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Messages - todofwar

Ideas / Re: Gun Damage
December 03, 2013, 06:06:47 PM
I think having a hardcore mode with drastically increased gun damage could work, but only as an option. In the modding tools Tynan is working on it looks like you will be able to adjust this kind of thing for yourself. Granted, the AI would need to know that they have to get to cover or die.
General Discussion / Re: Killing vs Incapacitate
December 02, 2013, 06:57:21 PM
Quote from: Semmy on December 01, 2013, 10:31:12 PM
At the moment there isnt.
A way to try and have more succes altough its only slightly is going in melee.

In the future there will be more ways added to capture raiders.

I think the ability to recruit prisoners needs to be curtailed a bit. It makes sense now because there are few ways to get new colonists, but would you trust someone who was just shooting at you with a gun? I think in the future captured raiders should be good for slave trade only.
Ideas / Re: Population management idea's
December 02, 2013, 06:22:20 PM
I think increasing colonist fatality rate either by random events or increased raids is very logical. Recruiting remains constant, but once your population gets above 12, you begin to deal with colonists dying off more often. Eventually the death and recruiting rates balance and you get a stable population without a hard cap. This is easier said than done though, as increasing the odds of colonists dying without feeling cheep (ie, thunder strike) is not straightforward. If the AI could be smart enough to figure out what your colonist death rate is and match potential recruiting events to match, that could be cool. Also, perhaps captured raiders could have a higher chance of betraying you during a raid with a larger group of colonists (above 15 there is less a sense of camradery or something)
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
December 02, 2013, 09:02:15 AM
Ability to dump weapons from equipment racks. I have like twenty spots, but they keep getting filled with pistols. I've stopped letting them haul pistols, but the ability to clear space in my increasingly crowded equipment room would be nice
General Discussion / Best Cover
December 01, 2013, 06:51:41 PM
What are the values for different covers? Do you get a better result from having your colonist peer out from the corner of a wall, or from sandbags, or from inside a doorway (is that even different from behind a wall corner?) Also, where do people go to find this stuff?
I would like hot keys for the time controls, like the ability to speed up or slow down time and a pause button.

I do like the idea of hot keys for buildings and structures.
Normally the first structure I build is a big room with sleeping spots, nutrient paste dispenser, and table. I then build an individual room which functions as a prison cell, and over time try to provide everyone their own room. I usually throw more sleeping spots in the original place when I need more prison cells.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
November 29, 2013, 11:03:07 PM
Blast walls, definitely. Some kind of reinforced outer wall that I can use for more effective defenses.

Other idea: shooting target, and new task: training. Colonists can have practice firing be a new thing on the priority list. Would give all those nobles and assasins something to do.
Ideas / power control
November 29, 2013, 01:44:55 PM
Nothing fancy, just an ability to have certain buildings be higher on the priority list when I go under capacity. Like have the nutrient paste dispenser be the absolute last thing to turn off
Ideas / Re: Unique Colonist Roles
November 27, 2013, 09:55:59 PM
Very much like this. Well thought out, and I don't think I've seen something like it mentioned before. It would definitely lend a bit more tactics to unit positions in combat.
Ideas / Re: Research idea - resource detector
November 27, 2013, 01:27:21 PM
I like it, especially if more resources are involved. A level of uncertainty would be cool too.
General Discussion / Re: Self imposed restrictions
November 27, 2013, 12:26:14 PM
Quote from: todofwar on November 17, 2013, 12:34:51 PM
The Fortress

Build a medieval castle, with square "towers" at the corners of you base. Outer walls have to be distinguished either by being double thick or by being two walls with a path in between. Digging into a mountain is ok, so long as the fort gets built. Turrets can only be placed in towers (not sure about this rule), but towers of course don't have to be walled off. I imagine the biggest problem will be fires.

This is much harder than I thought, mostly due to the uselessness of walls in a fight. Going to try again with the higher wall health mod, see if that helps.
He wanted 20K because he wanted a simple game. Now that he has the funding to make it much more involved, he is not obligated to. I feel like I already got my money's worth from the alpha, but I'm easy to please and the fact that I have logged 50 hours in already to me is a good value. As is, this game would probably net him the 200K in sales, how he reinvests that money is up to him. It is understood he will use at least 20K to further develop the game, but beyond that I feel he has no obligation.

All that being said, Tynan seems to me like a cool guy who wants this game to be all it can be and will develop it as he sees fit. I think hiring a couple extra hands to reowrk things like the AI or improve performance on superlarge maps wouldn't be a bad idea, but it's up to him in the end. If he decides he really only needed 20K to finish rimworld as he wanted it, and to use the rest to develop a new game from the ground up that has nothing to do with rimworld, that is fine too.
Ideas / Re: Late/endgame idea - bandit/other colonies
November 27, 2013, 11:17:25 AM

Was mentioned before, I'm in favor of it though. I think lots of threads with the same topic get an idea exposure, so I really don't mind repeats.
Ideas / Re: What do the colonists think we should do?
November 26, 2013, 06:44:06 PM
Definitely like this. +1