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Messages - Sirsim

Mods / Re: SpaceDorfs Archive
August 11, 2017, 03:09:55 PM
Quote from: SpaceDorf on August 10, 2017, 12:03:00 PM

I was just thinking in a moment of inner peace that I share my collected stuff with everyone else ..

I truly understand you here. When for the first time i managed to play with 115 mods and having no errors for hours, i was so happy that i wanted to share it. For me (and i guess for many people) having this game working flawlessly with as many mods is possible is far more satisfied than to launch the spaceship itself (which i never did and really don't care). So whoever disagrees with this for whatever reasons, at list he must acknowledge the player's side of this.
Outdated / Re: [A17] cuproPanda's Mods (10 Aug 17)
August 11, 2017, 02:52:41 PM
Is there any possibility to check why the new version of AJO conflicts with StyffifiedConstruction? 17.11 version works fine.
Outdated / Re: [A16] Old style research menu
August 11, 2017, 02:49:31 PM
Quote from: Canute on August 11, 2017, 08:28:40 AM
Who cares about steam, noone use that ! :-)

I second that. We need this mod here asap :-)
Outdated / Re: [A17] cuproPanda's Mods (08 Aug 17)
August 09, 2017, 04:34:04 PM
Quote from: cuproPanda on August 09, 2017, 04:23:27 PM
It's AJO, by the way, not AOJ ;)

I doubt the renaming is an issue, because I only renamed the repositories on GitHub - the release folders have always been Additional-Joy-Objects-[Release number].

If you are using Steam mods and forum mods, make sure that you don't have two copies that way. The ID for AJO is 936486725

Well i was lucky and with ModListBackup's help i found the cause of the problem. StuffifiedConstruction is the problem. Damn this is bad cause i really love this mod. I guess till something is changed i will use AJO v.17.11. I tried StuffifiedConstruction under and above AJO but problem remains. Weird that works fine with AJO 17.11. Thanks again.

Edit: No Steam mods, only forums.
Outdated / Re: [A17] cuproPanda's Mods (08 Aug 17)
August 09, 2017, 03:12:45 PM
Quote from: cuproPanda on August 09, 2017, 12:31:54 PM
I'm not sure what's causing this error. There are no duplicates in the files, I double checked. Even taking the inheritance into account, there is only 1 entry for the costs. The only thing that makes sense is that there is still a copy of the mod being loaded somehow.

Quote from: kaptain_kavern on August 09, 2017, 01:33:47 PM
Double AJO mod folders in Rimworld/Mods maybe?

This or another mod is patching AJO modded objects(but I very doubt it's that), but after that I can't think of anything.

Another mod (if this is possible) must be responsible cause i loaded only AOJ and everything is fine. I am sure that AOJ loads once so now i guess i must try to find which one of the 112 mods is responsible. Weird is the fact that whatever does this, doesn't do it with previous version of AOJ. Even the load order is the same. Anyway thank you and kaptain_kavern for your time. I have a big night in front of me :D
Outdated / Re: [A17] cuproPanda's Mods (08 Aug 17)
August 09, 2017, 11:15:02 AM
Quote from: kaptain_kavern on August 09, 2017, 10:59:17 AM
Oh crap! Sorry it was really looking like a duplicates problems.

Is this on an ongoing play? Not with a new world?

If yes then maybe you have to remove all AJO buildings from your game before applying the updated mod again (and maybe re-spawn them with dev mode if you want). Panda explained this process on the steam workshop page comments to someone having kinda similar problems.

I have an ongoing game yes but i get these errors when i load Rimworld not the specific game.
Outdated / Re: [A17] cuproPanda's Mods (08 Aug 17)
August 09, 2017, 10:14:20 AM
Quote from: kaptain_kavern on August 09, 2017, 10:08:53 AM
Looks like you have some duplicates. Are you sure you have totally erased the previous folder before "putting" the new updated one?

Yes, i deleted the old mod folder and moved the new one in.

Edit 1:
Deleted the mod, loaded the game (fine). Copied the mod again in the mod directory, loaded the game, activated the mod, loaded the game got the error again.
Outdated / Re: [A17] cuproPanda's Mods (08 Aug 17)
August 09, 2017, 09:46:34 AM
I replaced the old version of the mod (AOJ) with the new one and i am getting some errors when i load the game.

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]
Outdated / Re: [A17]Stone Painting (v0.6)
August 01, 2017, 10:52:45 AM
I tried today natural walls mod as i like the construction aspect of the game most, and  sow that works perfectly with stone painting mod. So on my way to congratulate you went to natural mod thread again to check something and i sow that is your mod too :).
I wanted for so long a mod that will allow you to make rock walls . It's nice to 'cultivate' the map with natural rocks and not with walls. It is even impossible to do this through dev mod (i think).
Anyways thanks for both of your mods.
Quote from: mrofa on July 30, 2017, 08:40:57 AM
Yehh its harmless dont worry about it :D

Thanks! I had the same issue when i updated the mod and uninstalled it.
Let's put it back in shall we ? :D
Outdated / Re: [A17]Stone Painting (v0.6)
July 27, 2017, 06:01:17 PM
What are these blue color stains on my carpet ? :D Nice 'dirt' detail you made there .
Works fine with 'stuffed floors' and some more dozens of mods, straight to my saved game.
It helps building same color stones when you have small amounts of many of them and colors are really cool.
This is great ! I am having so much fun just previewing maps and thinking how each one can be developed.
Only problem, i can't decide where i want to play as there is always desire for something more :D.
This is heaven for strategy game players . Thank you.
Outdated / Re: [A17] Mines - balanced mining
July 26, 2017, 09:03:50 AM
Quote from: raisermrk2 on July 25, 2017, 10:50:21 PM
good mod but it theres a big problem where the save wont load after building a mine
and using it

I have the same problem and forced to uninstall the mod although i love how it 'transforms' mining.
Something got corrupted cause i can't load a game with a mine build in it.
Releases / Re: [A17] Prepare Landing
July 22, 2017, 01:58:12 PM
This is great, and with all the parameters needed for detailed search, thanks a lot.
Outdated / Re: [A17] Mines - balanced mining
July 22, 2017, 09:35:59 AM
I am getting multiple errors when i try to load a game with mines build on it and game does not load. When i load a save before i build them everything is ok. It is is strange as i didn't have errors with the new version till now.
I attached a screenshot of the errors. 

I loaded mines as the only mod, i started a game , build a mine and set a bill of gold.
Saved and can't load the game . I am getting the same errors as above but this time with gold in it.

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]