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Messages - Voideka

Help / Specify Damaged Ingredients
March 01, 2015, 06:04:22 AM
Is it possible to specify whether a recipe should use damaged or undamaged ingredients somehow? So for example you could make a repair bench that only accepts damaged items and which in turn spits out fixed items.
Quote from: MsMeiriona on February 28, 2015, 04:26:41 PM
*still can't manage to get it to work with a 5x7 room and be practical* oh well. Guess I'll just have to get some modded power plants/batteries going and try and make the power use manageable.

What do you mean by practical? Just put the switch down next to the conduit wall, then put a bit of conduit on the other side and connect the lamp to that.
There's also the error:

"<baseCooldownTicks>90</baseCooldownTicks> doesn't correspond to any field type in VerbProperties."

Change baseCooldownTicks to defaultCooldownTicks to fix that.
Could you split this into Canned Meat and Canned Vegetables? As it stands Canned Food is listed under vegetarian ingredients no matter the contents. I haven't tested, but I would think that means you can't currently use meat that you've canned in a fine meal (it requires meat and vegetables to make), so if you auto-can all your meat you'd never be able to make a meal better than simple.

Also I noticed my colonists will sometimes eat canned food even though I have a ton of simple meals sitting around.
It would be great if you could put the mod in a folder inside the zip file to preserve directory structure like most other mods do. It's not a big deal but it makes things a bit easier.
Quote from: skullywag on February 21, 2015, 05:09:19 PM
Sure, any ideas?
Normally in factories cloth is stored in spools, but it would look silly to have stacks of cloth sitting on a spool. Just some sort of small bin or basket would be good I suppose, maybe something like this , though it wouldn't really look the same from above.
Could you make something to store cloth/leather? That's one of the few things in my base sitting on the floor now, aside from body parts.
Is there any way to stop the Crematorius droid from burning things besides human corpses? Maybe a file I could edit?
Well I guess it doesn't matter now that it's going to be added to the game, but I have a weird bug. I don't know if it's because I didn't put down a trade beacon yet, but I keep getting random trade beacon shaped stockpiles placed all over my base.
Quote from: skullywag on January 12, 2015, 04:14:40 AM
Are the dead dudes in your home zone?

Yep. Auto-unforbid wasn't working either. I started a new game though and it works.

As a suggestion, would it be possible to force pawns to strip corpses before cremation?
Does auto-strip/unforbid need a new game to work? It's not working for me.