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Messages - water

pls someone tell me there are plans for colonists to develop relationships and have kids! That would be pretty cool and the children would have random stats from their parents that were unknown up until a certain age.
General Discussion / how to deal with food poisoning?
October 06, 2015, 09:46:59 PM
Title. They don't want to go to the medical bed so is it just something that gives them a negative mood status for a while?

General Discussion / healing pets?
August 26, 2015, 05:16:40 PM
A squirrel and my huskie got in a fight and now he has a bite and bleeding. How do I heal him like colonists?

General Discussion / Are Parkas overpowered?
March 01, 2015, 03:12:48 PM
I mean once you get them there is no reason build heaters anymore. I don't even have to worry about crafting them because I just loot the first raiders that come in the winter. The only reason to build a heater after that, as far as I can tell, is to heat your hydroponics room so the plants will grow. The colonists even sleep in their parkas so there is no reason to heat their bedrooms. I think a flat -1 or -2 mood effect for the winter with the parkas on would be nice. Then if the colonists are near a heat source there could be a +3 effect for warming up a little. I started thinking about this because right now the winter is not really all that tough. Your only real worry is food until you start growing inside. thoughts?
General Discussion / Backpacks?
February 24, 2015, 08:41:53 PM
So I'm playing on a large map and an alien spaceship part landed on the far side of it. My usual way of dealing with these is to build a solar panel and 4 turrets around it. When its all completed I tell them to focus fire on the ship part. This usually requires a mining operation somewhere near the crashsite, 2 colonists, and a few days of work.

I really like in A9 that I can tell my colonists to eat, so they can be full before they depart on their expedition. Is there any way for me to tell them to hold a meal like the pirates or neutral factions do? That way I could designate a few sleeping spots and build a campfire near the operation and they could spend a few days out there without making the long trip home.

Actually, I think this would be a good mod for somebody who has the know-how. It could include craft-able items like a backpack and sleeping bags. It would allow colonists to move farther away from the base and do actual work. It would also be nice if you could designate stockpiles to only be hauled to be certain colonists. You could combine this to make a sort-of campsite (sleeping spots, campfire, backpacks with meals) and go on a hunting trip. Killing more than one animal and storing them in the zone near the campsite.

Also, kind of related, I think the campfire should not provide heat in the way other things do. It should provide a mood effect, "by the fire", that cancels out the "cold" effect if a colonist is close to it.

Sorry for the ramble, I've been drinking.
General Discussion / Re: updated again?
February 21, 2015, 11:05:23 AM
oooo thanks! I forgot about the dev blog; I was only looking at the change log.
General Discussion / updated again?
February 21, 2015, 10:24:48 AM
What's the difference between .724 and .725? I haven't started a new colony on alpha 9 yet and was wondering if I should update.

I was kinda hoping there was some kind of ecosystem at play here. Like, it would be neat if the  muffalo and boars lived off of the trees but the trees came back faster than they ate them. Then the alphabeavers would essentially be killing off your hunting sources by killing their food source.
So some alpha beavers just wandered into my area and the game says kill them or they will eat all the trees. My first thought was, "so what?". Usually I kill them and freeze them to eat later but these are really far away. Is there any reason I shouldn't let the beavers just do their thing?
Whatever starting colonist I have that is going to be my hunter always gets the starting rifle. I don't think I have ever had one hunting accident but I would agree that colonists that are not drafted should have some type of danger avoidance. Specifically when I'm letting my turrets take care of a small raiding party and several of my people decide to repair all the sandbags in the middle of a firefight, getting killed in the process. 
General Discussion / Re: Leg Blown off?
September 24, 2014, 07:21:44 AM
This is kind of along the same line of legs being blown off, what effects does having a destroyed kidney do to a character. My main miner when crazy and we had to shoot him. Thankfully he didn't die and was reintroduced into the colony a little later but his kidney is gone now. I think it says something like blood filtration is poor but I have no idea what that means in the game.

General Discussion / Re: Leg Blown off?
September 21, 2014, 11:33:01 AM
At the risk of being the most annoying person on the forum; what's a "spacer"?
General Discussion / Re: Leg Blown off?
September 21, 2014, 12:02:17 AM
Now may I ask another question so as not to make a new thread? Is there a way to recruit travelers without bludgeoning them over the head and then keeping them prisoner?
General Discussion / Re: Leg Blown off?
September 20, 2014, 06:12:30 PM
ah I see, thankyou. I guess I'll just restart I haven't played this game very long anyways.
General Discussion / Leg Blown off?
September 20, 2014, 06:05:17 PM
Hello, very new player here. This is my very first colony and my main worker/miner person just got her leg blown off when the turret she was standing next to blew up. She is in a medical bed and has no injuries other than a missing leg. Is she out of the game forever or will she be able to hobble around once she has healed up a bit more?
