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Messages - KageNoOni

Unfinished / Re: Children and Pregnancy
January 28, 2017, 01:41:50 PM
Quote from: Napple on January 28, 2017, 12:18:47 PM
Is there any way to disable child pawns attempting to woo each-other and adult pawns.

I haven't seen this before.  My child pawns make no attempts to romance anyone, not even each other.  Sure they beat each other senseless occasionally, but no romancing.  It might just be a mod you have interfering with things.
Unfinished / Re: Children and Pregnancy
January 28, 2017, 02:40:50 AM
A suggestion for Thirite:  Decrease the damage kids deal in melee fights.  Had one hospitalize another in the shortest fight I've ever seen.
Unfinished / Re: Children and Pregnancy
January 27, 2017, 03:28:50 AM
So, no comment on how babies are giving birth to themselves according to the notice? :P
Unfinished / Re: Children and Pregnancy
January 27, 2017, 01:21:17 AM
Current (minor) bugs I've noticed

When a child changes stages (in bed to crawling, crawling to walking) the graphic on the colonist bar doesn't update.  So when a kid starts crawling, I have to quit the game and reload for the image to switch from a baby in bed to a baby crawling.  Same when they start walking.  I suspect becoming an adult will probably be the same.

When a child is able to start working, if you select that child then click the Character button, it will still show dashes through all the skills, indicating being incapable of the various forms of work, despite now being able to do the job.  Once again, a save and reload is required to update this.

Edit: Almost forgot.  Every time I load the game, I get a new notification of pregnancy for each pregnant colonist, even if there is already a notification up.

Edit again:  Purple Meniño just had a baby girl.  Irgo 'Salamander' Meniño.  While I like the new "Newborn baby" pop up, "Salamander has given birth." is the not the notification I expected when I moused over it.
Unfinished / Re: Children and Pregnancy
January 26, 2017, 12:49:15 PM
Quote from: Cassiopea on January 26, 2017, 06:29:56 AM

Have you added or removed a mod resulting in the worker database getting corrupted? The mod will warn you when it happens and since it rerolls work priorities for every pawn, I'm theorizing it's causing toddlers to do research and what not.

I have made no changes to the mods since creating this colony.  I also do not get any errors like the ones you describe, or any errors in red that would automatically pop up the debug log.

Edit: Well, I get the occasional "corpse has null inner pawn" or "tried to give <pawn> <task> but there was no task to give" type errors, but I get that even in vanilla.

Edit: Got back home, loaded up my game, and now that I have children old enough to work, I'm getting those errors for the first time.  When the toddlers were doing research was before seeing this error.

Quote from: Archadeas on January 26, 2017, 07:24:12 AM
Is fluffy's tab loaded after this mod? I have this mod loaded last(well, last ish) and it seems to not have issues, then again I have 132 mods installed, so yeah...
Also, is it only me or does anyone else want to have "clone troopers" as soldiers?

I'm currently at work, so I can't check the order of the mods, and I don't remember off the top of my head which one is first.

Edit: Ok, back home, looks like I have Children and Pregnancy loaded immediately after core, with WorkTab loaded much later.
Unfinished / Re: Children and Pregnancy
January 26, 2017, 02:30:16 AM
Quote from: Cassiopea on January 25, 2017, 06:18:48 AMDo you have Fluffy's work tab mod?

I do indeed.  Which of the two bugs do you think is caused by the work tab mod?

Edit:  I went back to my game only to find one of my toddlers decided to throw a party for the whole colony.
Unfinished / Re: Children and Pregnancy
January 25, 2017, 12:20:57 AM
I have a new bug to report.  I caught my 2 season old toddler Chicken Breixo (side note, I swear that sounds less like a name, and more like a fancy dinner dish, but the game chose the name, not me) doing research at my high tech research bench with multi-analyzer.

Edit: Toggling draft stopped the research initially, and the toddler went back to wandering around.  I had thought this meant it was fixed, but apparently not.  Chicken went back to researching later, and could not be pulled away from the research bench.  The draft method didn't work, and pulling Chicken away while drafted, and releasing her to go back to her normal thing resulted in her running straight back to the research bench.  As one person in the Phi client noted, she has a bright future ahead of her. :P

Edit 2:  Colonists aren't feeding prisoners.
Unfinished / Re: Children and Pregnancy
January 24, 2017, 02:12:13 PM
Quote from: Arigas on January 24, 2017, 11:05:51 AM
You can remove it by using the Restore body part option in the dev menu as well. Its what I use for unwanted pregnancies :P

I could do that, but that removes some of the other things the mod does, such as the mother being incapable of moving for a day or so after giving birth, some bleeding, and a tear.  Also, I'm trying to play w/o the dev menu as much as possible.
Unfinished / Re: Children and Pregnancy
January 24, 2017, 03:49:05 AM
I'm having a repeated bug where giving birth doesn't remove the pregnancy, or the giving birth Hediffs.  The result is the mother just keeps having children one after another with out end.

Exception ticking Purple: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at RimWorldChildren.Hediff_HumanPregnancy.DoBirthSpawn (Verse.Pawn mother, Verse.Pawn father, Single chance_successful) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at RimWorldChildren.Hediff_HumanPregnancy.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.Pawn_HealthTracker.HealthTick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.Pawn.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Edit: I'm basically having to save after the mother gives birth, edit the save file, remove the Pregnancy and Giving Birth hediffs manually, save the changes, then reload my save in RimWorld.
Unfinished / Re: Children and Pregnancy
January 20, 2017, 01:51:30 PM
Quote from: Thirite on January 19, 2017, 05:42:44 PM
> If I had to theorise, it's possibly down to the game itself not recognising the children as pawns initially?
That's what I initially thought too, but couldn't find anything in the decompiled source hinting at that.

There's a mod called CryptoRestore Casket, it reverses the age of colonists you put inside.  I accidentally left a man named Young in the casket too long (yes, I recognize the coincidental name).  He came out 8 years old.  He continued to function as any other colonist, having lost no ability or skill during that time.  Still able to equip weapons, still cooked and hunted.  Having seen young pawn behavior outside of your mod, I can say the game doesn't appear to treat under 15 pawns any differently than pawns at 15+.  I don't think there is anything that treats pawns differently based on age, aside from age related illnesses.

Also, not at home yet, so I can't try out the mod.  Do you have baby gates or something similar that can be constructed to block the pathing of infants and toddlers?