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Messages - arl85

Bugs / Materials for military helmet
September 17, 2016, 02:25:19 AM
Not sure if intended or not, but recipe for military helmet at machining table allows you to make it from gold, plasteel, silver, steel, uranium but any other item listed at machining table (kevlar helmet, armor vest, etc) can be created using steel only, so why is military helmet different?
From xml definition of psychopath:
QuoteNAME has no empathy. The suffering of others doesn't bother HIM at all. HECAP doesn't mind if others are butchered, left unburied, imprisoned, or sold to slavery - unless it affects HIM. HECAP also feels no mood boost from socializing.

He simply doesn't care about other, but cares about himself being imprisoned, etc.
IMHO if he cares about bonded animal being sold, he should care being master of that animal. Or the opposite: he should not care about anything related to bonded animal, so being together with bonded animal or bonded animal being sold should not be important for him.

looking at ThoughtDefs folder I found that psychopath doesn't even care if bonded animal dies, so he should not care about it being sold either.
Bugs / [A15c] Psychopath cares about selling bonded animal
September 10, 2016, 12:49:28 PM
Psychopath doesn't care about being or not being master of a bonded animal, but if that animal is sold he is affected by "bonded animal sold" debuff.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
August 31, 2016, 01:59:27 PM
maybe already suggested, but please keep statistics tab visible even after colonists' death: would be very nice to review their life (they slept for 4 days, ate for 2 days, and so on)
according to Tynan, it's not a bug, but a feature, indeed
Having a buff for saving pawn means it can be ignored anyway and no effect on you (you just miss a good buff) but adding a debuff "we left someone slowly die" will force you to act in order to avoid the debuff.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
August 26, 2016, 03:10:37 AM
Just a couple of quick suggestions:

  • I think a proper indentation of sub-categories of resources in resource readout (left-side of screen, showing resources) would improve readability.

  • make resource readout scrollable

  • move hay out of vegetable category (I know there was a mod doing it but having it in vanilla seems reasonable)

  • add possibility to enable/disable a storage area
    sometimes I set a storage area with specific filters but I want to enable it only if needed (i.e.: food in prison when I have prisoners).
    Now several possibilities exist:

    • delete it and recreate when needed
    • allow no resources when not needed and enable wanted resources again when needed
    • set it to low priority - still resources will be moved when other storage areas are full
    Would be nice if I could keep settings of a storage area but temporary disable it.
    It could be implemented as a toggle (on/off) or as an "OFF" priority
Quote from: Florius on January 08, 2016, 04:42:28 AM
Quote from: arl85 on January 08, 2016, 03:56:55 AM
MedicalInfo is also useful

I already have Numbers! which does the exact same thing, but even more!
But if it get's requested a lot, I have no problem adding it

MedicalInfo shows health details in a new "Medical" (or "health" - I cannot check atm) Tab, IIRC Numbers! doesn't.
MedicalInfo is also useful
Quote from: NoImageAvailable on December 30, 2015, 06:21:04 PM
So I am now officially back from my long Rimworld vacation and development of this mod has resumed once again. As a heads up, here is my current roadmap:

After this version is released I will consider this mod to be feature complete. I will no longer work on adding more content and further releases will be to address balancing issues and bugs only
wow! it sounds very very interesting. Maybe one day it could be integrated in vanilla, would be fantastic!

Not sure if anybody reported it, but I'm unable to see "range circle" of some weapons:
gun is ok, I can see range, but survival rifle has no range displayed.
At first I thought range is bigger than visible area, but then I checked and range is 67 squares, so I expect to see the range circle somewhere.
The same happens with minigun: the "minimum firing distance" circle is visible, but maximum one is hidden.

I tried with just CCL and CR, and eveb restarted the game after enabling mod, but range is still missing.

Another small thing is that it seems (not 100% sure, I just saw it yesterday, but I had several mods active) that artillery shell is craftable both at machining table and the smithing bench
General Discussion / Re: Growing season
December 16, 2015, 01:03:06 PM
I checked in code:
if temperature is > 0 and < 58C then "growing season here now" is displayed, else "Cannot grow - cold season."
Not sure how it manages when temperature is > 58C - from code I found it seems it should display "cold season", but I'm quite sure some other part of code let appear the "out of ideal temperature range (not growing) " message
General Discussion / Re: Growing season
December 16, 2015, 02:16:38 AM
Quote from: Shurp on December 15, 2015, 08:02:28 PM
Since you've brought up growing seasons, I've noticed something odd that might be a bug.  I'm on a map with a Mar - Oct growing season.  But frequently on day 5 in February it will let me plant crops.  Then about 7 February they'll all freeze and die.  And it won't let me plant again until March, even if it warms up before then.  Any idea what this is?
I have the same strange behavior; later today I'll try to find in code when the "cold season" message is generated: maybe we could better understand what's going on.
General Discussion / Growing season
December 15, 2015, 10:33:39 AM
Hi guys, I'm quite new to the game, but after playing a game with Phoebe on temperate climate, I'd like to start a game in a biome with limited growing season.
I started in a temperate forest (again) but with a Feb-Nov growing season.

Now, I don't fully understand how growing seasons works: I'm at 9th day of november and still I can grow vegetables ("growing season here now"). at 10th of november I see a "not growing - cold season" or something similar.

On wiki I read:
Quote from: wikiPlants will not grow when the temperature falls below 0C/32F or rises above 59C/138F. The plant's info window will show 'Out of ideal temperature range (not growing)'.

but this is not the message I'm receiving.
not 100% sure (not at home now) but after some days I can grow plants again, even in december ("growing season here now").

is it a bug?
How does growing season work?
is it a period when I cannot grow anything even if temperature is in growable range? Or is the temperature the main factor for growing plants?