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Messages - Ric

Quote from: nnescio on December 03, 2013, 05:40:28 AM
Quote from: Ric on December 03, 2013, 05:16:59 AM
Beware. While using this method is effective it can get really annoying having them die all over the grave areas as you then can't box select to allow your colonists access to them. It always just selects the graves :\

Very annoying when you have 80 raiders to clean up & can only double click

Sell one of the graves. Now you can double-click on a corpse to select all of them on screen (up to a limit). Rebuild the grave afterwards.

Its the guns aswell unfortunately. Not a bad idea though, thx.
Quote from: halida on December 01, 2013, 05:28:27 AM
Quote from: ShadowDragon8685 on November 30, 2013, 06:59:13 AM
Halida, there's an easy trick to corpse disposal.

Combine your killing field and your graveyard. Not only will those who die in the right spot atop the grave fall right in and fill it automatically, but if you're using a line of explosives with graves to both sides, firing off the explosives will empty the graves. It's like a self-cleaning oven. For corpses.

WoW, that is an easy way. I will use this design.

Beware. While using this method is effective it can get really annoying having them die all over the grave areas as you then can't box select to allow your colonists access to them. It always just selects the graves :\

Very annoying when you have 80 raiders to clean up & can only double click
Thanks for the numbers OP. Much appreciated.

On the topic of the micro, if this is over the top micro to you guys, you should never try a game that actually requires poster above says, this is very simple management mechanics. A game at this stage in development is always going to require things like this.

A future solution could be the addition of a power switch. So you don't have to connect or disconnect a battery building deleting laying conduit, you would just setup a switch somewhere close & flick it on & of when required. Even better, you could have a dedicated switch room or some other mechanics thrown in(eg:Switch 1 setup to flip on at night time to allow night storage to be used & then goes off at lunch next day once recharged using the morning sun)

Just an idea anyway.
I would just like more defense options. The way it stands just now, I feel limited with the options I currently have.

Turrets are too expensive for their low power. Blasting charges are OP when used correctly.

Different types of turrets would be nice. Or traps would also be a great addition.
General Discussion / Re: Post Your Base
November 18, 2013, 08:04:53 AM
Quote from: Xanting on November 16, 2013, 05:29:04 PM
Quote from: Ric on November 16, 2013, 06:34:44 AM
On another note, your agave field is nice. Was it that size when you started your world or have you cultivated it somehow to grow it over that large area? i'm intrigued as it's something I've not tried yet.

The agave field grew from one agave plant over the course of the game. There's no way to "cultivate" it but you can help promote its natural spread. You may have noticed that there is a lack of grass in the vicinity of the base, this is to help the agave seed's chance of finding a free patch of soil to spread to. The only downside to this is that it takes a long time for the field to grow into a size that can sustain a population but as long as there is plenty of soil to spread to it will grow into it eventually.

Cool, thx. I assumed it couldn't be planted but wanted to check. I'll give it a shot soon. :)
it would be nice to have different crops in the future to plant/feed your colonists with or trade for different prices.
General Discussion / Re: Sustainable Cassandra Classic?
November 16, 2013, 07:46:13 AM
Quote from: Pendryn on November 16, 2013, 06:31:27 AM
If you removed the sections of walls dividing your colonists, you'd have greater cover as they'd lean around the actual wall part and shoot over the sandbags.

They already do lean over. Only when the raiders are in sight though. The way it's laid out just now, I don't get so much friendly cross fire & more flank shot protection :)
General Discussion / Re: Post Your Base
November 16, 2013, 06:34:44 AM
Quote from: Xanting on November 12, 2013, 06:00:36 PM

Edit: 2 raider parties just landed on opposite sides of the town. If anyone wants to try to fend them off they are welcome to try.

That was fun! Held on fine. Pretty nice design overall for defensive positioning. I was tempted to build a few sandbags to assist my defense but managed to resist. A few colonists needed rescued but no-one died & got 2 prisoners :)

On another note, your agave field is nice. Was it that size when you started your world or have you cultivated it somehow to grow it over that large area? i'm intrigued as it's something I've not tried yet.
General Discussion / Re: Sustainable Cassandra Classic?
November 16, 2013, 05:58:18 AM
I've managed to get up to 25 colonists in my current CC game(270days). To get up to this, once the incoming raiders start to flee I switch off all my turrets immediately & engage in melee with a few raiders. I've been a bit lucky getting so many incapacitated prisoners to build up to this number as I've seen others post that even when they do this, the fleeing raiders just die in melee battle & don't get knocked out for capture.

My current defense shown below. Works pretty well but without the use of the blasting charge room at the front I would probably get overrun. I usually use 8 or so charges spread over both sides of my final door and use the first 2 doors to bunch up the raiders. It holds strong against the 30-40 raiders that are left alive after the charge explosion. I also probably spend approx.400 metal replacing my doors/charges after every wave so it's not cheap but is still pretty effective.

I may try a wave with no charges but with 120 or so raiders every wave, I'm guessing that wouldn't end well :P

General Discussion / Re: Dead Bodies Everywhere!
November 14, 2013, 05:25:28 AM
Frag nades for Rubble/dump areas.
Molotov's for graves.

Stick with this & you'll clear stuff up easily. :)
General Discussion / Re: Raiders, highest number?
November 13, 2013, 08:14:42 AM
Wave on Day268.
I count about 110 here.


yeh, having no more than 10-15 is definitely a limitation. Hopefully this will expand in the future.

As has been said above me, it's the only limitation of the game that frustrates me. Around 30 would be much better imo. Especially for the size of the maps. It would be way too sparse for a dozen only colonists ;)

Although I have managed to get up to 25 in my current "Normal Cassandra" with some Melee micro to get prisoners. It feels like a good number just now. Capable of handling most jobs quite quickly & offering plenty of fire support during raids.
General Discussion / Re: Post your defense
November 13, 2013, 05:23:34 AM
Quote from: Zebedeu on November 13, 2013, 05:08:51 AM
No idea. I'm getting raids of 15-20 guys, and no one has ever made it past the second hydroponics table yet.
I think they can shoot from the sandbags, but somehow they never try it. My guess is that the AI recognizes the disadvantage of those positions and prioritizes getting the raiders into the base.
If I bring my guys out of cover, the raiders will shoot them.

I've had situations where I wasn't quick enough getting my colonists in position, and the raiders cleared my corridor of death. In those cases, they tend to scatter: some will start attacking the base, and the others will try to attack my guys on the left or right.
It's all good, since they're separated it's easier to pick them out, even in open terrain.

Yeah, the hydroponics trick is cheating and I'm pretty sure will be fixed in the next release, but I'm guessing a sea of sandbags around the entrance would accomplish essentially the same.

Cool. I'm gonna play about with lots of sands/some tables to see what can be achieved against the next incoming hoard!
General Discussion / Re: Post Your Base
November 13, 2013, 04:56:31 AM
Quote from: ShadowDragon8685 on November 13, 2013, 04:37:20 AM
I'm actually adapting both ideas; I'm getting a clusterfuck killbox set up with some doors, ready to blast anyone who tries to break them down. Anyone who succeeds gets to face the firing squad! :)

I look forward to a seeing a picture of that :)
General Discussion / Re: raiders ?
November 13, 2013, 04:54:21 AM
^^ fair enough. My bad. Although the description should be changed for Phoebe then as it's a touch misleading.

It must be pretty damn easy though. Even normal Cassandra is perfectly manageable once you get the basics down imo :)
General Discussion / Re: Post your defense
November 13, 2013, 04:47:27 AM

Quote from: Zebedeu on November 13, 2013, 04:20:32 AM
Anyway, my current impregnable defence strategy depends on an army of colonists equipped with R-4s in flanking cover positions.

That's an interesting strat you're using. Looks like I may need to start exploring hydroponic table restriction lanes. Seems it a few times on the forums now. I assume the raiders can't fire while travelling over those sandbags?
How many raiders do you think you could hold off your strat before they make it through & start attacking your colonists?

My latest defense from my latest base:

I'm getting minimum 100 raider waves now so I need a lot of stuff. I don't want to exploit funneling too much as it feels like cheating but my blast charges in the central room work well currently while I think up future designs :)

Note to self. Upload smaller images in the future! :P