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Messages - vampiresoap

General Discussion / Re: New idea for dealing with sappers
September 01, 2018, 12:24:57 PM
Quote from: erdrik on September 01, 2018, 08:46:20 AM
Quote from: Scavenger on September 01, 2018, 04:38:14 AM
Feels way too much like an exploit, and it likely is, abusing roof collapse for massive aoe dmg.
I disagree.
Of all the exploits(that I know of) that have been found in this game at one point or another, ceiling collapsing IEDs feels the least like an exploit. Its a tactic that makes use of intended mechanics in the game, and requires a lost more setup time and planning than other trap schemes.

I think so too. This feels more like a clever trap than an exploit.
Love the game so far. Just thought of this idea that I wanted to share :)

So late game you're almost always going to have too much stuff. Sometimes there's so much stuff in your stockpile that some of the stuff gets pushed out into the doors and accidentally opens a way for the raiders to come

My solution is to just add a price filter for the stockpiles so that we can easily choose to keep, for example, things that above a certain price. (like 100 silvers) That way we can just haul everything that we don't want out in the open and let them decay naturally.
Quote from: 5thHorseman on August 31, 2018, 10:15:43 PM
Quote from: vampiresoap on August 31, 2018, 07:35:32 PM
Quote from: 5thHorseman on August 31, 2018, 05:22:49 PM
I really like my ceiling IED traps. Place a wooden pillar with an IED next to it such that the IED is as close to the wall as possible without damaging it, and then set the area not touching the wall to be roofed. Also set it up in whatever way causes the sapper to NOT hit it.

He'll go up and start chipping at your wall, and the rest will wander around behind him. Inevitably, one will step on the mine, exploding and then crushing most everybody in the party.

As to predicting where the sappers will go, I find that they always pick the same spot so just put the trap wherever a sapper goes.

Wow that's ingenious! Can you please post a pic of your structure and/or your base? Thanks!

here's the basic idea. You don't need nearly this many (I only use one per place where sappers have it) and where around the pillars you put the traps matters based on pathing. If they blow it up too early, put the mine in a different spot next time.

Also, these IEDs are too close to the wall, but this was an early (my first in fact) iteration of the idea.

Seems like it would work with mortar fire too, if the IED traps fail to explode!
Quote from: 5thHorseman on August 31, 2018, 05:22:49 PM
I really like my ceiling IED traps. Place a wooden pillar with an IED next to it such that the IED is as close to the wall as possible without damaging it, and then set the area not touching the wall to be roofed. Also set it up in whatever way causes the sapper to NOT hit it.

He'll go up and start chipping at your wall, and the rest will wander around behind him. Inevitably, one will step on the mine, exploding and then crushing most everybody in the party.

As to predicting where the sappers will go, I find that they always pick the same spot so just put the trap wherever a sapper goes.

Wow that's ingenious! Can you please post a pic of your structure and/or your base? Thanks!
General Discussion / New idea for dealing with sappers
August 31, 2018, 04:01:12 PM
I was just thinking about building up a thick, huge outer wall surrounding the base, and when the sappers show up, they'll just get bombarded by endless mortar shells as they try to breach the outerwall. This idea is probably too expensive to be viable, but what do you guys think?
Quote from: Blato on August 31, 2018, 09:35:40 AM
I personally lay down a dumping stockpile and turn the corridor exit into fields of stone. Granted, it makes a miss chance, but the enemies can't stop in the middle and use the same stones as cover.

If you just lay down a big dumping stockpile, you won't slow them down at all. I think there was an update some time ago stating that the raiders would just keep walking normally while they are on the stones. That's because they only slow down when they "vault" over a stone chunk. You can easily test this yourself in game.

Quote from: ADastina on August 31, 2018, 12:08:39 PM
You can try to use Embrasure mod, so you can just make 2 windows to shoot and 1 metal door.

They cant rush your colonists and you can shoot them or have time to prepare a big defense plan.

There is so many mods that can change the way that fight fights go on in RimWorld, i really recommend you Embrasure mod.

Embrasure Mod By Jaxxa :

Hi personally I feel like the embrasure mod is just way too OP, and I'm sorry that it's kind of my fault for not mentioning that I just want a somewhat vanilla experience this time around. But thanks for the reply anyways :)
But like...there's no reason to slow them down while they are inside the corridor, at least for me. That'll just drag the fight out for too long. What I'm concerned is when they actually come out of the corridor.
I'm gonna see if that works.

Also, I'm in a desert, so there's not much to work with over here ;D

I always set up a long corridor of death, and then at the end of the corridor when the surviving raiders come out, they'd be met with my machine gun fire. It's that part that I want to slow down the raiders.
I've looked up this topic and there's not much to go on...So far I'm resorting to just laying down stone chunks in like a stripe pattern so that they have to vault over one stripe at a time. But even that is not very effective...

Do you guys have any other ideas?
General Discussion / Re: Mechanoid Rant
August 30, 2018, 04:03:18 PM
By the way, guys, I don't know if you know this, but when the alien crash ship reaches 49% health, the mechanoids will start assaulting your base.

This means that you can either:
1. Play hide and seek with them and snipe their ship to 49% health
2. Bombard the ship with mortars (this is the best option, in my opinion)

And after the ship goes to half health, they will just start running into your killbox like a normal raid.

PS: It just goes to show that having like 5 mortars and 200 explosive shells solves so many of the problems that the game throws at you...Sappers, sieges, crash alien ships...all get basically trivialized.
Releases / Re: [A18] SimpleSidearms (1.2.5)
August 30, 2018, 03:52:52 PM
Quote from: pablo603 on August 30, 2018, 12:06:14 PM
Please update to B19, this mod it a must have especially after the gun nerf!

There was a gun nerf??
Hmm, maybe. I just messaged the author of the allow tool mod. Let's see what he/she has to say. Thanks for all your help, guys!!
If you click on one ore tile, you can right click it and then put mine all connected to this tile, or something like that, right? Are you sure that's not in the base game? Because I played a Vanilla 0.19 game before, and that was in there already. Also, none of the right click menus are working.

Lastly, even with mods, why would it work one morning and then stop working in the afternoon? Do you think it's because one of the mods getting updated? And I honestly have no idea which one it is
Bugs / Re: 0.18 Right Click Does Not Bring Up A Menu
August 30, 2018, 12:40:38 PM
I got the exact same problem, but for 0.19. It just stopped working one day.
Bugs / [B19] Right click functions don't work anymore
August 30, 2018, 12:39:21 PM
By right click functions I mean like the "harvest all in home area" thing or the "mine this vein" thing.

I don't know why it just stopped working. I even got rid of all the mods, re-installed the game and verified the game file integrity. SO it's the base game's problem, I think.