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Messages - SuperCaffeineDude

Ideas / Re: Campfires can cook food.
January 18, 2015, 03:43:57 PM
It'd be good to have in vanilla, right now the player couldn't really get away without having all those spare rations littering the map.

It feels like the build order for me is,
cave>door>beds>(someone farm)>solar>battery>wire>stove>$$$.
And since I have all this set up >heater
So the fire never gets used by me.

Because I need simple meals I'm pushed into the modern era, having a cook-function on the fire would not only be an intuitive function, but could also mean that all electronics could be locked into research options, giving us more time to muck around before going modern. How fun verses frustrating that'd be idk, would be interesting to see though.

But yeh absolutely all for the initial suggestion.
Yeh i'd like to see children added, that a game can't really last beyond four "years" is problem to be addressed, not necessarily a problem with the idea itself. Honestly right now we currently can hire turncoats with no negative consequences and have colonists literally falling out of the sky to meet our demands for more workers. Babies-Children would be a nice change of pace and fills in the age-old survival clich� of their being one very inconveniently pregnant lady to deal with. If you want to have them abort it or leave it out in the wilderness alongside brain-dead Val and mentally challenged Hayhouse that should be your call (though no one should like it), but in terms of usefulness children could provide a happiness boost receive a learning boost and work(slowly) from a younger age, say 7. To me Rim-World is a colony simulator not a factory/tower-defence game.

I'm defiantly in favour of prison sweat-shops, although yeh its hard to imagine them doing anything but crafting, so I've no clue what else they'd be doing and how that would be managed without either having guards escorting them, or yeh explosive-collars.
I see medical realism brought up quite a bit, I think most are up for elaborations on medical stuff. I don't know that I could ever see RimWorld being hyper-realistic, but I wouldn't mind seeing things like tools, ammunition, and some condition specific treatments.
For instance it would be interesting if a colonist in pain yearned for sedatives/booze you didn't have whilst you hacked their infected leg off with your doctor's poor quality saw tool because you also had no antibiotics at the time.
If ammo does get introduced I don't see why some armours couldn't buff the ammo maximum, but personally I wouldn't want to micromanage clothing more than I do and navigating an inventory system sounds a bit much for me. My suggestion would be you alongside armour ammo buffs you are able to research ammo-nets that we then presume people wear.
Fishing, no argument, though a tool/weapon slot that allows you to fish via a fishing rod is how i'd elaborate that (because damn it I want tools).
Ideas / Re: Prison Labor
January 15, 2015, 03:56:27 AM
Quote from: Eleazar on January 14, 2015, 08:50:55 AM
Quote from: Robesidian on January 12, 2015, 11:11:34 AM
I think instead of having them come out of said prison, being able to put stonecutter tables in a prison with a stockpile of chunks would give that hammer to rock feel of striped uniformed prisons. :)

I don't know if this was all humor, or partly serious, but this seems like the simplest way to make prisoners work-- put production tables in the prison ward.

Yeh that'd be cool and sounds pretty cheap, same with plantations I suppose. Though it'd be cool if you could assign workshops for prisoners and -cough- colonists -cough- common rooms, gladiatorial pits come later obviously.
Also, there are multiple people with the same names in real life, why is it strange to see it happen in Rimworld?

I think if you're "simulating" an entire galaxy of humans that are practically aliens to themselves the idea of sharing names so often becomes a little odd.

You know, that everytime you kill Tynan in game, one feature of Alpha 9 disappears from Rimworld changelog? So stop.

Lol, a scary thought indeed, will have to be on the lookout for now on.
Ideas / Re: Dynamic Personalities?
January 14, 2015, 04:49:54 AM
I totally agree with the general premise of this post, right now the condition of a psychopath/sadist is incredibly desirable and is pretty much essential for a 24-7 trooper. I think there needs to be a point at which colonists harden there hearts, perhaps as a result the social/arts skills dip to accommodate traits like...
“Cold” (Fine with Slavery & Killing)
“Veteran” (Fine with killing and corpses)
“Vengeful” (Temporarily blood-lust)
“Solemn” (Temporarily unsociable)
“Broken” (Anything goes)
And in terms of just making in generally more dynamic maybe stuff like...
“Religious” (+negative effects of amoral acts, -negative effects of other hardships)
“Fat” (-movement speed, +warmth, +hunger)
“Malnorished” (-energy, -health, no hauling)

In terms of weapon familiarity, I think we could defiantly use this. For instance a really good Archer shouldn't be a good sniper by default, nor should a professional sniper be just as proficient as an assault.
Ideas / Re: Mechanoid Balancing
January 14, 2015, 03:06:14 AM
I don't enjoy fighting them, they take a lot of bullets regardless of how advanced your gear and so there's no real counter but out number them with turrets, their gradual resistance to emp makes using the short ranged emp-grenades on them pretty redundant. I think the balance I'd like to see would be in handing us some anti-tank weapons and ion rifles, though it'll be interesting to see how energy-shields change the game.
Ideas / Re: Late Game Opposition. Idea Thread
January 14, 2015, 02:52:40 AM
Lots of good ideas, my favourite suggestions are

Naturally Aggressive Fauna: I do think this should should be a priority in order to balance the game, we need dangerous things that don't drop insane loot.
Burrowers: Unlike Dwarf-Fortress there's no Z level to worry about messing up, so prison-architect style tunnels into your base would be great. Basically I'd rather they go under/over(climbing) things than through them.
Sandstorms: Really would like this, make deserts the hardcore mode.
Cave-ins: Yeh there's lots of cool stories that could emerge from this, maybe when the mountain is hit (motors, earthquake or whatever) there could be a small chance of a cave in.
Ideas / Re: Late Game Content Suggestions
January 13, 2015, 06:29:26 AM
At the risk of derailing I'd like to see religion play a part, or more advanced social simulation, although I hope there's no outright god stuff.

On topic, I think implementation of multi-stage quests could never be a bad thing, regardless of the examples given.

In terms of lore we know the core-worlds are more suitable for interplanetary empires/federations, but there's not necessary a reason why a rim world's planetary system wouldn't house additional habitual worlds or even be a part of small star system. Because of this i'd say its not impossible to invent scenarios involving more than one world, after all who's to say the dudes in cryostasis didn't send out a distress signal years prior. Think "Interstellar" with colonisation efforts being made and dudes going into stasis for generations, while their machines terraformed the planet or they waited on further assistance.

Although I'd like to see actual quests first :D, I posted a while ago about my thoughts.
Ideas / Re: Give people a Melee AND Ranged slot
January 12, 2015, 07:15:38 AM
Quote from: Kinakin on January 12, 2015, 05:25:07 AM
Id like 2 weapons for the sole reason of stopping my warriors getting chain stunned in melee by a insane squirrel forcing him to drop his lmg and engage in fistacuffs witha literal rodent or die.

Yeh i feel your pain, regardless of whether we get extra weapon slots, colonists should automatic engage in melee for stuff like that.
Ideas / Re: fix friendly fire please
January 12, 2015, 07:05:54 AM
It's defiantly something you currently have to organise, but once you minimise the risks (shotgun, 2 hunters, hunt away from base) it's not really an issue. Ideally I would like colonists to contemplate shots, but it sounds like an expensive process to implement.
Ideas / Re: Prison Labor
January 12, 2015, 06:59:00 AM
It'd make a lot more sense than having a colony of enemy tribesmen, "slaves", and pirate turncoats. It'd be cool, wouldn't mind seeing the prisoner system expanded on.
Ideas / Re: Give people a Melee AND Ranged slot
January 11, 2015, 02:20:36 AM
Not sure I like the idea of lefthand+righthand+backpack equips, it just feels a tad too excessive for it to be useful and hard to picture, duel wielding would be cool though. I'm more for having 2 slots: slung/holstered and equipped.

Quote from: Johnny Masters on January 11, 2015, 12:35:47 AM
Reloading ammo could be as simple as the hunger system, when you are low they'd go to the nearest weapon cache/stockpiled ammo and restock.

That's a really good way of looking at it, maybe have quivers, ammo boxes, energy cells and shells. It'd add a whole new industry, and render turret killboxes much harder to maintain (bring in the neo-powder-monkeys (once children/apes are added)). That sort of dynamic would be great at blurring the lines between the good and the bad weapon choices.
Ideas / Re: Weapons and Armour
January 10, 2015, 06:33:53 PM
Lol fair enough just brainstorming, I do think some form of long ranged ion weapon would be good though, as it'd make attackers more capable of defeating the killboxes and improve a players chances against ship wreaks and mechs in general.

The AK could be anything honestly, the thought process would be having a trio of assault rifles that vary lightly in their differences. In this instance I went by... "The 7.62mm round in the AK-47 is heavier and larger than the 5.56mm caliber bullet in the M4", in game that would likely translate to extra damage with a lesser degree of accuracy.

Allow me to edit down the image to what I'm more suggesting here... (done)
Ideas / Weapons and Armour
January 10, 2015, 05:55:32 PM
Toying with the idea of moding these in, but I'd like to suggest something of the like could be added to vanilla.

Serious Suggestions
RPG: We need a hard counter to tanky units
Ion Rifle/Blaster: With the resistance effect mechs get, the emp grenades really are pretty redundant, perhaps it could also help against future energy shielded troops, either way Ion rifles would diversify my units armaments.
FlareGun: Buff the T-9 Incendiary Launcher (an explosion?), have flare guns act as there cheap inaccurate alternative.
Mo'Hats: This space western needs more hats.
Revolvers: Space westerns need them.
Katanas: We have long-swords which aren't very space-western'y, and we have ninjas, might as well make it a space-samurai-western.
Blunderbuss: Primitive shotgun, deals more damage but DPS is significantly lower.
Musket: Primitive rifle, deals more damage than a warbow but takes far longer to reload.

For Character
Potato Launchers: Potatoes are this games most prominent feature.
Energy/Whatever Sabres: Ties it neatly to starwars, i'd describe them more as blades of crystal.
Ancient/Antique Weapons: Valuable weapons left behind by previous generations, some more useful than others. 
Zip Gun: One shot guns.