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Messages - thedee05

Ideas / Re: Individual Pawn Missions / Bucketlist
April 03, 2015, 08:00:54 PM
Just imagine some of the art that would come out of this.
Ideas / Re: Re-enable corpses medical operations
March 26, 2015, 02:32:35 PM
This makes the game more difficult. Bionics die with the rest of the person. It was too easy to get bionic parts before and this balances that. imo.  However, maybe this could be a settings option.
Ideas / Individual Pawn Missions / Bucketlist
March 26, 2015, 02:28:15 PM
Add mission/objectives/bucket list to each pawn. Individual character stats would show what it is they want to do in the new world. Joy could be part of it. Completing a bucket list item would make them happy like playing games do. Since it would be a one time item on the list it could be worth more.
Example: Hunt, find gold, meet a pirate, punch a muffalo, eat snake, travel 26.2 miles, stay awake for 3 days, meet a tribesman, plant a garden and many more. The could be tiered too. When a pawn plants a garden(10 plants) the next level might say plant a farm(100 plants). 
Pawn characteristics could effect where or not they do everything they want. A lazy pawn might never travel 26.2 miles or stay awake for 3 days.
This could also be treated like side stories that might improve their moods for a short period of time and create an art story.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
February 15, 2015, 06:02:41 PM
Add small mission/objectives/bucket list to each pawn. Individual character stats would show what it is they want to do in the new world.
Example: Hunt, find gold, meet a pirate, punch a muffalo, eat snake, travel 26.2 miles, ect.

Just little side stories that might improve their moods for a short period of time.
General Discussion / Re: Call for public testers!
February 05, 2015, 03:24:56 PM
Yes please. I would like to test the game in an official capacity.