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Messages - blopi

Translations / Re: Official: Francais
February 18, 2020, 02:25:40 PM
Super !

Merci à vous deux.
C'est un travail de dingue. Pour seulement apporter trois p'tites traductions (je vous ai montré les captures de mon jeu pour voir comment cela rend), cela m'a pris à peu près une heure (vérification du mot avec un dictionnaire, comprendre le fonctionnement des *.xml, recherche de l'endroit, corrections, (re)vérifications et relances du jeu... je dois oublier des étapes).
Je n'imagine pas le temps que vous avez passé sur l'écran pour apporter toutes ces modifications, et élaborer les codes tels que "{0_gender ? u : ue : u(e)}"...
Et sans faire le lèche-bottes, encore une fois merci à vous tous (toutes) !

J'ai suivi les étapes suggérées par NerverPire qui me semblaient tout d'suite bien plus simples et faciles que celles expliquées dans le topic de référence, et je vais faire ainsi ! Je vais tout lire et faire au propre.

Si vraiment je peine, je viendrai vous enquiquiner encore une fois par ici ;)

Excellente journée !

Edit: Je vais m'y donner à coeur joie ! Désolé d'avance du travail de vérification pour ceux ou celles qui vont me relire :P
☕ ☕
Translations / Re: Official: Francais
February 17, 2020, 10:23:20 AM

Tout d'abord, je voudrais vous remercier d'avoir traduit le jeu en français. Si jouer en anglais permet de perfectionner son anglais, jouer en français est bien agréable, j'ai beaucoup apprécié, et lire dans le menu principal du jeu que la traduction a été bénévolement faite par des fans, ça m'a... touché (?) et m'a bien fait plaisir. J'aimerais à mon tour participer :)

Ce sont des petites traductions, rien de méchant. Je me suis inscrit sur Github et j'ai essayé de suivre les étapes expliquées dans le topic de référence, mais je n'ai pas compris... À vouloir aider la traduction, je me suis retrouvé à lire des tutos sur comment utiliser un terminal, et tout cela m'a paru bien obscur...

Bref, c'est ainsi que je me tourne vers vous pour vous soumettre quelques idées, vous demander votre avis et si vous vouliez bien m'aider à modifier les traductions déjà existantes :

1) Lors de la sélection d'une zone agricole, il y a le bouton "Supprimer zone" avec comme raccourci "N" qui pourrait être traduit par "Réduire Zone". Je pensais au verbe "réduire" car le bouton qui le précède et qui donne l'option contraire est "Agrandir zone".
-> cela se trouve dans le fichier .../Keyed/Designators.xml, ligne 132 :
......... Changer :
          <DesignatorZoneDeleteSingular>Supprimer zone</DesignatorZoneDeleteSingular> en <DesignatorZoneDeleteSingular>Réduire zone</DesignatorZoneDeleteSingular>.

2) Lorsqu'un colon sort la bière du baril de fermentation. Lors du clic droit sur le baril, il est écrit "Prioriser embouteille baril de fermentation". Suggestion pour "Prioriser embouteiller la bière du baril de fermentation".
-> cela se trouve dans le fichier .../DefInjected/WorkGiverDef/WorkGivers.xml, ligne 525 :
......... Changer :
          <TakeBeerOutOfFermentingBarrel.gerund>embouteille</TakeBeerOutOfFermentingBarrel.gerund> en <TakeBeerOutOfFermentingBarrel.gerund>embouteiller la bière du</TakeBeerOutOfFermentingBarrel.gerund>.

3) Lorsqu'un colon va pour sortir la bière du baril de fermentation, il est écrit "Met la bière en bouteille" quand on sélectionne le colon. Suggestion pour "Embouteille la bière".
-> cela se trouve dans le fichier .../DefInjected/JobDef/Jobs_Misc.xml, ligne 119 :
......... Changer :
          <TakeBeerOutOfFermentingBarrel.reportString>met la bière en bouteille</TakeBeerOutOfFermentingBarrel.reportString> en <TakeBeerOutOfFermentingBarrel.reportString>embouteille la bière</TakeBeerOutOfFermentingBarrel.reportString>

Voilà, j'aurai très certainement d'autres suggestions à apporter, mais je voulais commencer par celles-là. Peut-être devrais-je faire différemment ?
Bonne journée !
Releases / Re: [1.0.35] Hospitality (updated 10.02.2020)
February 14, 2020, 10:12:26 AM
Good morning!
Thank you for the last updates Orion, everything is working fine on my side, I tried to reproduce the error I met, but without success...

Because now we can trade with every guest, it is possible to offer "meal" to a rescued pawn when he is becoming a guest, and not seeing him starving to death during his stay.

Anyway, for the translation, here is what I did:

-> Translation of the text added in last update and things that were referring to.
......... "Guest" tab now translated in "Hospitalité" ; I can not see in the french version of the game another english word from your mod, this is really cool! Thank you again for your effort.
-> Few orthographical corrections.
......... I made some mistakes in previous translation, they are now all corrected (I hope!).

I will attach the *.zip file with this topic. It is called French Hospitality

Few things:

Besides the fact that your mod is working very well on my game, I made a list of things about the gameplay with the mod that seems to me curious. I tried to explain the best I could, regrouping them by subject. If it is not clear, please let me know.
-> I have to precise I did not test without any other mod than yours... So surely my test is not really "clean".
-> These tests were made on version 10.0.33 ; 10.0.34 and 10.0.35 of your mod.
-> If you believe it is not important, just do not bother and forget my message, it really is not important.

A) Factions interaction:
I am not familiar with the vanilla interaction faction without your mod. AKA, I do not have the experience on how two caravans, from factions that are enemies, are interacting towards themselves.

......... When two friendly group factions are visiting the colony at the same time, but are enemies towards themselves, the two factions are not fighting when they meet (I had an easy testing because all factions in my game are enemies among themselves).
......... Is it normal?
......... Same when a rescued pawn is becoming a guest (I do not send him away) and is meeting a group of visitor from an enemy faction inside the base, they are not fighting.
......... When a group of visitors is leaving the colony ("Send Away...") and pass close to a caravan from an enemy faction, they are not fighting.

......... BUT If a send away rescued pawn who became a guest (Refugee Pod Crash) is meeting on its way to the edge of the map a caravan from an enemy faction, they are fighting.

B) Becoming guest:
-> When fully healed, rescued pawn (Refugee Pod Crash from a friendly faction) becomes guest even if "Guest deactivated" on mod settings and with or without guest beds (I tried both).
......... However, it is possible to select the new guest and send him away.

C) Send Away...:
-> When sending away a becoming guest (after being rescued (Refugee Pod Crash)) who does not join the present guest group of the same faction, only this pawn is leaving the map.
......... The other guests of the same faction is staying (surely because they did not arrive to my colony together?).
-> When sending away a visitor who belongs to a guest group, the entire group is leaving.
......... The "Send away..." tooltip is then confusing the warning because it is the same for a rescued pawn than a visitor from a group (I explained the difference in the french tooltip but it is not specified in the english one).

D) Console:
-> I do not understand the reason (or the mechanism) why factions are not interested to visit when they have 90+ relation points.
-> Inviting a faction to visit while an enemy faction caravan is in the map of my colony:
......... It is possible to invite a faction (hospitality mod), but it is not possible to ask the same faction for a military help (vanilla).

E) Interaction between colonist and guest:
-> Just after talking to a guest, the colonist did not properly target other guest to talk with.
......... So the colonist is talking alone. It does not happen every time, but sometime.
-> There is no feedback when trying to force interact with a sleeping guest, or with a guest who was recently talked to.
......... There is no warning that says no interaction is posible because target is sleeping, or because target was recently interacted with.
-> When a guest is eating or goes on his way to eat, if he is engaged in a conversation, the meal is no longer considered his.
......... Then, the guest is loosing his meal.

F) Thoughts_Guest.xml:
-> When receiving a group of visitor:
......... In the guest Needs tab (not in the Social tab), description of interactions with visitors is always "charmed me" while there is another description "was endorsed to me" (that is never shown on my game).

Excellent day! :)
Releases / Medical Tab v2.12
February 13, 2020, 03:48:48 PM
Hi there!  8)

In a future Medical tab update, would it be possible to see the age displayed?
For example, just after the name, or before, or...?
Anyway, it's just a suggestion!  :)

Very good day!
Releases / Re: [1.0.34] Hospitality (updated 08.02.2020)
February 09, 2020, 09:37:16 AM
Here is the link.

It is said that translation data for language French has 158 errors. Generate translation report for more info.
-> I will look into that, because I took the previous french folder as it is. So I will try to take another translation file, translate it and test to see if there are still french translations errors. If you need a hand (while I am not qualified with your skills), please feel free to ask me.

PS: I am also trying to quit all mods I have by deactivating them one by one to see if it is a mod conflict.

Orion, I restored the default settings of the game, and it the errors do not appear... I do not know why?
Oh goodness, I have to configure another time all the mods :P

Please excuse me for my previous intervention, as it appears the errors are "gone"?


Now, before "reporting" something, I will restore the default settings, and then see what it is happening.

Thank you for the update :)
Releases / Re: [1.0.34] Hospitality (updated 08.02.2020)
February 09, 2020, 08:52:01 AM
Good morning Orion!

Thank you for your update.

In the load screen, here is what it is said, and when I am loading the last version, guest beds disappeared.
Maybe you need more informations? I really do not know how to report a bug, please excuse me for this. I wish I could do it better...

Quote from: ConceptDef named GuestBedsCould not resolve cross-reference to RimWorld.ConceptDef named GuestBeds (wanter=knowledge)
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)
Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader:TryResolveDef(String, FailMode, Object)
Verse.DirectXmlLoader:ItemFromXmlFile(String, Boolean)

Quote from: Failed to load key/value pair
Failed to load key/value pair: , 0
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)
Verse.DirectXmlLoader:ItemFromXmlFile(String, Boolean)
Releases / Re: [1.0.33] Hospitality (updated 15.12.2019)
February 01, 2020, 12:08:36 PM
The old method consisted in recruiting "captured" pawns. Meaning, you had to capture a pawn to be able to recruit them (in my experience, I never could recruit a rescued pawn (even from Space...), I had to capture them, lower their resistance, and then, when the resistance felt to zero, it was possible to recruit the pawn.

(Edit few days later: I managed to recruit a rescued pawn (from Space) after many tests! Well, I did not recruit him, he joined my colony, which is a bit different).

With Hospitality mod, it is now a bit more elaborated.
Still, you can capture pawns with the objective of recruiting them.
Now, when a group of guests pawns come to your colony, it is working a bit differently.
You need to be at least not "hostile" with a faction to be able to recruit a pawn from a different faction (because they will "visit" you).
Recruiting a pawn from another faction will cost you "Goodwill" points (relationship points between your faction and the pawn's faction. You can check these points in the faction tab). The more a guest has friends in your colony and the more he feels well inside your walls, the lower the price (Goodwill points) will be. Raising the number of friends consists in making your "diplomate pawns" making friends with guests. Raising the Hospitality consists in making a nice place to receive your guest (with joy buildings and rich place).

Your diplomates will engage your guests (as like as when you asked your pawn to lower the resistance of a prisoner). And when the guest will have the necessary friends for him to feel welcomed in your colony, you will be able to recruit him. There's a difference here, because if there's an ultimate "talk" between the prisoner and one of your pawn before recruiting the prisoner, there is not with a guest, you only have to press the recruit button.

Now if you want to work like the old method, just receive (entertain - engage) your guest (without making friends), and select "making friends" the one(s) you would like to join your company.

You may control that in the Guest Tab by toggling the options.
The phylactery is about entertaining your guest ; the little star is making friends.
Hi there!

I translated the "Work Tab" in french! :)
It's a really outstanding mod in my play type. To be only able to assign between 1 to 4 was a pain...

Few things:

-> I can not translate "Favourite" on mouse over the little star.
......... I do not know where it is.
-> I do not see where the information of <WorkTab.ClickToFocus> is displayed.
......... I let it in english (Click to focus).

-> I do not know how to understand properly the scheduled priorities during some hours.
......... I certainly need more practices, so I will work it ;)

Thank you for this very nice mod!
I will attached the translation file with this post. It is named "French Work Tab".


-> I reworked the "MedicalTab" french translation.
......... It was a bit outdated and sometimes translated "as it is" in french, making the reading a bit confused.

Everything is working fine on my screen, so no question for MedicalTab translation.

The french translation is attached to this post. It is named "French MedicalTab"

Nice evening Fluffy! :)
Releases / Re: [1.0] [KV] Change Dresser [ModSync RW]
January 27, 2020, 02:59:34 PM
Quote from: Kiame on January 24, 2020, 10:53:55 PM
If I have some time I can do a little digging. It's also possible that another mod like "while you're up"  could be conflicting in some way

Oh what you are saying is interesting, because if I am not using the mod "while you're up", I am using "Hardworking animals" mod. So it has to come from here.
I play with very few mods (less than 30), I was far from guessing it could be a "conflict" between two mods, because the game is really smoothy...
Let me verify in different context with no other mods (just the Core and the Change Dresser), and I will come back with more details on the thread.

Thank you again!

Edit January 27:
Thank you again for your suggestion!
I checked with "Core" and "Change Dresser", it is working fine, animals do not mess up with the caravan. I also reloaded my game without the "Hardworking animals" mod, and it is also working fine.
So yes, there is something to be checked with the author of the "Hardworking animals" mod.


-> New french translation! (hey ;) )
......... I reworked the french translation because it was partially translated and sometimes french words were incorrect.
......... I also tested everything I could, and here is what I noticed.

What's done:

-> Item's informations are now more detailed and better explained ; what and where things must be.
-> I had to change the previous french name of the Change Dresser ("Commode" to "Commode-Penderie") because the french vanilla word item for "Dresser" has the very same name (Commode).

What's not done:

-> Could not verify properly the displayed french text information for Alien's part.
......... I do not play with this mod.
-> Could not verify Error Messages translation.
......... I do not know how to generate errors and the mod is working fine on my game...
-> In the mod panel settings, two informations are not displayed.
......... <ChangeDresser.KeepForcedApparel> and <ChangeDresser.IncludeColorByLayer>, so I did not translated them, as I can not check if the french translation will be properly displayed on the panel.

Difficulties met:

Changing color:

-> I don't know how to change a modified apparel's color to its default vanilla color.
......... I did not test all ideas yet (like -dropping on the floor and wear again -pass it to another pawn with different presets -Put it back to the Change Dresser and worn it again, etc...)
-> When "On skin" color layer is modified, I do not know how to separately modify the color of (said) the T-shirt and the Pant on the previous panel.
......... If I then modify the color of T-shirt, the Pant will adopt the same color automatically. If I do modify the color of the Pant, the T-shirt will adopt the same color.


-> I do not know where to translate the word "Mending Attachment".
-> I do not know where to translate the words "False" and "True".
-> When ordering a pawn to change the layers colors, while walking to the Change Dresser, it is said the pawn is "getting changed" in french.
......... I can not find where to translate it.
-> When saving a Custom Outfit without name, the default name is "(missing label)" in french.
......... I can not find where to translate it.
......... When saving more than one Custom Outfit without name, they all have the same default name "(missing label)".
-> In the "Custom Outfits" panel, when browsing Quality, the qualities are in english, but the game is in french.
......... I can not find where to translate them.
-> In the "Custom Outfits" panel, after selecting a pawn which has a saved custom outfit, the button "Select Outfit" is still in english.
......... I can not find where to translate it.

In the ChangeDresser.xml file, at <!— Gizmo (Command Button) --> part:
-> In the Empty's tooltip (ChangeDresser.EmptyDesc), I do not know what does "Storage group apparel" refer to, so I do not know how to translate it.
......... I left it in english.

In the ChangeDresser.xml file, at <!-- Common Strings --> part:
-> It seems that <ChangeDresser.SelectPawn>'s french translation is not displayed in french in the game and is still in english.
......... I do not know how to fix this.

In the ChangeDresser.xml file, at <!-- Layers --> part:
-> I do not know what does "Middle" refer to.
......... I translated it (Milieu).

Displayed information:

-> Here is a list of informations that are displayed in the game, but I can not see where.
......... I believe I looked everywhere... still without success. However, I translated the text but I am not sure if the translations are making sense and if they are properly displayed.

In the ChangeDresser.xml file:
In <!-- Gizmo (Command Button) -->
-> <ChangeDresser.ChangeTo>
-> <ChangeDresser.Wearing>
-> <ChangeDresser.WearingDesc>

In <!-- Assign Outfits UI -->
-> <ChangeDresser.AvailableApparel>
-> <ChangeDresser.CustomOutfitApparel>

In <!-- Help Text -->
-> <ChangeDresser.RemoveToEnableDelete>
-> <ChangeDresser.NoClothingIsWorn>

In <!-- Job Toils -->
-> <ChangeDresser.ChangeApparelColors>
-> <ChangeDresser.ChangeApparelColorsByLayer>
-> <ChangeDresser.ChangeHair>
-> <ChangeDresser.ChangeBody>

In <!-- Mod Settings -->
-> <ChangeDresser.KeepForcedApparel>

In the JobDef_ColourOutfit.xml file:
-> <WearApparelFromStorage.reportString>


-> On the Change Dresser panel, would it be possible to expand (enlarge?) the reset and save buttons?
......... French words have more letters and then do not "fit" inside the button. Vanilla button size is okay.

The file is named "French [KV] Change Dresser -", it is attached to this post.

Very good day :)
New translation french version! :)

-> All sentences in the "Social" tab are now making sense !
......... The way things are said in english, sometimes, can't be literally translated as it is in french, and need some grammatical changes. I re-work all the "InteractionDef" and the "RulePacks_InteractionsExtra" for them to be understandable. Maybe a couple of sentences are not that frenchy, but hey! Pardon my french! :P
-> All settings, guests tabs, console command orders, Work tab details are re-translated, tooltips included.
......... More detailed, better explained.
......... I tried to make some tooltips to appear in the "pawn guest tab" on mouse over, but without success... Never mind.

Few things:

-> The tab "Guests" is still called Guests. Its tooltip is still also in english. I did not find where to translate them.
-> In the Guests tab, I can't find where to translate "Area of Accommodation" and "Shopping Area", though it is perfectly understandable in french. I just wanted to make more tooltips.

I hope french users will enjoy! :)
If they are finding incorrections, please let me know!

The file is named "French Hospitality". It is attached to this post. I will delete the old version.

Very good Rimevening! :)
Good afternoon,

Just wanted to say thank you for the Fluffy Breakdowns mod, and because I did not find the french translation in the folder I have (version 3.3.48), I put myself to work!

I do like it, because now even in the Work Tab, it is translated :)

I do not know how to send the translation, so I will attach it here, with this post, it is a *.zip file called "French Breakdowns".

Have a good day!
Releases / Re: [1.0] [KV] Change Dresser [ModSync RW]
January 24, 2020, 11:07:47 AM
Good morning,

First of all, thank you very much for the nice mod and the effort you gave to build it, it is very appreciated.

I noticed a little... I do not know how to call it, so I will try to explain it.
It is not a bug, neither a mod conflict.

Pawns can haul, but it's the animals which haul things in the base, generally.
All apparels are stored in the Change Dresser (meaning there are not one single Apparel stored on the floor neither in a shelf).

Problem encountered:
- Formation of a Caravan (pawns, items, route).
- All the selected apparels fall down on the floor in front of the change dresser for the pawns to be able to load the items in the caravan.

-> The animals in the base who have access to the change dresser directly put back the apparels in the Change Dresser.
-> The Caravan pawns, then, do no find the apparels (or some of them) an go travelling without all the apparels selected in the Caravan formation.

To prevent this, I just have to play with the "area permission", and set the animals to an area that exclude the zone where the Change Dressers are.

As I said, it is not a bug nor a conflict mod. I just wanted to report this... "fact" I encountered, which can be easily avoided by playing with the area permission.

I hope I explained correctly the little situation, as english is not my native language, and if this is something I am doing wrong, please excuse-me for thinking it is coming from the mod.

Thank you for your time, and good day to you!
Good afternoon,

I am just posting a quick message to thank you for the beautiful mod.
I also corrected the french version that contained some grammatical sentences... how may I say? A bit "heavy", or sometimes using uncorrected words, and also the options were not translated.

I do not mean to offend the original translator, neither criticize his work, only to help a bit.

I attached the *.zip with the post. It is called, as I literally took the folder, corrected the sentence in it and compressed it to be able to submit it here.

Good day!