[1.0] Children and Pregnancy - v0.5b (2019/Feb/25)

Started by Thirite, December 27, 2016, 09:06:22 PM

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Load the tabs first, they are best when loaded early and prevents them from forcing a job onto things that are not suppose to have a job.
When this world comes to an end, I shall Remain. The void beckons, will you heed the call?


Quote from: KageNoOni on January 27, 2017, 03:28:50 AM
So, no comment on how babies are giving birth to themselves according to the notice? :P

Oh boy what did I fug up now
Edit: Oh! I see. I gave the letter notification the variable for the newborn's name rather than the mother. Haha

Hotfix v0.1f available
Fixes annoying duplicate "is pregnant" messages on game load, and fixes the issue describe above


Quote from: Thirite on January 26, 2017, 10:48:04 PM
- Toddlers now grow little mops of hair at 2yo. They also now walk upright at this point, though I can't remember if that was already the case or not.

Gracie is adorable!

Also, I have three married couples in this colony. As you can see in the colonist bar, access to cheap and reliable contraceptives is important folks!


once u get the base feature of growing up done would be nice after that if we can get compabitly. would suck if it winds up being incompatible with to many mods.


Compatches for other mods is not high on the priority list. After it leaves the unfinished section it will be worth working on, but certainly not when even things like cribs and changes to stop adults from murdering children in social fights aren't implemented.


I'm very interested in how this mod is produced to very fine details of pregnancy.
Do you add features such as The Birds and the Bees Mod, adding reproductive organs, becoming unable to reproduct by impairment or impotence or menopause?


Can confirm here that version 01f no longer has the traders not leaving issue it previously had. Cheers for the playable version!


Not yet, but it's certainly planned.

Great to hear! I wasn't looking forward to a long process of digging through the source code for what caused the bug, so the more I hear "it's just gone" the better.


A suggestion for Thirite:  Decrease the damage kids deal in melee fights.  Had one hospitalize another in the shortest fight I've ever seen.


LOL, gonna make my baby food farm.. my cannibal psychopaths are slurping already!! :D


Edit : resolved


Is there any way to disable child pawns attempting to woo each-other and adult pawns.


Quote from: Napple on January 28, 2017, 12:18:47 PM
Is there any way to disable child pawns attempting to woo each-other and adult pawns.

I haven't seen this before.  My child pawns make no attempts to romance anyone, not even each other.  Sure they beat each other senseless occasionally, but no romancing.  It might just be a mod you have interfering with things.


Lol I was surprised when one of my pregnant colonist suddenly gave birth to THREE BABIES! Lol this mod is amazing so far. No issues here besides the occasional babies having "X lied to me!" and kids attempting to woo adults. But that's other mods problems.

Good job for the mod!


Noticed a bug with this mod (confirmed by repeating the particular instance with and without this mod):

Animals will become 'Incapacitated' upon reaching 'Severe' pain, regardless of movement efficiency. Methodology included beating up a tortoise with only this mod loaded (excluding HugsLib and Mod List Backup, but I doubt they'd cause conflict), and then without this mod loaded. It also applies to other animals, including Thrumbos. Doesn't apply to people.