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Messages - Argus Leadhead

I will usually just keep chickens for food/eggs.  They're low maintenance and constantly produce eggs (keep the rooster away).

Also, I find wargs to be brutal in combat.  My trainer had three and I'd usually just send her + her wargs to meet any raid up to about 9 or 10 people.  Given how fast the wargs kill the raiders, they usually end up fleeing after a few of them are torn to shreds.  Just don't give the handler grenades... you get dead wargs that way.
Here's my tip:  even though it can seem impossible for some to find the materials for the multianalyser, you can survive comfortably for a long time without needing it.

Sure you won't get the most advanced research for a while, but I'm currently on year 3 on Cassandra Challenge and I still haven't gotten the gold I need.  I'm still here though :)
I almost see it as a blessing that they drop weapons when downed.  Though I usually play on ice sheets and since people tend to lose it at some point and go berserk. I've learned that unless they've got a joywire installed or are usually happy, weapons are on a need only basis.  If there's a raid, everyone gets guns.  During peace times, no one does (except joywired ones).  I've lost too many good colonists because I've forgotten to unequip a weapon and the wielder goes nuts and attacks someone.
General Discussion / Re: Is cannibalism a big deal?
March 15, 2016, 06:12:49 PM
The thing I don't get, is how all the colonists know they're eating people?

Sure, the one doing the butchering would know but everyone knowing automatically?

Colonist 1: "I haven't seen Cleetus in a few days, anyone know what happened to him?"

Colonist 2: "I was wondering the same thing myself, he'd love these ribs!"

Colonist 1: "Mm mm. Delicious.  I didn't know we had pork lying around."

Butcher: "Pork...  Yes... That's what it is..."
General Discussion / Re: Toxic Fallout Event
February 10, 2016, 05:16:29 PM
The one time I got Toxic Fallout, it happened alongside a volcanic winter (that lasted years...)

Great... -50° in June AND its poisonous to go outside...

Since my base was surrounded by a wall, all I did was build support walls at regular intervals and removed the "no roof" zone along the supports.  Poof! Covered walkways! Just set the pawns allowed areas to be on the pathways and they can still get between outbuildings without getting toxic buildup.

Since I also had no hydroponics at the time, I simply built another building over soil, put a grow lamp in it with a heater or two and planted indoor rice.

If it wasn't for a massive wave of mechanoids annihilating my colony and slaughtering every last one of my colonists, I'm sure I could e survived the indefinite winter/fallout. 

May the (former) inhabitants of Craterton rest in pieces.
General Discussion / Re: A question about animal naming
February 05, 2016, 12:17:35 PM
Ok.  Cool, thanks. 

I seriously couldn't find anything on this so I was thinking I was the only one having this issue.  Glad it'll be addressed.

Thanks again.
General Discussion / A question about animal naming
February 05, 2016, 12:08:54 PM
I tried searching the forums but couldn't find anything relevant to my question so here it goes.

When one of my colonists tames an animal, it is always named (animal type) (number) ex. Ewe 1

Are my colonists really so unoriginal that they just call the animal by what it is and a number or should they be naming them proper pet names like fluffy or dingus or whatever else an appropriate pet name would be?

The starting animal always has a name, but any newly tamed ones are just a number.
