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Messages - IshOfTheWoods

Quote from: Kaballah on July 01, 2015, 01:20:58 AM
Also another thing that would be cool to have would be a low tech shield, like something worn on the arm (possibly another reason to get this armor syntax question answered) that provides "block chance", something like how darkness inflicts miss chance.  I doubt that would be simple but it'd be really nice to have an alternative to high tech shields.

No need to reinvent the wheel (or shield): Skullywag's Defensive Mods

Quote from: Kaballah on July 01, 2015, 01:20:58 AM
Yeah the weapons didn't look far out of line.  Full platemail probably should be somewhat similar in cost to power armor really.

I don't think I want it to be quite that expensive. It's defense values are lower, the penalties are higher. Should be more expensive than it is for sure though. I'll see what I can do to beef it up. I'll probably get to all this this weekend.

Quote from: Kaballah on July 01, 2015, 01:20:58 AM
Also you may want to ease up a little bit on how hot armor makes you, I noticed that with fur gambeson/helmet/hauberk my colonists were complaining of heat even though the outdoor temperature was about 4C.  I think the heat thing is a good feature, just maybe tone it down a bit.

Yeah, that's too much for sure. If that was gambeson and plate I might call it a feature, but that definitely needs to be toned down. Although I do wonder if fur has some sort of multiplier or offset that made it even worse. Time for testing!

Quote from: Kyos on July 01, 2015, 07:41:50 AM
Hi! I was until recently working on a similar full conversion mod called LotR. (Until I lost all the data when the laptop melted, again. And had to recreate it all from scratch. (25% done as of writing!)) And while that was/is medieval fantasy, - there is certainly quite a bit of overlap with regular medievalness, for obvious reasons.

Anyhow: Know that you have my support and I volunteer assistance with def wrangling and texture sprites. But not C#. I don't do C#.

I remember seeing that thread. It was looking pretty good but then pretty dead -- sorry about your laptop. Feel free to incorporate any of these mods/resources into yours, and thanks for offer of assistance. If you want to collaborate more directly, don't hesitate to PM me. Good luck with the rewrite!
Quote from: skullywag on June 28, 2015, 03:31:55 PM
that parapet texture is simply it.

It might be a bit hard on the teeth... But thanks, Skully! Mostly I took the brick wall atlas and gave it a haircut

Quote from: Kaballah on June 30, 2015, 09:21:36 PM
I notice that the nasal helmet does not actually cover the nose, it really should.

e: I tinkered with this for a while and I can't guess the syntax to specify a particular body part, and Nose is not in a convenient group.   :(

Also, base trade values for everything are way lower than what they should be, compare them to pretty much everything else in vanilla apparel.  Very well done mod though!

When I started playing around with this an alpha or two ago, it didn't look simple to make it cover the nose. I might take another look, but if it's not an easy fix, I'll probably just call that an abstraction... Besides, the main point of the nose bar is not to protect the nose itself, but provide extra protect to the face in general (from slashing attacks). The bar does not protect from projectiles or stabs from the side.

I'll need to take a look at the trade values. Was it just the apparel? Crafted items have their market value based off of material, amount of material, work and quality (I think), not explicitly set like other items. I wonder if it might be since steel is so cheap... I could either make it use more, take more work, or see if some sort of multiplier is possible.

Thanks for feedback! I haven't had time to playtest for anything besides bugs, so this sort of balancing feedback is much appreciated. All my balance work is in spreadsheets and very theoretical.

Quote from: hector212121 on June 30, 2015, 10:42:52 PM
Ish, what about a crossbow? Make it deal, like, 30 damage, more accurate than greatbow, lower fire rate.

Project Armory already includes a crossbow or two. I'll take another look at that, and then maybe make my own or just incorporate that into my mod. I also need to make some decisions about medieval ranged weapons in general. Any suggestions?
Just updated: added a noble house faction!

Quote from: akiceabear on June 27, 2015, 01:04:29 PM
If oil is implemented, it could also act as fuel for lighting. In medieval times it should be challenging to always have vibrant light, correct?

If oiled ground isn't implemented, there are other fuel possibilities listed here:

Perhaps the most consistent to use within RimWorld would be that when you butcher a creature you also receive a share of animal fat, which can then be spread into the ground (but degrades with time). Different animals have differing fat output.

A perhaps even easier one would to be incorporate a mechanic that allows you split stacks of wood into 1 wood bundles and lay them in an area, waiting for a well-timed fire arrow.

Good points - I'll see what I can do

Quote from: CovertGhost7377 on June 27, 2015, 03:43:23 PM
Do you think you could make trebuchet and catapult mortars? As a way to combat sieges without real mortars.

Most certainly  :D

Quote from: Beathrus on June 27, 2015, 09:44:22 PM
I feel like the game, Therian Saga would be a good basic idea factory for this mod; when it comes to gear at least.

Thanks, I'll take a look!

Quote from: Tynan on June 28, 2015, 01:52:49 AM
This looks really fantastic, actually. Great work.

Wow! Thank you! If you want to incorporate any/all into vanilla, feel free

Quote from: Andy_Dandy on June 28, 2015, 02:31:14 AM
I wonder if it is possible to add horseback riding to the game. :) Anyways, glad to hear there are hopes and plans making this an epic medieval MOD of Rimworld.

It should be possible, the question is how hard it would be. I think I'll probably wait to see if that's ever added to vanilla before putting too much work in.

Quote from: NephilimNexus on June 28, 2015, 02:31:45 AM
I can see this getting copy/pasted into every fantasy mod henceforth.  Speaking of which, when are the orcs coming back?

Thanks! I might try to make a fantasy mod myself, after I make enough medieval stuff.
Quote from: XOTatterly on June 27, 2015, 02:00:26 AM
Praise the Sun(s)! This looks fantastic; I'm of half a mind to run a setting where the colonists start with a bunch of high-tech, high-quality gear that has an above-average degradation rate; and the colony either regresses or adapts to an early modern era level of technology... And feeds into my despotic & autocratic tendencies, haha!

Interesting idea. Once the basics are done, I might need to put together a couple scenario packs, including one like this.

Quote from: akiceabear on June 27, 2015, 03:14:52 AM
Looks great so far!

I'd love to see medieval traps/siege weapons such as:
- Oiled ground - the ability to pre-soak a feild in oil, which would then light and spread very quickly. Maybe look at how superior crafting's rich soil works - but instead merely change the flammability of the patch to a very high number.
- Boiling/burning oil - to pour over the parapets onto those aggregating below.

These two together could make very interesting traps for raiders!

Pouring oil from above had occurred to me, but I couldn't think of a good way to implement it, since RimWorld doesn't really have a concept of above. I had not thought of oiled ground - that's a good idea. What would it cost to oil the ground though? I'm hesitant to add oil in as a resource if it doesn't have a broader use.

Quote from: AllenWL on June 27, 2015, 08:52:10 AM
Not sure how I feel about that. I tried superior crafting once, and while fun, well, needing to turn ores into bars can get really annoying. If it needs coal/charcoal on top of that, it means you would need a miner to get the ore, a smith to turn it into ingots, and a smith/miner to get coal/charcoal just so you can get usable ore. Having to craft a thing or two for a special something is fine, but once you start having to craft A to make B to which is needed to make 50% of things, it gets rather tiresome and bland. I had 10 colonists, had pretty much every single one was a faceless individual, doing nothing but sitting in front of worktables all day long. Maybe if metal ingots where only needed for certain 'precise' things?

I'm used to playing Dwarf Fortress where the production chains are... complex. For a medieval setting, mining usable steel out of a mountain does not make sense and breaks immersion. I can see though where this complexity would turn some people away. It'll be hard to hit the sweet spot between immersion and simplicity, and it'll require lots of balancing. Right now I'm aiming for more immersion than RimWorld, but less than Dwarf Fortress.

Quote from: AllenWL on June 27, 2015, 08:52:10 AM
Personally, what I like most about rimworld is the diversity. Being able to interact with things of all era is a great source of fun for me. I especially liked being able to cook simple meals on campfires(forgot if it's from a mod or vanilla or what) for that reason. Sadly, rimworld is rather focused around the modern era.

Anyhow, to get back to my point, I would like it if 'medieval' and 'modern' production could be used together, both with pros and cons. You could go for modern, or medieval, or a strange mix of both with electric lights, a stone furnace, and sentry guns next to manned ballista.
Maybe I want to save up all my power for my defenses, so use medieval production tables. Maybe I would prefer to use my energy for my huge workroom, and put up catapults and ballista surrounded by parapets. I think it would make for a more fun game then 'only medieval or modern production tables'. Though, the amount of clutter on the GUI might be...

I want to keep these mods relatively independent of each other, and balanced against vanilla buildings, items, etc. So you will be able to download just the parts that add medieval content, and none of the parts that remove modern era content.

Quote from: AllenWL on June 27, 2015, 08:52:10 AM
The biggest problem I see with the mechanical power is unstableness.
I can't for the life of me think of how to store mechanical power, and wind in rimworld is rather inconsistent. And if power is lost through distance, it would mean you are limited in where you can make a base due to a need for constant, stable power. Animal power would need animals, and how would we catch them to use? And how to keep them alive and spinning the wheel?
Also, what would happen if two gears from different sources met? What if it splits to different paths?

Good points. That's just an idea I've been toying with in my head. This was for more of a total conversion to medieval times, and you would be required to build powered buildings rather close to power sources. It would definitely need more power sources though, and those could require (possibly substantial) code additions. Definitely a ways down the road, if I do decide to do it.

Quote from: hector212121 on June 27, 2015, 11:12:04 AM
How about adding ballista manned turrets? They cost, say, 70 wood, 70 metallic stuff and 1 cloth(for the ballista string)

Not decided on the cost yet, but it's in the works!
Quote from: puddlejumper448 on June 26, 2015, 01:18:56 AM
How possible would it be to add a trap in that is a tripwire, you can mount a weapon on it (bow for range, swords possible too though if you want it one tile away). I imagine you could build it just like a power line, but have it coming from a box or something that you have to put a weapon in to make it work, then whenever a pawn steps in a square with the wire in it, the weapon fires/swings, one time use ofc just like the others, it would have to be rearmed, in this case reloading the bow or resetting the sword. I know traps are new so Idk how moddable they are yet.

I have looked at the trap definitions a bit, and I think something like would require a code addition (not just editing the data files). I haven't programmed in C# before and I'm new to the RimWorld modding scene, so first I'm going to go for the low-hanging fruits that don't require programming, then move on to those after I'm more familiar with modding RimWorld in general.

Quote from: AllenWL on June 26, 2015, 09:50:10 PM
Oh, this is very nice. I was thinking on a medieval colony-thing, and what really got to me was the distinct lack of armor, weapons, and other medieval things.

Some suggestions are: crossbows, slings, javelins, cannons(like medieval mortars), ballista, and other ranged weapons.
Two types of bows really aren't enough when you're fighting guys with all sorts of guns and explosives, and cover is only really worth it when you have something to shoot past it. Otherwise, all you're really doing is prolonging your inevitable death.

Medieval workstations. Pretty much everything in rimworld need power. Lights, smiting, tailoring, cooking.... Having solar panels in your medieval castle is kindof a letdown, you know?
Things like tailor/smithing/cooking tables that don't need electricity(maybe a steady supply of wood for the smithing/cooking table?), a non-electric source of light like windows/steel bars to let in light or torches, etc would be nice.

Thanks for the ideas! I haven't done any ranged weapons yet. I think Project Armory contains a crossbow or two, as well as some early gunpowder weapons. I want to check on that before making my own. Ballista definitely planned!

Interesting thoughts on power. One of the mods I want to do is a smithing overhaul, which will require mining ores and smelting them into bars, which will require coal (which can be mined) or charcoal (from wood). I was thinking of just removing the power requirement completely for the cooking and tailoring tables. And torches are most certainly in the works.

Later down the road, when I get into more of the total conversion stuff, I was thinking about changing the power system to represent mechanical instead of electrical power. It would be required for some work tables (like a blast furnace, for operating the bellows). The easiest source of that would be wind, but perhaps other things could be added in with some coding (water wheel, animal-powered), and power would be transmitted by gears, which would themselves use up some of the power they are transmitting. Thoughts?
Quote from: Armorer on June 25, 2015, 09:35:44 AM
How about adding some fun to melee?

Why, that does sound fun. For now, though, I want to keep these as vanilla-compatible as possible. Later, when I make a more of a total-conversion mod pack, I will definitely look into this. Thanks!
Quote from: DizzyCrash on June 25, 2015, 08:48:42 PM
I JUST want this in the game cause of all the medivil worlds out there and characters you can spawn with, to have it mixed with all the base guns and weapons and stuff, tell me, does it replace the base gear or just add it in as a special option like any other equipment mods.

This does not remove or replace any base items. It should be 100% compatible with vanilla and most other mods. So enjoy  ;D When I make mods that do replace or remove base items, I'll clearly mark that.
Thank you, all!

Quote from: nmid on June 25, 2015, 03:39:10 AM
this looks great.

It would be interesting to play a game with all guns disabled... and only medieval weapons and archer twrs (turrents) enabled :D

I definitely agree that a medieval-only game could be fun, and that's my ambition. I'm not too sure about automatic archer towers, but a manned ballista is posibility ;D

Quote from: Shinzy on June 25, 2015, 05:33:18 AM
Oooh! about time!
I've wanted to do medieval armor bits myself but the workload in making them is just so guhh

I love these

Wow, a compliment from Shinzy! *blush* But yeah, so many different body shapes and angles... Great work on apparello and your factions!
Quote from: aGuyNamdJesus on June 24, 2015, 10:34:37 PM
Looks fantastic... now a mod to make all enemy factions use these to make a truly medieval world would be amazing.

Thanks! Factions are definitely planned, ranging from bandits, to lords, to villages
Ish's Medieval Mods

This is no longer being worked on. Anyone is free to use anything from these mods (credit is appreciated). You can find the files here:

These mods add more medieval era content to the game, and are designed to be independent of each other and compatible with as many other mods as possible, and they are balanced against vanilla content. So far there are four mods: Weapons, Armor, Defenses, and Noble House Faction. Eventually, I hope to turn this into a total conversion, but for now, have content! All feedback, ideas, criticisms, and scathing reviews are greatly appreciated.

Update September 1: Alpha 12 and Balance!
  • All mods updated to Alpha 12
  • Medieval Weapons updated to 2.01, tweaks for compatibility with Medieval Factions: Noble House
  • Medieval Factions: Noble House updated to 1.01, reworked the factions pawns, guards now use ranged weapons, feedback appreciated!
  • Medieval Defenses updated to 2.02, nerfed stamped-earth walls and fixed the icon graphic

Latest Versions (Alpha 12d)
Note: mod version numbers are independent of each other. Major numbers represent new content releases, while minor numbers represent balancing and tweaks.
  • Ish's Medieval Weapons 2.01 (last update: 2015-09-01)
  • Ish's Medieval Armor 1.03 (last update: 2015-09-01)
  • Ish's Medieval Defenses 2.02 (last update: 2015-09-01)
  • Ish's Medieval Factions: Noble House 1.01 (last update: 2015-09-01)

Medieval Weapons 2.0
This mod adds 13 new weapons, all of them smithable:
  • Glaive: a spear-like weapon with a long blade at the end
  • Katana: a swift and deadly sword, but expensive to make
  • Partisan: a spear with extra point at the end for greater versatility
  • Quarterstaff: easy to make, quick to strike, and not too shabby
  • Scimitar: a sword with a heavy curved blade
  • Battle Axe: a heavy axe that provides a slight bonus to tree felling
  • War Hammer: a massive hammer that provides a slight bonus to construction
  • War Pick: a weaponized pick that provides a slight bonus to mining
  • Longbow: less damage but greater range than the great bow
  • Recurve Bow: a powerful but compact bow, favored by the riders of the steppes
  • Crossbow: more accurate but slower than a normal bow
  • Arbalest: powerful, steel crossbow
  • Repeating Crossbow: a crossbow that can quickly fire many bolts, designed by the master strategist Zhuge Liang
For normal versions of the three weapon-tools above: check out ItchyFlea's Right Tool for the Job

Medieval Armor 1.02
Addes 3 body armors and 5 helmets, all craftable:
  • Gambeson: a padded armor that can be worn underneath chainmail or plate
  • Hauberk: a coat of chainmail, good at protecting against slicing attacks
  • Plate: heavy armor that provides excellent protection but significantly slows the wearer down
  • Skullcap: a simple hemispherical helmet
  • Nasal Helm: a slightly improved helmet with a bar that extends over the nose
  • Kettle Hat: a helmet with a wide brim, preferred by peasants
  • Great Helm: a full-head helmet, suitable for a knight
  • Bascinet: a full-head helmet with a visor

Medieval Defenses 2.01
4 new defenses structures:
  • Parapet: a waist high stone wall with crenelations: functionally similar to sandbags
  • Cheval de Frise: a barier made of sharped sticks
  • Stamped-earth Wall: a strong wall that requires no resource to build, but cannot support roofs and takes a lot of work
  • Ballista: a large crossbow-like siege weapon. Good range and attack, but needs to be manned.

Medieval Factions: Noble House 1.0
Adds a new faction to the game: a medieval noble house. This faction is well armed, and can be either hostile or friendly. At least one is guaranteed to spawn.

This mod requires both Medieval Armor and Medieval Weapons, and must be loaded after those.

Mod Team
So far, just myself, but other are more than welcome to join!

How to install:
- Unzip the contents and place them in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate the mod in the mod menu in the game.

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic

Basically, give the team credit, don't charge money, and let others do the same. A link back here and a PM is appreciated but not required.
Quote from: LittleGreenStone on May 15, 2015, 05:21:39 AM
Quote from: IshOfTheWoods on May 14, 2015, 06:53:14 PM
Quote from: LittleGreenStone on May 14, 2015, 04:41:28 AM
Edit: I'll modify it on my own, for if one takes, like, half the time and ingredients to make, but also gives less bonus, then there IS a point worth considering.
I checked out the source. The recipes for espresso and coffee uses the same amount of raw coffee, but making espresso takes longer (600 work vs 400) and produces less (2 cups vs 4). To make up for it, espresso has a stronger effect than normal coffee. I didn't look, but I imagine it's similar with the tobacco products. Now it would be great if only the item descriptions indicated this...

Ah, my mistake then, I apologize. I admit, even though I created some of both (of both coffee and tobacco products) at first, I did not examine them closely, just looked at their description.

I don't blame you. Hopefully the descriptions get updated at some point.