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Messages - Joshuasca

Good ideas, i would really like to see it all implemented pretty much how you describe it.  +1
Suprised no one mentioned kenshi yet.  Its been in dvelopement for a decade and at this rate will be done sometime in 2022, but it's a pretty cool game that covers a lot more ground than rimworld - cities factions cannibals slavers - all top down 3d rts style, of course you can also build bases, craft, mine, and imprison npcs.  Actually next to DF i consider it the closest to RW - especially when you look at content and setting.  Kenshi has a long way to go, but I have been playing for over a year and i would really be suprised if it ever got abandoned.
I edit my saves to give the colonists custom haircuts and colors, cause im one of those people that loves to customize little characters, i guess i played too many rpgs or something.  Sometimes i will add a passion or adjust a trait, not really for power gaming but more for customizing the character in a story sort of way, but mostly try to leave them as they generated.  I quit doing this as much after i discovered the prepare carefully mod which is the only mod i use and it is awesome.
Ideas / Re: Frequent Suggestions Topic!
April 09, 2015, 08:56:32 AM
I have also read alot of posts about 2 weapon slots / sidearms / switching weapons as well.  I think it has been suggested enough times to land a place here
This mod is awesome.  Now i could never play without it, it really lets you get in there and design your own colonists which makes the whole game more interesting.  One suggestion would be to allow all hairstyles, cause the RNG does this anyways, never forget my male colonist with pink pigtails! Anyways, i like the Long hair on males it looks good with the big build and the skinny one - just a suggestion you saved me thousands of hours in notebook plus trying to give my pawns custom haircuts thank you!
Ideas / Re: Give people a Melee AND Ranged slot
April 02, 2015, 04:59:26 PM
Personally, i really like the combat in RW, I find it engaging and an interesting vehicle for the story.  It forces you to adopt strategies with base layout and all that.  I don't really like killboxes, and prefer to engage the enemy in a combat zone i have designed to maximize advantage for my colonists.  However, half the weapons in the game are totally crap because if you use it it is all you get.  The most prominent example is frag grenades, which end up killing more colonists than raiders.  Stuff happens fast in combat, especially when everyone gets spread out.  I wish i could switch weapons so frikkin bad - i would be able to take on the raiders in a far more meaningful way, and also take advantage of the strengths of my colonists.  It also seems lame that a typical seasoned colonist has a good melee and ranged skill, yet you can only pick one of these to develope - and after having been assigned a weapon a colonist is only gonna shoot or only do melee.  It just seems like a major design oversight that there is only a single weapon, it makes any atempt to engage the raiders very one sided.  I also prefer to take down the enemy with melee, as it tends to be far less fatal than ranged and results in better colony growth.  However this is really hard cause you have to have a team of colonists who stand idle while the enemy approaches.  Idle brawlers and suicidal grenadiers break all logic to the combat story - 2 weapons fixes this.
Ideas / Re: Next world (after ship escape)
April 02, 2015, 04:46:23 PM
General Discussion / Re: Alternatives to killboxing
March 30, 2015, 06:27:05 PM
Quote from: Kaballah on March 30, 2015, 06:17:16 PM
And oh well, a dude died oops.  The artists have something to sculpt about.

thats a good way to look at it
Ideas / Re: Individual Pawn Missions / Bucketlist
March 26, 2015, 07:36:02 PM
Quote from: thedee on March 26, 2015, 02:28:15 PM
Add mission/objectives/bucket list to each pawn. Individual character stats would show what it is they want to do in the new world. Joy could be part of it. Completing a bucket list item would make them happy like playing games do. Since it would be a one time item on the list it could be worth more.

It seems alot like the mechanic used in sims 3.  I like it.  Having random little goals that go on and on really helps a game have longevity.  After getting to the rimworld endgame if you truly loved your little slice of the rim you could just go on playing it and still have something to do, some mountain to climb some goal to achieve.  very nice.
Ideas / Re: Limit Blight To One Crop.
March 25, 2015, 08:23:07 PM
I agree with this
General Discussion / Re: Time Tables
March 25, 2015, 10:36:39 AM
If it's that way maybe it's being implemented to manually set a time for colonists to stop working (stop working!?) so they can play pool and fill up their fun meter and I immagine you will have to do this unless they really love their jobs, which perhaps may not affect gameply so much because most of my workers have a passion in their work if they don't i usually just assign someone who does to that job even if they are less skilled.
Ideas / Re: 2 weapon slots / sidearms
March 25, 2015, 10:31:35 AM
And furthermore i think this idea is really good because it is very cheap to implement, it requires very little coding compared to many other ideas i have seen suggested.  Also it has a much greater impact on gameplay than many of the ideas suggested.  If you could change the game in a meaningful way that adds life to the "main event" of rimworld - the raids and combats - and do so with very little work, then it should be obvious that this feature should be on the top of the list compared to some of the vauge and strange suggestions i have seen.  It's clean simple and effective, many games have done it before and it works well for this sort of strategy.  Considering the tactics engine is somehow related to Jagged Alliance franchise, i would think this idea would fit in very good with the current gameplay.  Just sayin....
Ideas / Re: 2 weapon slots / sidearms
March 25, 2015, 10:24:18 AM
I feel like i should clarify - I think primary / secondary weapon slots should be implemented.  I have read everyone elses ideas and they seem over-complicated and kind of a mess to implement.  A clean and simple Primary weapon and seccondary weapon (pick a weapon... any weapon) is what i really believe in here.  Any other expansion to the inventory or being able to carry food and medicine, ect... i think some of this is good.  But foremost, most importantly, this game needs 2 weapon slots.  Or perhaps we should just use sniper rifles and killboxes and there is no need to use the micro-tactics engine, we don't have to do squad based combat, just line up all the enemies in front of our firing squad of snipers.  Maybe thats the point of the game, but i don't play that way.  I want to at least be able to use grenades and rocket launchers, i want to be able to defend myself if i get overun, and you really need combat flexibility of a seccondary sidearm to do this.  What are you suposed to do when your sniper has 3 melee raiders within pistol range? Run like hell? or pull out a sword and fight to the death.  I choose the former - so right now i just leave weapons scattered around my combat jungle and have all my pawns pick them up of the ground, but this only works if we are fighting in that particular area.  2 WEAPON SLOTS.  puh-leeeez!
Ideas / Re: Give people a Melee AND Ranged slot
March 24, 2015, 09:15:12 PM
Quote from: Mihsan on January 12, 2015, 07:54:10 AM
Quote from: Benny the Icepick on January 09, 2015, 05:58:54 PMWouldn't it be great if you could give each character a ranged weapon AND a melee weapon to use?  That way when you tell your people to put down their guns and go at it tooth and nail, they're not going in unarmed.

I agree with your observation: one weapon per pawn is bad.

I just do not think, that "melee+ranged" is good enough replacement. How about grenades + assault rifle? How about sword (to kill) + club (to capture)? How about backup pistols? (we will have breakable weapons in next update, right?) How about pistol to carry with that tripple rocket launcher?

IMO we must have more complex system from tactical RPG like Jagged Alliance, X-COM or Project Zomboid. Some main features:
- Inventory for pawns to carry items
- Weight and/or size system to limit ammount of items
- Slots to assign items (both apparel and weapons); possible fast slots to switch between few weapons

+1  my sentiments exactly
I say just simplify all this, 2 weapon slots - no right hand slot / left hand slot - just simply two different weapons one is the active the other is the sidearm, and they can be switched.  An additional slot for a meal and a medicine would be nice as well, but mainly the weapon thing.  I don't think you need to change very much to do this, and it would make this game so much more tactically engaging.  Right now you can't even use half the weapons because who the hell is gonna throw a grenade at someone standing right in front of them.