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Messages - TheSilencedScream

Personally, I'd rather you just wait for A9 to update.

I don't want you to get burnt out by having to update this twice in a rather short time span. :/
Outdated / Re: [MOD](Alpha 8) More Power Options (V0.2)
January 31, 2015, 10:34:37 AM
Pictures and details, please. :)
General Discussion / Re: Your Predictions for Alpha 9
January 31, 2015, 10:30:37 AM
Can we not hope for a February release, or has Tynan stated otherwise? :P

I ask, because more and more "Misc. fixes" are popping up in the changelog (Jan 20, 23, 29, 30). Gives me the impression that he's tidying up for a release, though he could just be fleshing his changes out before focusing on the next bit.
Quote from: Morlow on January 30, 2015, 04:37:53 PM
Perfect. Thanks. I hate that requirement in single player games. I know I would have to download updates, but that's no problem.

Actually, as of right now, all updates are done alpha to alpha... So you won't need to download anything until A9 comes out in the next few weeks.

Though, I'd recommend checking out the mods. They're where most of the meat of the game is.
General Discussion / Re: My batteries stopped working
January 30, 2015, 02:19:53 AM
Quote from: leted on January 30, 2015, 02:18:36 AM
Quote from: TheSilencedScream on January 30, 2015, 02:10:13 AM
During a solar flare, nothing works. Doesn't matter if batteries are charged or not, as they're considered "not working" during a solar flare. It's meant to be like that.

Solar flare is death and I must embrace it.

At least you saved me the trouble of making a battery chamber. Rimworld is true hell.

Play Random Randy. He's got a habit of giving you a solar flare just before the pirates reach your turrets. :)
General Discussion / Re: My batteries stopped working
January 30, 2015, 02:10:13 AM
During a solar flare, nothing works. Doesn't matter if batteries are charged or not, as they're considered "not working" during a solar flare. It's meant to be like that.
General Discussion / Re: My batteries stopped working
January 30, 2015, 01:22:45 AM
My only guesses would be that:
1.) Your turbines don't put enough power out to keep the batteries charged long enough for a solar eclipse (as I'm not sure what other items you have off screen that are using power). As a further note, I have no idea what the large item is above your right building; is that a different model of a geothermal reactor? Because, if that's the case, it's odd that your power would've dwindled so quickly...


2.) Perhaps it was actually a solar flare?
General Discussion / Re: Any way to remove old bases?
January 30, 2015, 01:17:43 AM
I understand what he's saying. He wants the same world seed, just without any colonies he's built on it.

There's a way to find the seed by looking into your files, but - unfortunately - I do not know of it. :(
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 8) Combat Realism
January 30, 2015, 01:10:33 AM
My first two thoughts (my "review," I guess?) on playing:

2.) That's... unfair. :(

The second one is what I wanted - actual lethality to guns. Sure, killboxes will make quick work of... EVERYTHING, but even a simple hunting mistake will likely be fatal; attacking mortar groups head on is actually challenging now; even having a person pass in front of a turret at the wrong moment is just as fatal as it should be.

People who don't like micro-managing or who favor melee weapons should probably keep away from this mod. If you don't keep a close eye on your colonists, they will die. If they're caught out in the open, they will likely die. If they have a melee weapon and you have the What the Deuce mod installed, they will poo their pants* and then die.

The first... I'm torn on. I do believe the guns needed more range, but I was just being shot at by a laser assault rifle of some sort (forgive me, I didn't check to see what weapon it was), and it seemed to be about 60cs away, at minimum (the accuracy was complete garbage at that range, of course, but it scared me for a bit!).

REVIEW/TL;DR VERSION: While I think the range should be tweak slightly, I think this is a VERY good mod, and should be a staple for anyone looking to add further difficulty and lethality to their games

*(Joke for emphasis: the point is, this mod makes using melee ALMOST impossible).
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 8) Combat Realism
January 29, 2015, 08:17:20 PM
I might have to try this.
Quote from: Dragonbored on January 27, 2015, 01:30:18 PM
Is there a mod for domesticating animals/herding? I think that's a pretty good idea, and would make it myself if I could...

There was for A7 (we're on A8). They're working on bringing it to A8, with an ETA of Feb. 1st. I don't know if it's still running, but Sengira_nanaki was streaming a copy of it earlier, to get interest, to bug test, to demo - whichever reason you'd like.

The link is here (to both the mod and the stream - stream is in his post which - as of right now - is the last post, full mod details are on the first page):
Mods / Re: Keep mods up to date
January 27, 2015, 11:36:59 AM
Quote from: Igabod on January 27, 2015, 05:01:33 AM
Quote from: NoImageAvailable on January 27, 2015, 04:34:22 AM
Take a look at this. At least as many entries while being much more readable thanks to categorization. Instead of one unwieldy list the categories split it into readable sublists. And alphabetical listing is pointless because if I want to find a mod by name I simply use Ctrl+F. But that point is moot if Evul adds a properly organized list to the Wiki, although then people should link to that one instead.

To me, that  is nowhere near as readable. Everything on one line all squished together for each mod makes it difficult to see the names, especially with the default theme being white background with a light blue link for the name that looks barely any different from the regular text. Also, not everything there has a description. And they apparently have  a higher character limit per post too.

I have to agree with this sentiment. The Kerbal list gives me a headache (though, perhaps, a lot of it comes from the white background).

Not to mention, there are many mods that address more than one thing. Either they'd need to be listed multiple times (which would lead to the list becoming more of an eyesore) or they'd need to be incorrectly left out of certain categories.

The current list with brief descriptions is still my preference, between the two.
Is there a better way? I'm sure one could be found... but I don't think that particular one is it.
You're using DUMPING Stockpiles, correct? Because I don't believe they get taken to regular stockpiles.
General Discussion / Re: Tough Afternoon with Randy!
January 26, 2015, 08:59:33 PM
Quote from: Kazuto Kirigaya on January 26, 2015, 08:48:29 PM
I cant even get to five hours gameplay time in a world......

I rage quit on my colony and usually delete the world and start a new after about an hour (more or less), because something happened I didn't like'..

Oooh, glowey text

Reload auto-save?

And I feel you, DDog. I haven't been hit that often, but I was using EdB's Sole Survivor scenario. Everything was going great - had incapacitated a single raider without my survivor being injured, got them to join me. All looked right...

And then three centipedes dropped in on top my stockpile. I'd barely mined out a little room for my survivors to sleep in, let alone try to get a functioning power grid for turrets.
Quote from: akiceabear on January 26, 2015, 07:33:25 PM
Most seem to have skipped what was (to me) the main point of the thread - a very interesting suggestion for internal strife due to inevitable abandonment of most of the colony. A few thoughts:
- A pair of traits "home sick" and "pioneer" who respectively are over/under eager to go back to the stars.
- Colony somehow senses if the space program is on track - e.g. once a certain wealth level is reached they will expect a certain degree of progress relative to population
- If progress is not in line with expectations, some may foment rebellion.
- Pioneers may sabotage the escape plans.
- Home sickly may hijack the program after the first escape pod is complete - imagine the frustration!
- Remaining colony may become emotionally unstable after such an event.
This would be fine... As long as it's optional. As it stands, I can complete a game with ease in six months, sometimes less - with no mods. I'm no longer interested in ending a game - I want continuous play, without being punished for pursuing it.