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Messages - Aporatael

If you select a pawn you can tell when they are aiming. This includes Mechs.
Outdated / Re: [MOD](Alpha 8e) Trade Everything (1.0)
January 04, 2015, 09:46:47 AM
I think you should make it so that traders buy and sell everything, but they all buy and sell at different prices. Like the combat suppler sells weapons for much cheaper than other traders. So everyone buys and sells everything, but not always at a good price.
Quote from: Stannis on December 30, 2014, 11:18:21 PM
1. Prioritizing something and only getting the "blueprint" complete.

3. Dismissing a notification with right click and having no archive

Quote from: Drahkon on December 30, 2014, 11:51:34 PM
right clicking to dismiss a note I don't care about, only for a new one to appear under my cursor at that exact moment...

People have appeared on map and are going to attack. Click go to location to see how many. Then check to see if they are attacking immediately or... the note is gone.

Adding an archive of the notes would be wonderful.
My pawns running half-way across the map to do one bit of work, then running back home to eat because now they are hungry. Then running back out to do a bit more work before running home to sleep. If they had just eaten before leaving home they would have gotten 10 time as much work done. Instead they spent most of their day running back and forth doing nothing useful. Even within my base it gets annoying. They wake up, run past the kitchen to plant a few plants, then run back to the kitchen to eat. It's not as much of a problem inside the base unless you have a large base. But it is still wasted work time.

Trees are affected by crop blights. They should be immune like devilstrand. I hate having to replant a bunch of trees after every crop blight.
Quote from: Shinzy on December 17, 2014, 03:03:51 AM
Quote from: EdB on December 17, 2014, 12:32:49 AM
Quote from: Aporatael on October 22, 2014, 06:12:28 PM
Feature Request: In the priorities menu, show what the colonist is currently working on. Like when you click on the colonist it says things like, "cleaning X; hauling X to Y; feeding X meal to person." Being able to see a list of that from the priorities menu would be very useful.

I was reading through feature requests in old posts and came across this one.  It reminded me that I added something based on this feature request to the 2.4.x release.  I'm not sure it's exactly what Aporatael had in mind, but if you hover over a colonist's name in the Overview panel, the tooltip displays what they are currently doing.

I'm pretty sure he'd like to have window where you could see everyone's current activities on one glance (without having to hunt down an colonist and see what he is doing) sort of like overview of what's happening in your colony =P

Yes that is what I was asking. I don't know how hard it would be to implement. But it would be very useful.
When I try posting a reply with them it tries to get me to make a new topic. So here is a dropbox link to a zipped file with both of them.
I also have a save that has this problem. And I think this is the error that is responsible.
Note: The count of that error went from 9999 to 1000 then started going up slower, so I think that is 12,000 occurrences of the error. And in a few minutes it looped again.

Also, where would I find the save and world files to post?
Found it.

The error also persists into other games if I don't restart the game first.

Edit: Can't seem to add more attachments so Dropbox links

[attachment deleted due to age]
I have narrowed it down some. It only seems to happen when I am using a sun-lamp to grow crops indoors.
I have the same problem. It seems to only happen when I have people pathing when they are inside.
Quote from: EdB on November 23, 2014, 09:31:46 PM
I've considered splitting this type of thing into a separate "advanced UI" mod--it could happen eventually, but for now the mod probably isn't going to see too many significant features added.

I would like this. A mod that can be disabled without breaking anything is always a bonus. And for more advanced features have a separate mod for people who are ok with binding a mod to their game.
I can't seem to get rid of the thin rock roof with this.
Feature Request: In the priorities menu, show what the colonist is currently working on. Like when you click on the colonist it says things like, "cleaning X; hauling X to Y; feeding X meal to person." Being able to see a list of that from the priorities menu would be very useful.

Additional: Have this feature turned off by default, but can be turned on for those that want it.
Quote from: Igabod on October 16, 2014, 10:44:18 AM
Quote from: Aporatael on October 16, 2014, 10:20:47 AM
Feature Request: In the priorities menu, show what the colonist is currently working on. Like when you click on the colonist it says things like, "cleaning X; hauling X to Y; feeding X meal to person." Being able to see a list of that from the priorities menu would be very useful.

It would be somewhat useful for smaller colonies, but I can imagine it would get hard to read with 42 colonists like the guy above has. I'd rather have it as a separate tab so it doesn't make it any more of a challenge to set priorities. Then again you can just use the < and > keys to toggle through your colonists while in the priorities screen and see on the bottom left window what they are doing.

Like with most things on this mod it would be something that can be turned off in the settings if you don't want to use it.
Feature Request: In the priorities menu, show what the colonist is currently working on. Like when you click on the colonist it says things like, "cleaning X; hauling X to Y; feeding X meal to person." Being able to see a list of that from the priorities menu would be very useful.