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Messages - SirDarin

So I am having an issue where the backstories from this mod are not able to be applied to pawns. I have even tried editing the save file to give it to the pawn, but I will get the message that psychology (I'm assuming the psychology mod) can't find it and it will assign a random backstory instead.
I also have the mod Editable Backstories, and have tried moving the backstories into there since those backstories work (I have even previously added backstories to it which have all worked fine). But I will get the same error message.
I was wondering if anyone else experiences this issue or knows a solution to it.
Unfinished / Re: [B18] Prison Labor
May 04, 2018, 11:02:39 AM
"No water, no life" is the name of the mod, it isn't two separate mods.
Ideas / Re: Boats
May 01, 2018, 10:29:48 PM
Quote from: Tomasdav on April 30, 2018, 05:44:01 AM
donĀ“t you know how is the road building mod named? I would like to connect my colony with world

Yes, sorry. I meant to look it up, but it slipped my mind. The mod is RimRoads, I found it on Steam but moved the steam files directly to my mod folder for convenience. I haven't looked for it on Ludeon, so I don't know if it is available here.
Ideas / Re: Boats
April 29, 2018, 04:57:57 PM
Quote from: Tomasdav on April 29, 2018, 05:29:22 AM
well implying ships might be too hard because there is no source code for something that moves over water, I think. I would appriciate ships and vehicles like trucks or planes aswell. The catch is f.e. for truck you have to build a road for plane runway etc. Its far too complex but it would be cool no doubt

There is a mod that allows the building of roads on the world map. So not impossible.

Quote from: thewraithplayer on April 29, 2018, 11:43:24 AM
Yeah, ships would be hard. Maybe small boats, like canoes and kayaks could work like muffalos (I think you can ride them, but IDK for sure). At worst, they could just allow you to go at walking speed across the water.

You can't ride animals in the base game, however there is a mod "Giddy Up" that allows riding animals in a variety of situations. So also not impossible. The biggest problem might be figuring out its movement, because I assume that the goal is to not have boats wandering around like animals or mechanoids. Maybe they can be coded in similarly to transport pods, but IDK if that is possible. We would need to ask someone more knowledgeable in coding about it.
Are you using any race mods? If they aren't human, you may need to patch them to add the surgery option.
Releases / Re: [B18] A RimWorld of Magic
April 25, 2018, 08:27:00 PM
I imagine it is most useful in games where the Firewatcher is disabled (and then even more so in regions with lost of fauna) because fires would be able to become massive and unstoppable infernos that could threaten your colony's survival.
Releases / Re: [B18] A RimWorld of Magic
April 24, 2018, 10:47:36 AM
I don't know if any of these have been previously suggested, so if they have, I apologize.
Additionally, I'm a big D&D fan, so many of these use similar terms, again I apologize if that is problematic.

Class suggestions:

Telepath: A mage specializing in mind magic. Support class.
-Read Minds [spell]: Target: self - For a period of time, increase the rate of positive social interactions with other pawns; increase the chances of successfully recruiting prisoners; and improve sale (buying/selling) prices.
-Soothe [spell]: Target: others - A chance to immediately end mental breaks in pawns or manhunter state in animals.
-Enrage [spell]: Target: others - A chance to immediately start a berserk mental break in pawns or manhunter state in animals.
-Incapacitate [master spell]: Target: others - Immediately down pawns in a small area (4 squares wide). Great for taking prisoners.

=Unique mental break for Telepath
-Incite Violence: The pawn goes around starting social fights between other pawns.
-Incite Love: The pawn goes around prompting other pawns to more frequently engage in romance request, accept romance requests, and engage in "lovin'" when in bed.

Geomancer: A mage specializing in earth magic. Support class.
-Rock Skin [spell]: Target: self - For a period of time, decrease the amount of damage received; reduce the likelihood to suffer critical hits; and increase the amount of physical damage the pawn deals to others.
-Summon Stone [spell]: Target: area of ground - Draw forth a random type of stone or metal from deep in the earth to fill that area.
-Sink Hole [spell]: Target: area of ground - Randomly change the terrain to either Marshy Soil, Mud, or Marsh. (chosen because they have high path costs. It is meant to slow down pawns)
-Immobilize [master spell]: Target: others - For a period of time, prevent the pawn from moving; and decrease their melee and range accuracy.

Binder: A mage specializing in summoning and binding demons and spirits to do their bidding. Support class.
-Dual Mind [spell]: Target: self - For a period of time, decrease psychic sensitivity; and decrease mental break chances.
-Compelled Labor [spell]: Target: other - Enables commanding the pawn to engage in a specific work task, they will work on that task to the exclusion of all others for a short period of time; they have high success rate and high work speed.
-Demonic Perversion [spell]: Target: other - For a period of time, they have a continuous improvement in mood/joy, but makes them nudists for the duration of the spell.
-Demonic Host [master spell]: Target: other - Immediately cause a berserk mental state in a pawn; the pawn explodes upon death.
I use editable pawn titles with Prison Labor and I was wondering if there is any chance that it can be expanded to allow changing the titles of prisoners. I would like to rename their titles to things like "Prisoner #001" or even "Slave #001"
Releases / Re: [B18]Ancient Rim
April 24, 2018, 07:17:51 AM
Quote from: koni on April 01, 2018, 04:52:39 AM

Quote from: SirDarin on March 31, 2018, 10:53:45 PM
Ooh! This is really cool! Any chance we will see some Roman Legion factions in the future?

How do you mean? There was already a faction containing both legionaries and hoplites.
Doh, somehow I missed that when looking it over. So sorry.
I've just started using it and it is super awesome!
Outdated / Re: [B18] RimStory v0.99 06.04.2018
April 23, 2018, 11:46:42 PM
This is a really awesome idea, I find the stories are the best parts of Rimworld, but I tend to forget things that happened unless I immediately write them down. This will save me a ton of time.
Does Rimstory create a permanent log of events anywhere or is it only in the game screen? Will they continue to be listed in game when reloading the game, or is the list cleared when the shutting the game down?
I saw on the steam page that you recommend turning funerals off if using psychology, will it still log the funerals from psychology in the story screen?
Same question regarding Days Matter and disabling events.
Additional question, I saw that you suggest using either this or Days Matter. One thing I really like about days matter is that they do birthdays/relation/anniversary/year arrival parties. Does Rimstoru do similar, or will I lose out on those parties if I disable Days Matter?
Quote from: r0xx0r01 on April 09, 2018, 09:31:44 PM
absolutely love this mod.  Wish Mayor wasn't acting up with it for me, no error just spamming chatting etc.., anyhow this mod is great for my current scenario "Roaming Giants" I use the slaves as pack animals. they literally carry our beds and food around while we raid cities and use their resources etc. it's a heap of fun.
Any how-  curious if you could possibly make it so that you could literally force them to do any job- w/out the use of force pawn  etc., i already make them eat their comrades and make em clean up the blood etc..  First post I ever done here =p  I felt this mod deserved my attention and spew. ++
I like the Pawns are Capable mod, turns incapable work into hated work so that you can assign them to any work tasks. They get mood debufs for doing hated work, but who cares, they are just your slave labor.
Releases / Re: [B18]Ancient Rim
March 31, 2018, 10:53:45 PM
Ooh! This is really cool! Any chance we will see some Roman Legion factions in the future?
Hi, I was wondering if anyone know how difficult it is to patch an alien race to be EPOE compatible? I was thinking about trying to work on doing an EPOE patch with a few races I want to use.
Quote from: Kori on February 18, 2018, 08:54:14 AM
Quote from: SirDarin on February 18, 2018, 07:19:15 AM
I got it from the github link on the first page of this thread. The master branch is the correct one, isn't it?

Yes, maybe you still have an additional subfolder from extracting the file.
Make sure that you see the About folder when opening the mod's folder.
Ah, thank you. I apparently had the file inside a second folder which was causing the problem, so it went .../mods/ChildrenAndPregnancy-master/ChildrenAndPregnancy-master/About
I wouldn't have thought to check that if you hadn't mentioned to make sure About was visible when opening it. Thanks a ton! I can't wait to try this mod out.
Quote from: SirDarin on February 17, 2018, 11:59:14 PM
Ooh, I'm really interested in this mod, but I'm not sure if I've gotten the right thing downloaded or set it up right. Currently, it shows up as red in the mod folder. In the mod folder it is listed as ChildrenAndPregnancy-master
It's in red? I think that usually means wrong version.
I got it from the github link on the first page of this thread. The master branch is the correct one, isn't it?