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Messages - qurffe

Releases / Re: [A12/13] Area Rugs
May 02, 2016, 02:27:16 PM
Quote from: Fisty on May 02, 2016, 01:29:53 PM
No, definitely not intentional.. having Darc look at it.

I might have kind of figured it myself. What i came up with was that in file Defs/WorkGiverDefs/LD-WorkTables.xml you can change WorkType of Rug table to Art instead of Tailoring and that should be all? didnt really test it as i had no time just checked if the person who cant do crafting could use the table.
Releases / Re: [A12/13] Area Rugs
May 02, 2016, 06:13:13 AM
I have noticed minor problem with this mod, dunno if it is intentional or not, is that colonist need to be able to do both art and craft to use the rug making table, so my colonist that has high art but is incapable of crafting cannot work it (but she can make statues), making it useless as she is only art person i have (other colonists make rugs that gives minus beauty). :(
Quote from: dismar on April 25, 2016, 10:28:48 PM
Quote from: qurffe on April 25, 2016, 06:50:38 PM
Well figured out what was wrong ... i didnt have the misc core mod. You should update the front page to say MAI needs core mod cause it doesnt say so.

This contains various core functions for other Miscellaneous parts.
It must be loaded before the other parts!

It is the 5th and sixth line. maybe move it up and Bold it? :)
Its just that the first 3 mods say they need CORE right under their name, but robots, training and MAI doesnt say so, and i was using robots and training without core and they worked fine. So it never occured to me MAI would need core until someone said it here.
Well figured out what was wrong ... i didnt have the misc core mod. You should update the front page to say MAI needs core mod cause it doesnt say so.
This is what happens when i try to activate MAI, using god mode to get research, and material for bench and activation.

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)
Error while creating AIPawnE.
Could not load type 'CommonMisc.Radar' from assembly 'AIPawn'.
  at AIPawn.AIPawnGenerator.GeneratePawn (Verse.PawnKindDef kindDef, RimWorld.Faction faction, Gender gender, Int32 tries) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at AIPawn.AIPawnGenerator.GeneratePawn (System.String kindDefName, RimWorld.Faction faction, Gender gender) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at AIPawn.Building_AIPawnCreator.CreateAIPawn (System.String pawnDefName, IntVec3 position, RimWorld.Faction faction, Gender gender) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at AIPawn.Building_AIPawnCreator.CreateAIPawn (System.String pawnDefName, IntVec3 position, Gender gender) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at AIPawn.Building_AIPawnCreator.Create () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at AIPawn.Building_AIPawnCreatorEnhanced.Create () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at AIPawn.Building_AIPawnCreator.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)

EDIT: Same thing happens even when its the only mod i load.
Quote from: jackarbiter on April 25, 2016, 09:03:52 AM
Quote from: Dugalle900 on April 24, 2016, 11:30:38 PM
Why do I have to research Rib replacements in order to install ribs but to instal bionic stuff I don't have to research anything?

You have to research bionics... no?

You can just buy bionics part and install them without needing to research anything, for ribs you have to research it.
i have no idea about that error but it doesnt seem to have anything to do with this mod? As a test you could just disable mods and try to start a new game and see if that works, cause system.xml.dll seems like core file? But i am not really coder so who knows.
Quote from: Totti on April 25, 2016, 07:11:32 AM
Quote from: Acruid on April 10, 2016, 03:23:51 PM
How to make this work with an existing save:

  • Open save file with notepad at: "C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld\Saves\".
  • Ctrl+F, search for the tag "<components>".
  • Add the EDB interface component to the list. The line is "<li Class="EdB.Interface.ComponentColonistBar" />".
  • Save...
  • Profit!

The components section looks like this in my save before...
<li Class="BreakdownManager" />
<li Class="RTMadSkills.MapComponent_RTSkillIncreaser" />
<li Class="RTFusebox.MapComponent_RTFusebox" />
<li Class="FluffyManager.Manager">
<JobStack />

And after:

<li Class="BreakdownManager" />
<li Class="RTMadSkills.MapComponent_RTSkillIncreaser" />
<li Class="RTFusebox.MapComponent_RTFusebox" />
<li Class="FluffyManager.Manager">
<JobStack />
<li Class="EdB.Interface.ComponentColonistBar" />

Got a problem and I can't open my save anymore.
Please help, I don't want to lose this map.

Rather just put the line right below <components>, and it should hopefully work?
So if i use both robots and MAI, dolesnt matter in which order i load them, i get some yellow warning saying something about duplicate trader label? Does it break anything?

[attachment deleted by admin - too old]
So i got this resource called Plastic and i couldnt get it hauled to stockpile, so i checked its information and was told to report it to "entity known as Shinzy"....

I dont really know how i got it exactly, but it was propably from taking apart clothes using mod called Reclaim Fabric by Skullywag.