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Messages - panofduluth

Ideas / Re: Firefighting/Repair Zone
April 28, 2016, 05:51:38 PM
yeah they only repair inside home area. claiming a building puts it in your home area
Ideas / Re: Shoe suggestion
April 27, 2016, 04:02:19 AM
I think there is definitely a need for transportation of some sort weather it be shoes or carts to mounting animals. turtle ride anyone XD

shoes would be neat though. i think it could fit in how you say. have shoes for different occasions  and such
Ideas / Re: Skunk
April 27, 2016, 03:58:08 AM
i dont know about that. i know when my dog got sprayed by a skunk she smelled so foul for days i dont think i would want to get "used" to it lol. the smell of liquor or something else is a little different. granted there could be some who dont mind the smell of skunk, but i bet the majority of the world disliking the smell of skunk.

but you could add in some kind of trait that would be immune to skunk smell but i think it does not need to be so complex. get sprayed by a skunk and then just have negative moodlets for the pawn and any one else near them for a few days. i think it still could be interesting. not saying it needs to be in the game but a decent suggestion
Ideas / Re: Skunk
April 27, 2016, 03:23:12 AM
+1 would be neat
Ideas / Re: Graphics
April 26, 2016, 09:30:08 PM
I think the ART for rimworld is spot on. do not change. the ART for Mario back in the day was spot on as well. ive never looked at realistic graphics or graphics in general as a thing. if it matched the game style then the art is fine. no need for realism where the game dont need it. as for DF if everyone hates it because of the art everyone needs to try out "lazy newb pack". adds a lot of art and even some mouse controls ;) but alas i am playing rimworld instead of dwarf fortress purely because it is more user friendly. like i can use the mouse on everything if i want instead of using keyboard only. not because of the "graphics" i find exploring and figuring out what stuff is in a game as part of the game. every game. you are not expected to know what you are looking at from a screen shot. thats half he fun! figuring out what stuff is and how the systems work etc.

like someone else stated other games spent to much time on graphics(probably) its a shame towns never got finished and hasnt been updated in a long time. gnomaria is shallow compared to RW and DF and only tiny tiny updates happen for gnomaria what? once a year?

I would much prefer the production focus to be on the simulation and the stories it tells. plus like i said for me any way the ART to RW is perfect for what it is. i dont need to see feet and knees moving and hands moving back and forth i think it might look goofy but maybe tynan works it out i would be ok with it as long as the art matched the game. i have faith in tynans choices as a developer thus far.
Ideas / Re: Deadfall traps and visitor animals
April 26, 2016, 04:59:11 AM
Just not using dead falls is not a good work around though. if it is an ally tribe they should be aloud to walk over it i would hope. similar to DF. I don't use dead falls for this reason as well so they are pretty much useless.
Mods / Re: Mod requests for vanilla
April 25, 2016, 11:42:13 PM
Not sure if fluffy wants his mods in vanilla... but i think the way he did the animal tab is perfection!
Ideas / Re: Animal Gender List
April 25, 2016, 09:46:01 PM
would be nice to be  able to butcher animals from the same tab as well
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
April 25, 2016, 02:54:04 AM
This thread is huge not sure if you will get through it all. will add as i think of them.

i see you have party spots and marriage spots now. anyway we can get like a trade depot spot or something similar?
the difference between DF and this when it comes to ammo though is that DF has way less ammo types. if there was a mag and caliber for every different gun it would be to much. however i do like the idea of a longer beginning game and perhaps it could be a thing if combat was completely revamped.
Ideas / Re: Stadistics
April 24, 2016, 10:19:35 PM
Ideas / Re: A problem with Ice Sheets biome...
April 24, 2016, 09:38:21 PM
I agree. harsh climates seemed to be tacked on. they should have very different happenings then say a regular not to hot not to cold map. sounds silly traders or raiders would come into these harsh environments completely unprepared
Ideas / Re: Water
April 24, 2016, 09:15:53 PM
I do not have a problem with my colonists building long power lines as is and i play on ludicrous map size. they are no more difficult then anything else. just need them to be available. try to do to much and sure it will be goofy but same goes for trying to have to much farm land and not enough time to work it all. got to find a balance.
Ideas / Re: bears in the winter
April 24, 2016, 08:47:18 PM
 i also enjoy the semi aggro animals and maybe its cause i am handicapped right now with only my left hand to use so doing things fast don't work. but yesterday while playing on free build i had 2 hordes of bears all going aggro every few minutes and most colonists get wrecked mine do any way. which in other seasons the OCCASIONAL aggro bear is not bad but when i have to deal with aggro bears CONSTANTLY on easy mode then there is something wrong. or maybe i just suck at the game. there is no reason i should lose a colonist every time 1 of 10 bears on the map goes aggro. right now bears and infestations are wrecking me i have no choice but to reload when either happen. i'm ok with a loss here and there but there is no reason they should be so OP. also i know its not vanilla but i play on max map size which probably don't help the bear count. there could still be bears in winter why not but there should also be deer and hare do you think that is really unreasonable? atleast deer and hare actually do wonder in the winter as opposed to ONLY bears

Edit: yes muffalo seem like something that should stick around in winter as well

well do you not think if all herbivores left because of lack of food it would make sense bears left do to lack it don't make sense at all to have bears only in winter when there is no meal source for them. which is the reason these deer and hare leave for winter right? no meal source.

also these bears i speak of do not inch closer and closer. there are literally a few packs of 3 on the edge of the map just sitting there until starved at which point they track my colonists down and wreck them every single time. bears should not spawn in just to go hungry. and if bears spawn in just to go hungry why not deer and hare?
Quote from: daman2590 on April 24, 2016, 11:07:11 AM
Quote from: panofduluth on April 24, 2016, 04:01:10 AM
I disagree with the whole post. guns are not OP. you cant fire while being melee attacked. there is a cool down timer could call that a reload. and certain guns already fire differently and amounts. call that your mag. what you are talking about is just way to in depth better left for mods. not that its a terrible idea. i feel like you would be strapped for ammo while raiders come in with ammo. you would being playing a bullet/ mag organizing plus production game and thats not what its entirely about.

i never stated that the guns were OP just that i din`t found sense in the way they worked and yeah thats my point but as the poll shows the oppions are very mixed, so this can be solved in 3 ways
-Not putting it at all
-Implementing it as a MOD
-Make it optional in the "Advanced" Menu

never meant to say YOU said guns are not OP. that is my own words sorry for the confusion. i think it would make a fantastic mod. and i think it would also be great if Tynan added in many many more game options for customized play. but i just don't think ammo should be in vanilla.