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Messages - TheSilencedScream

Go to your stockpile and delete the SINGLE sections that have silver in them (and disallow silver from your stockpile - don't let your colonists move the silver).

Voila, you'll begin getting traders again.
As it stands, for some odd reason, the more wealth you have in your stockpile, the less traders will come.
General Discussion / Re: Map-Generated Impassable Walls
January 26, 2015, 01:53:55 PM
Quote from: dashbarron on January 25, 2015, 08:39:08 PM
Something else I have been curious about. What's the point of having neighboring tribes /random NPCs pass by if you can't interact with them? One shot at capturing them before the entire tribe hates you--even if they're a fugitive--unless you bribe back your friendship with enough silver?

Thanks, glad to have found this game!

As of right now, the only real use for them is if you want to capture them to make them part of your colony (which will turn the rest of their faction against you). There is a Misc. mod that will allow trade opportunities when they visit you, but - for the time being - it doesn't seem to be anything different than a bulk goods trader.
Quote from: Ramsis on January 26, 2015, 08:08:07 AM
Quote from: Coenmcj on January 25, 2015, 07:51:02 PM
No love for the tale system?

With all due respect friend, unless the Tale system will be adding buffs or nerfs to things based on what gets put on them I truly could care less for Tales. I mean yeah it's neat and cool for the first 10-15 times you get to read a new story but unless they actually add something to the gameplay it's something that's going to get stale over a certain period of time.

There are a few things I'd like to know as soon as they happen, without having to monitor every single detail (like, hey, your colonist can't eat anymore because their stomach was destroyed), but the majority of it will just be text taking up space, that will only get a glance from me.
I know it's not a huge thing, but I do look forward to being able to rescue visitors. I always roll my eyes every time one is injured and the best I can say is, "Well, sucks for you."
General Discussion / Re: Map-Generated Impassable Walls
January 25, 2015, 12:57:09 AM
What Halindar said. Under Orders, there should be an option to Claim, highlight the entire wall, and then deconstruct. Make sure there's no roof, or else it'll collapse on you.
May I recommend Flaming Bag of Poo?

Collect poo, compress it, and then allow it to be equippable - and turn it into a makeshift molotov.
General Discussion / Re: Trade Ships missing
January 24, 2015, 05:49:45 PM
Slave traders have an incredibly small chance of coming and, if I remember correctly, once you hit a certain number of colonists, they'll quit coming (as, Random Randy is the only difficulty that allows unlimited colonists).

There's one mod (I apologize, I'm blanking on the name, but I believe it's in Epyk's mod pack) that allows you to turn SOME visitors into traders, though they typically only carry bulk goods or clothing.

If you're not set to Randy, I'd recommend going into settings and changing to it - that may help. If you are set to Randy, it is, of course, random, unfortunately.
Depends on the size of the map. Especially on the larger maps, they're not threat at all, regardless of when they arrive.

Early on, though, on smaller maps, they can clear-cut the map after some time.

But, overall, no - they aren't a threat. Perhaps if they ate through trees more quickly, they might be.
I meant to comment on this a few days ago and forgot.

I'm against it - not from any in-game standpoint (as baby-making, child-bearing, and toddler mishandling aren't problems) - but, personally, I just don't want Tynan putting the effort into it.

That's a completely new character model, priority system (does someone firefight, doctor, or tend to baby first?), modified need system (babies eat more often - though, less food - and sleep more often), and the end result? They serve no purpose beyond "immersion" or whatever other fancy word you'd like - because it would take real life days of play-time to get them to an age that would make them useful (and that's if you can build a big enough killbox to survive that long). Their need system would also have to be modified as they grow, their character model would need to do the same...

It's a lot of programming and hassle, in my opinion, and it just doesn't warrant implementing such a system when I'm willing to bet that most people don't play a colony for longer than 3-4 years in the first place.

As for a "growing vat" or something similar, that would serve better as a mod, I'd think, simply because it would make gameplay too easy. "We'll set up twelve of these and come back to them in a year, to have twelve fresh colonists for play!"
Quote from: Igabod on January 22, 2015, 05:03:57 PM
Quote from: TheSilencedScream on January 22, 2015, 04:52:39 PM

These are awesome! But now... I want a puppy colonist. :(

I do have access to a puppy dog texture. I don't have the programming abilities to make it a recruitable colonist who hauls stuff or anything yet though. I'll keep looking into figuring out how to do that, but for now you'll just have to settle for some friendly wild dogs and possibly soon some not so friendly wolves and Lacosdiles and Rim Rams that will attack any pawn that gets too close to it.

[edit to add] Upon further reflection though, I could create a new faction of sentient dog people that would raid your base and could be captured and recruited. Shinzy already showed the way with his Norbals faction. I might look into doing that just for fun. But before I do that I'm going to work on the custom bodytypes for these animals.

<3 <3 <3

Needless to say, I'm downloading this mod, regardless!

These are awesome! But now... I want a puppy colonist. :(
General Discussion / Re: Thanks Tynan
January 22, 2015, 04:50:19 PM

Aside from how active Tynan is the community, my favorite thing about him is that he maintains a running changelog. Looking forward to more, as always!
Quote from: MarvinKosh on January 22, 2015, 10:39:57 AM
Games in my Steam Library have one disadvantage compared to Rimworld. Basically, the length of time added to startup because Steam has to be running first.

Don't get me wrong, they're good games, but Valve needs to work on trimming that delay.

How... how long does it take you to open up Steam?
Even if there's an update, it's usually ~10 seconds at max, for me.

Some GAMES can take up to a minute (or more) to load, either because you can't skip the opening credits or because it actually takes that long to load.

To each their own if you don't like Steam, but I find this a bizarre point to make.
General Discussion / Re: Visitors
January 22, 2015, 12:53:55 PM
If they're present when a faction that is hostile to them appears (such as pirates) or when an animal goes berserk, they'll also fight on your side.

Hopefully it gets fleshed out more, but there are currently one or two mods that allow you to "Save" injured visitors in hopes that they become well and don't die.
I submit that a Steam release would attract more trolls... but honestly, my main hope from it is that it'll attract more modders.

We do have a lot of modders, but with the free time I've had this past month, I've burned through the majority of the mods for A8. In addition, many of the largest mods from past Alphas have yet to be updated (such as TTM, Zombie Apocalypse, and the like), leaving me feeling like there's almost less content now than the last Alpha. We get clothing adjustments, we have a dozen weapon mods, and we have a TON of mods that make the game incredibly easy (which I avoid, to be fair).

Also, as much as I love the core game, I don't feel like it has all that much content (the content it has is amazingly in-depth - such as the cover system, the injuries, etc.). I apologize if this sounds harsh - as Tynan has an incredible game - but he posted elsewhere that "the game has enough content to be complete," and that makes me sad that he would have that mindset towards RimWorld. I believe this game has a LOT going for it, and - by leaving out the mid to late game - it's going to feel unfinished (build, mine/trade for resources, leave - EVERY game). I purchased the game because I'd seen where it began, I'd seen how far it came, and I saw potential in where it could go... but I'll admit that, if the game was fully released right now, as is, for the price, I wouldn't purchase it without further updates (which, to be fair, he implied in the same quote that he could continue updating after release).

I'm getting to the point where I feel I need to take a break from the game, as it's becoming repetitive from these things, but I also want to keep playing because I do find it enjoyable until I have a colony up and running.

TL;DR VERSION: I love this game and I want more from it, and I'm selfishly looking forward to a Steam release in hopes that it'll attract more worthwhile mods, which is the primary reason why I'd like to see it on Steam sooner rather than later.

(Edited to fix spelling error.)