course).

Finally, tolerance and addiction should go up fairly rapidly, until you hit moderate tolerance. For addiction, I don't mean anything as bad as flake, just slightly more than beer.

Withdrawal should give a -5 mood modifier, and be pretty fast.
Sorry if this has been talked over before. I did a quick search of the thread, but my search-fu is weak.

I seem to be unable to take arms and legs as separate organs anymore, as allowed by EPOE. Is this intentional, or am I lacking something? I'm using the RBSE base version (neither lite nor master) and have researched simple prosthetics.

Specifically, I can install a peg leg, but I cannot simply remove a leg or an arm (for example, to transplant onto a colonist from a prisoner).

Quote from: b0rsuk on March 29, 2017, 12:34:47 PM
I would pay for special plant seeds. Imagine genetically engineered seeds that let me grow finite number of special plants - more potent herbal medicine, fancy decorative plants, bonsai, fruit trees, etc. Only they are terminator seeds. Genetically engineered to never produce offsprings and seeds, just fruit or adult specimen.

Rarely, instead of terminator seeds, you get dropped Terminator seeds because of a bookkeeping error, and the sees grow into Scythers and Centipedes that try to attack your colony.

(Not a comment on the quality of the original idea, which I think is pretty cool.)
General Discussion / Re: This game makes you evil
March 28, 2017, 09:59:10 PM
Quote from: Shurp on March 28, 2017, 09:42:31 PM
So I just stripped Sebastian naked and sent him out to freeze to death next to his son.  Two birds, one stone.

I may have misheard, but what I'm pretty sure you said was that you gave Sebastian an exciting new opportunity to found a family-owned meat-packing business.
That was no accident.

Stone was a sleeper agent for the mechanoids, a rare but well-known tactic used by that nefarious race of synthetic life. In their quest to eliminate all sentient organics, whom they view as an affront against intelligence, they sometimes abduct living children. Usually taken from assaulted ships that are later destroyed, the mechanoids are very careful to destroy any evidence of their continued living.

Through a brutal regimen of psychostimulant drugs and operant conditioning, the mechanoids then carefully program these sleeper agents to insert themselves into functioning human societies, waiting for the right moment to cause chaos, usually during an assault by their mechanoid overlords. The sleeper agents themselves are usually disposed of by the mechanoids, who have no reason to keep them after they fulfill their nefarious purpose.

Sleeper agents are extremely difficult to spot, and can only be reliably identified on glitterworlds, where in-depth brain-scanning technology is available. Still, there are signs: look for someone with unexplained old scars, especially in the cranial and neck region. Sleeper agents are also more likely to turn to drugs in an unconscious attempt to paper over the deep conflict in their psyches. Finally, human social interaction is one of the most complicated human activities, so sleeper agents may have less grasp of proper socialization than others. Look for people who claim to 'relax socially' while alone, or those with a consistent history of inappropriate romantic overtures.

None of these signs are conclusive, and all of them may have other causes.

You have been warned. Stay vigilant.
General Discussion / Re: Synthread.
March 28, 2017, 09:40:36 PM
Quote from: Hans Lemurson on March 28, 2017, 07:32:58 PM
I wanna buy synthread!  It's a common material for all spacefarers, but somehow is virtually unobtainable on-planet. :(

That's because it's a monocrystal that requires zero-g to properly grow.

Hyperthread is actually the same material, but with different doping. It contains larger trace amounts of copper.
People have answered your question. Time for the story justification!

In short, the sister is so terrified of her masters' wrath, or so conditioned to her slavery, that she's simply incapable of seeing the possibility of freedom. You will have to tie her down, and she will go through a long process of psychic healing before finally seeing that life can be different.

Or, if she has left already, you will have to go on a daring raid to incapacitate and capture her in order to rescue her from the shackles in her own mind.

In either case, if it were me, I'd call in the 'offending' faction and ambush their trade caravan in reprisal for what they have done to your kin. And escalate from there, if they show signs of not getting the message.