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Messages - DubskiDude

General Discussion / Re: To RNG or not to RNG
July 21, 2018, 02:11:56 AM
Quote from: Tynan on July 21, 2018, 01:35:29 AM
Resurrector mech serum?

I never seem to find any :/ the few times they're a quest reward, I couldn't participate for whatever reason. I wish there was another way to get them (that has similar challenge or cost, of course). There's also the problem with the time limit a corpse has before resurrector serum won't work anymore, and also the potential brain damage which can't be fixed. I've never seen the raw numbers for it though.
General Discussion / Re: To RNG or not to RNG
July 21, 2018, 01:14:36 AM
Can't really speak for the community at large, but I personally savescum any time a pawn dies. There's a certain randomness already to Rimworld that can lead to pawn death, like friendly fire, diseases, infections, or plain old bad luck. And when a pawn dies, the colony suffers, from a little to a lot, depending on the pawn. It irritates me when the numbers are so far from being in my favor that a character dies, permanently.

Good pawns aren't easily replaceable in my experience. The beginning of the game is the most crucial when sorting out the "bad pawns", i.e. Pyromaniac, Volatile, Body Purist, Lazy/Slothful, Slowpoke, Depressive, etc. Pawns with these traits aren't worth it or are just too risky to use, because keeping them requires a bed, food, micromanaging, their mental breaks, etc. Why bother if the pawn doesn't stack up with the others? This is why I outright banish a pawn if they join and have even one of those traits. These traits are just a net negative. I suggested in the past, though, that these "mostly negative" traits should have an upside to them. Maybe not a big enough upside to where it makes the negative trait worth it, but just something so that you're not just staring at fire-starting sprees or -18% break chance. For example, maybe Slothful can mean less work speed, but the pawn requires slightly less sleep. Regardless these negative effects have pushed me to being very selective with pawns, and that will likely persist forever with my play style, because I like to min/max, and a pawn with a big negative trait that can't be fixed just isn't worth it to me.

I have noticed that I'm more forgiving of Rimworld if my pawn loses a limb or an eye, because now that bionics are possible, they'll eventually be replaced. Not sure how that could be emulated to fix pawn death, but maybe it could go somewhere, somehow.
Quote from: Rockchecker on July 20, 2018, 09:17:35 PM
I've missed a few updates, so I'm not sure when this changed, but the "Character" tab is now labeled "Story". I don't know why that was changed, but the new label doesn't make sense to me. Maybe "Stats" would be better? It's not a huge deal, since the tab is still in the same place, it's just... weird.

Tynan changed it because of the lack of letter space. But "Stats" does make more sense than "Story".
Continuing my run on RR Rough, 12 pawns, 289k wealth.

Twice in the last hour or two my colony has been hit with mechanoids drop-podding into the base. 12-15 Scythers (no other mechanoid types) get to run rampant in my colony for free. The recent sharp armor nerf was well deserved, but Scythers in this particular situation, where they just drop in and bypass all my defenses, is pretty broken. I have no turrets for support inside the colony, the scythers are numerous and easily close the distance, and they get to kill our colony animals willy-nilly. Even with only 40% sharp armor they don't seem to die very quickly, but I wouldn't vouch for another nerf.

The first raid I had several pawns downed with several permanent injuries. Lost an eye, an arm, and a leg. I've save scummed the second raid about 5 times already, and it ALWAYS results in a pawn death and several animal deaths (animals are particularly stupid and/or slow when I tell them to get indoors where it's safe). I'm starting to wonder what's the point of having these expensive autocannon and sniper turrets, since mechanoids can, and often do, just drop pod behind them. They also get to run up and vandalize any turret (besides mini) for free, killing a ton of resources, while I'm stuck running around cleaning up individual scythers. It's also pretty counterintuitive, but telling all my shooter pawns to melee them with their guns is a better option, because it feels like the scythers die quicker, there's no risk of friendly fire, and it doesn't wreck all my stuff, since guns are so inaccurate.

Also, do raids even take into account how many pawns you have that can fight? Or is it all just based on colony wealth?

Quote from: Tynan on July 19, 2018, 04:35:28 AM
Reduce centipede armor

YES. Now for Melee Scythers, who now have more sharp armor than centipedes :P

I did some quick testing and Scythers seem to insta-die to autocannons, but shrug off pawn bullets quite a bit (my pawns use assault rifles, snipers, two miniguns, and a charge lance). Not sure what I'd do about the autocannons, but I would obviously suggest less sharp armor but more health.
Quote from: EvadableMoxie on July 18, 2018, 12:37:49 PM
Just for fun, I decided to take a look at how many shots it took for my guys with excellent pulse rifles to down a single centipede.

41.  It took 41 shots, and that's only counting the ones that hit and weren't completely deflected.

Urgh.  I think I'm done bashing my head against this problem for now. I'm going to have to build a giant trap maze again.  Sigh...

Yep, 80% sharp armor. It has to go down. I'll keep saying it until it happens. It just has to go down.

I also reluctantly agree that psychic drones are too high. Soothes are always a set value, but psychic drones can get worse and worse and can just cripple colonists because wealth.jpg.
Playing on RR Rough with 245k colony wealth. Got blitzkrieged by Mechanoids, and yet again the melee Scythers and Centipedes are insanely hard to kill. The Centipedes basically shrug off half (or more) of the bullets that hit them, and have a giant health pool, so they just don't die. They also stay out of range of turrets and snipe them with inferno cannons. Scythers die quicker simply because they bumrush our fortifications, but they're shrugging off almost as many bullets. Lancers die comically quick to bullets even though their DPS is obnoxious.

Sharp armor for melee Scythers and Centipedes needs to go down, down, down, bar none.
Crap, didn't even realize this got moved to the Bugs forum. This was a while back and I deleted the save since then :/ but I'll keep an eye out if it happens in my new games.
I've noticed that too. And Indoorsman is really kind of a useless trait.
Quote from: Oblitus on July 17, 2018, 12:41:37 AM
Actually, they do exactly this with regular meals.

Some do when they leave the base, but I feel like many who stick around the base don't, and then waste time going back to grab one, eat, and then walk back to their work station.

Also totally forgot I made threads on Reddit about "war beasts" and "bunker busters" for use in raids. Added them to the top of the main post. Really hope to see something like it implemented - it would spice up raids quite a bit.
Quote from: Oblitus on July 17, 2018, 12:04:44 AM
Second, I believe. The nutrient paste can be taken only for immediate consumption, probably because it is overpowered for feeding animals who don't care for mood debuff but can benefit from nutrition efficiency. It has 300% nutrition efficiency, while kibble has 125% (with hay efficient nutrition of kibble is ≈155% when compared to corn).

In that case, nutrient paste is no big deal. Regular meals, on the other hand, should be scooped up with reckless abandon by any pawn. Wake up, eat meal, take meal with you. Easy.

Also cleaned up some resolved points in my list, and added two trait ideas, "Backpacker" and "Bisexual".

Normally I'm not into mods, but this one is SUPER helpful. Having a tab that allows a bird's eye view of all your pawn's health and capabilities is super essential. It doesn't impose on the balance of the game either. Of every 3rd party add-on I've seen, this definitely has my vote to become official. Really hope you consider this one, Tynan.
Quote from: Oblitus on July 15, 2018, 10:53:57 PM
Quote from: DubskiDude on July 15, 2018, 04:44:49 PM
I feel that pawns should ALWAYS grab a meal and carry it with them.
That's another problem with nutrient paste, actually - pawns can't take it to carry, only for immediate consumption.

Is that a bug or some kind of weird design choice?
Quote from: Polder on July 16, 2018, 02:11:18 PM
I am noticing that on a tropical swamp, there are too many animals self-tamed and animals join the colony events.

Yeah, I noticed that too. Too many monkeys, rats, and chinchillas joining that I don't want.
I recently watched a Scyther walk through 8 pawns worth of bullets, all the way from rifle range to 3-ish tiles from my pawns before dying. A single scyther. That shouldn't happen.