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Messages - TheSilencedScream

Ideas / Re: Write an event!
February 04, 2015, 11:22:18 AM
Having colonists request to join, rather than just showing up out of the blue.

Because I don't need someone who can't haul, is a brawler, psychicially sensitive, with a peg leg, and an old gunshot wound to the head... but I do appreciate their organ contributions, I suppose.
It's completely ineffective in the core game, but when packs of animals are on screen, it's a lot of fun to draft 6-8 colonists and use mortars to hunt.
It's just a matter of personal preference, but I do like the space in between. :)
General Discussion / Re: Call for public testers!
February 04, 2015, 03:20:17 AM
I'd be interested in trying. I've Never officially bug tested before. I do like to experiment, though, and I feel like I'm something of a quality writer. :)
No problem at all!
I actually had no idea that it'd be implemented until Tynan made me feel stupid pointed it out to me in another thread. ;)
General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself!
February 04, 2015, 02:47:58 AM
-What introduced you to RimWorld? Or to this style of game in general?
I saw mention of it once on Prison Architect's Steam forum, and I'd already seen (briefly, since it was finished already) the Kickstarter page. I'm a HUGE fan of management games of this nature, and I knew I had to try it out.

-What's your favorite other game?
Chrono Trigger. AAA games today STILL pale in comparison to many of the games of old, and Chrono Trigger is one of the games that I simply can't get tired of. If you haven't played it, I'd highly recommend getting an SNES emulator and trying it.

-Most embarrassing gaming-related story?
I don't think I have one... :/

-What kind of breakfast cereal is the best?
Cinnamon Toast Crunch, hands down.

And/or put up ridiculous pictures, as you see fit.
Indeed, good sir. This image was on the building next to the hookah bar that I used to frequent. I'm not sure how much silver it cost.

Quote from: JuliaEllie on January 23, 2015, 03:36:39 AM

Yeah mixed feelings it is.. But hey I gotta deal with it thats what you get when you mod an alpha game :D

Don't feel mixed!

Think this way:
You created an optional mod so awesome that the creator of the game thought, "That needs to be permanent." Know that your work has affected the game that thousands of people currently play, and that tens of thousands more (if not hundreds of thousands more) will experience in the future.
In game, press Esc. I believe it's under Game Options, in the center.

This is just going from memory, though.
Quote from: Oxidus on February 01, 2015, 07:34:18 AM
He already started moding it,someone else take overs.Its not really hard taking this mod away and share it as it was yours.He can quit but someone else will take over.

I'm so sick of ungrateful people.
If you're not happy with the way he's handling his zombie mod, why don't you make one?

It's his. He did it for free, in his spare time, amongst work/school, relationships, down time, and sleep - and he did a really good at it, all the while being mature enough to handle your antics.

Until you're able to show such sacrifice on your part - and I'm talking about modding here, as you've already demonstrated your own lack of maturity - why don't you show a little more appreciation for someone who's actually done work and stop acting like a spoiled little brat?
Quote from: Machine on February 01, 2015, 01:13:04 AM
Here is the unofficial TTM A8 core. It doesn't have all the goodies that the 3.3 Full-package had. We will work on the addons and post them here when complete.

While I know this is Minami's mod, I believe you should make a new thread of it. Take a book for instance - when it's revised, it keeps credit for the author, but it's a new entity to itself and gives recognition to the revisers.

That would give the mod more popularity AND would make it much easier for us to know 1.) what's in the mod thus far and 2.) when it's been updated.

As of right now, I honestly have no idea what the core mod entails, and I'm not sure if I should install it and, if I do, I have no idea what it will conflict with (if anything).
Quote from: bob112 on February 02, 2015, 05:21:46 PM
is this mod gonna by updated to alpha 8

Eventually, most likely.
Minami (the original creator) has been absent since about Christmas, though stated that he'd return this month. Whether or not he does, there are currently some volunteers who are working to update Minami's mods, this one included.
General Discussion / Re: Endless play thoughts?
February 02, 2015, 01:07:47 PM
Quote from: Klitri on February 02, 2015, 12:26:20 PM
I would love to play endlessly, but the AI scale just makes it too hard. It eventually sends a wave of terror and death, and unless you have a killbox you're pretty much screwed. It'd be nice if corpses degraded automatically, so much corpses become scattered about the world.

The game currently isn't tuned for endless play. You CAN try, but - yes - like you said, it eventually becomes absurd. I believe the topic is about whether or not it'd be worth fine-tuning, and the original poster believes it is.

I have to agree - I rarely have trouble, even on the higher difficulties, of escaping the colony within about 6-8 months (in-game, of course). I've "finished" the game enough times that I no longer care about finishing. It's more or less, "We're here to stay, and we'll defend with our lives."

I don't mind eventually being wiped out (as long as there's SOME kind of chance of me surviving, if I play smart/strategically), but the game also isn't tuned for long-term play. Eventually, even without mods, you get the colony set up where it's mostly self-sufficient, and - once you've mined the map of resources and researched all that you need - there's not much more reason to play that particular colony.

THAT is what needs work the most, in my opinion. Right now, with the content available, everything can be done/explored on the map in less than two years, even on mountainous regions where a lot needs to be mined.
Kind of what ManWithNoName said. To elaborate, until the game is on Steam, Tynan can no longer sell FOR Steam. When the game gets on Steam, there may be a bundle available; until then, it's solely distributed by emailed links.
General Discussion / Re: Long into the future...
January 31, 2015, 11:46:56 PM
Quote from: Argon on January 31, 2015, 11:21:25 PM
Although Z levels would drastically change the game, unlocking map expansions (some optimization required) could extend the life of colonies, with fresh land to ransack for all remotely usable materials.


You can currently make the map larger when you first select the location for the crash site (before you click "Select Site" or whatever the button says, there's a button in the middle of the page that allows you to change map size), but 1.) like you said, it needs optimization (as it can sometimes be buggy and lag) and 2.) large maps often mean your pawn will wake up, eat, cross it and do a single activity, come back, and - before they can even get back - they may on the verge of a mental break from being hungry and tired.
Prioritzation is the way it is because otherwise we'd be complaining about Billy having a mental breakdown and leaving the colony because he's starving since he focused on finishing building than getting a meal.

Immediate survival (other than combat) take precedence over doing the next step of a project, though it can be overridden by command the pawn to do it again.

I do, however, agree on the hydroponics. It would make sense to at least allow for us to click and drag to select several and then be able to change them.