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Messages - durann31

Ideas / Ride able animals.
July 10, 2016, 12:40:26 PM
Some animals like elephants or the new upcoming giant land sloth should be able to be ridden on. Colonist will be able to get joy off it so they feel better. The animal must be tamed in order to ride and it must be big enough (elephants, maybe boomaloops etc). Would be a cool idea to see.
Help / Add mods to an existing world?
May 03, 2016, 08:35:54 AM
I'm on alpha 13 and i was wondering as i get closer to end game content... am i able to add mods to an existing world
Ideas / Re: Add Schools to the game
April 27, 2016, 08:51:12 AM
This is something that would be so awesome to add!!! i made a post about books aswell to give an idea! But an education/mentor system
Ideas / BOOKS!
April 27, 2016, 08:50:05 AM
Books should be added to game. What do books do? Well like how pawns make clothing and sculptures (sculptures make stories) books could be made on a book/quill  table or something and a pawn can write about a story that has happened like they do with sculptures ( where it gives a brief description of what happened) and they can put it in a book shelf ( like a weapons holder/ cabient) or anywhere, for a colonist to read for joy!

Also: books can/could set a mood to a pawn/colonist. For example: a book can be about romance or out something awesome/romantic like a wedding that happened. OR it can be about something scary like during a rainy thunderstorm. Each individual book can be unique.
Bugs / [A13] Bugs
April 08, 2016, 05:48:23 PM
Quickly i will tell you all the bugs i found in Alpha  13:
-(Maybe a bug/maybe not) Turrets are able to be told what to shoot :
-Trade coms/beacons are no where to be found in research or architect
-(Not sure if my fault or aren't shown) Some factions don't show who they are enemies with:
Thats it for now will report bugs if i find any. Also please tell me if any of those "bugs" were on purpose.
Ideas / Desert Additions!
April 07, 2016, 08:53:18 PM
Im just going to go quick and say what should be added to the desert biome (Or any other biome if they fit well)
-Quick sand= If built on, the walls and floor and people may fall into it and either be stuck or die
-Pot holes(Hidden)= if built on theres a chance that if built on part of the building collapse
Support / World error problem?
April 06, 2016, 03:02:11 PM
So i downloaded the new update ,alpha 13 and when i tried to create a new colony and choose the land site it gave me this error: ... any suggestions?
Ideas / Fences and Rideable animals
August 21, 2015, 08:22:13 PM
1. It would be great to add fences to the game as it will be easier to tell how big a restriction zone is instead of having to click the the tab to see it. It could also server a purpose to not let any animals out if you don't have a restriction zone.

2. It would also be cool to have colonist ride animals like elephants and be able to attack on it like in Far cry 4
Ideas / Ending addition
May 14, 2015, 07:28:03 PM
When you launch the ship you send the people you put in the ship to a safe place.. but what if that isn't the case. What i would LOVE to see and i think many others would to would be to play with the people you have sent in the ship to a place. Like if i put Bob, George, and Lily on a ship and launched it it can give me an option to put them as a "new colony" and add to my save, so that when i go to the main menu and click load colony it would say "Launched colony" or something that would tell me that thats the crew I've sent to space. Then i could pick a place to land to call "safe" and then play as the people i sent. In other words, i would like to play with the crew i sent to space with the ship in a different world that my colony isn't on. Just a suggestion and i hope you guys would like it.
Ideas / End Credits Addition
May 14, 2015, 07:21:16 PM
Towards the end of the credits of when it shows the last translation person i think having the Ludeon logo appear in a fade appear type of way or have it appear when the song ends and then have a "continue" button at the very bottom that gives you the option to continue to play your colony or to go to the main menu.
Ideas / Rimworld for mobile
May 09, 2015, 07:59:46 PM
It would be so cool for rim world to be on mobile because it seems "capable" in my eyes that rim world could run on an iPad or iPhone 6 with its big screen. Although it would be far from development, it would still be cool to see rim world on mobile and have the ability to play your saved world on your computer to your phone/tablet
General Discussion / Alpha 9 this week???????!!!!??
February 09, 2015, 08:28:54 AM
Looking at bit he change log it does seem that a new update is afoot. Could it be true???!!
General Discussion / Change log typo not big of a deal
January 08, 2015, 10:30:46 AM
On the change log I think ( and I hope) that instead of saying " weapons and have health" I'm guessing it's suppose to be now unless something is missing
General Discussion / Re: Brain Damage
January 04, 2015, 08:57:55 AM
Lol from me asking one question to many ideas that would actually be cool to add to the game the ideas are amazing here
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
January 02, 2015, 01:54:28 PM
Quote from: amul on December 30, 2014, 06:23:25 PM
I wish I could upgrade Walls to Conduit Walls without having to completely dismantle them first.

  You can just don't disassemble the wall and just put wires on the wall it would cost the same as a conduit wall just 1 steel