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Messages - Lhoto

I'd like to preface this by saying I'm not even sure this qualifies as a bug, it might just be a logical oversight.

During an eclipse, the atmosphere's temperature will currently increase during daytime hours. This ordinarily wouldn't be a problem, except Rimworld's eclipses are capable of lasting for days at a time, and suns are typically responsible for a great deal of thermal energy on planets. It could be a design choice to not bother with it for complexity reasons, but I'm just posting this here in case it wasn't.

Regardless, thanks for your time, and for reading this.
Off-Topic / Re: Count to 9000 before Tynan posts!
February 25, 2016, 07:39:15 AM
Quote from: quxzcover on February 25, 2016, 02:32:09 AM
i was number 61
now im number 2518
btw all the guys^ are cheating and this is the most accurate number i can find without changing pages.

15 posts per page, 168 full pages=2520 posts + 8 for the last page (9 counting this one)=2528 posts

Btw, 2529
General Discussion / Re: Rimworld: Secret Troll?
February 18, 2016, 04:36:16 PM
Got another one, from just today (Randy random, rough). Quite possibly my worst bout of luck yet.

Just got your solar panels up? Congrats! Let's celebrate by immediately throwing a solar eclipse. Oh no, I hit your crops with a blight too! Too bad the growing season is short! I'll make it up to you after this solar eclipse is over with a solar flare, and 4 back-to-back tribal raids, all of which will attack immediately.

RIP Parthos, your poor luck will not be soon forgotten.
Quote from: Ectoplasm on February 17, 2016, 01:44:44 PM
Quote from: Lhoto on February 16, 2016, 05:00:47 PM
1. Yes/No. Tynan went on a 6 month break, and there's a good deal of controversy/skepticism about it at the link below. All I can say is use your best judgement and do your research.
2. Without mods: You can probably get around 100-300 hours out of it. With mods: Likely 500-800 hours (as there's a pretty active modding community)
3. Active is pretty subjective. You'll have to use your best judgement here again, but some places to check out would be the modding board(s) on these forums, and the subreddit,

Extra bit: if you want to know more about the game before you buy it, I'd recommend looking into the A12 and A12 modded play-throughs of Rimworld done by Blitzkreigsler, Aavak, or Quill18. They tend to churn out quality.

EDIT: I should also add that about your first question, there's also an official post about it here, along with more info:

1. Even when Tynan took a break, Piotr was at work, something the pitchforkers in your linked post in don't mention.
2. I agree with this  - as vague ball park figures. There is immense replayability in vanilla and modding exponentially increases this.
3. Disagree here 100% It's a very active community, new mods are released all the time, and many of the established ones get updated regularly.. Look to the activity of the boards yourself..
Looks like I was misunderstood, completely my bad on this one too for not clarifying. Neglected to mention the arguing points simply to allow the poster to draw their own conclusions -- they do mention Piotr/the blog post behind it in that thread, as well as the blog I linked in the edit. Also, wasn't saying it was an inactive community, just that it depends on what you're used to. (compared to AAA games, this could be viewed as low activity. Also, if you just look at the subreddit, IMO, it kind of speaks for itself in terms of activity).

Anyway, once again, my bad entirely, sorry for the misunderstanding.
General Discussion / Re: Rimworld: Secret Troll?
February 17, 2016, 01:40:43 AM
-Looks like you're strapped for power. Why don't I just blow those batteries up for you?
-No power for your turrets? How about some raiders!
-Butchering in the freezer? Let's just set this leather in the doorway.
-That's a nice mountain base you have planned out. Surprise! I got you a huge valley!
-Congratulations on getting your entrance defenses ready! Let's celebrate with some raiders in drop pods....right in your dining hall!
-Remember that devilstrand you were growing? It should be ready soon! Oh, by the way, fido is an omnivore.

...and so many more.
General Discussion / Re: Do you save scum?
February 16, 2016, 06:28:31 PM
Quote from: Shurp on February 16, 2016, 05:34:48 PM
How long does it typically take for someone to decide to sign up for your ruins?

Which reminds me of another idea -- has anyone tried serial ship launches?  Instead of taking off with everyone in your colony, intentionally leaving one or two behind (probably two so they can survive squirrel attacks :) to recruit more travelers to Hale Bopp?

When it comes to new colonists joining, the way it works (or at least the way I've been lead to believe it works) is the less colonists you have, the more likely the storyteller AI is to throw some your way. This also might vary to certain degrees with different storytellers, but I'm fairly certain it's a factor for all of them.
General Discussion / Re: Do you save scum?
February 16, 2016, 05:19:42 PM
I don't really save scum at all (though when I started out, I did). One thing new people miss is that you can continue your colony even if all people leave or die (see also: putting speed on maximum and waiting for some poor sap to join your colony), and there's a lot of fun to be had in that. So, the next time you lose to some crappy raid, consider making a copy of your save and playing it out -- might be funny to see a group of tribals attack that huge mechanoid group in your base.
Quote from: Samperino on February 16, 2016, 03:16:24 PM
Hi everyone,

I've been interested in Rimworld for a while now I would really appreciate if you guys could answer some of my questions before I buy the game.

1. Is the game still being updated ?
2. How many hours can I sunk into this game if I really enjoy it ? Is there a lot of contents ? I'm a huge fan of Dwarf Fortress. Can I play Rimworld as much as I played Dwarf Fortress?
3. Is there an active community around this game ? I love to share my adventures with other people that enjoy this game.

That's pretty much it, thank you very much for taking your time to help me out !

1. Yes/No. Tynan went on a 6 month break, and there's a good deal of controversy/skepticism about it at the link below. All I can say is use your best judgement and do your research.
2. Without mods: You can probably get around 100-300 hours out of it. With mods: Likely 500-800 hours (as there's a pretty active modding community)
3. Active is pretty subjective. You'll have to use your best judgement here again, but some places to check out would be the modding board(s) on these forums, and the subreddit,

Extra bit: if you want to know more about the game before you buy it, I'd recommend looking into the A12 and A12 modded play-throughs of Rimworld done by Blitzkreigsler, Aavak, or Quill18. They tend to churn out quality.

EDIT: I should also add that about your first question, there's also an official post about it here, along with more info:
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
January 20, 2016, 10:08:41 PM
Quick ideas I had just today:
1. Ability to copy tasks from crafting benches (IE: Copying a specific task or all tasks and their settings from cook stove #1 to cook stove #2)
2. Ability to limit a crafting/cooking task to a specific person/people, rather than a specific skill level (Sure, you can do it with manual work priorities technically, or just adding more benches, but manual work priorities only have 4 levels of priority. This can make it impossible to achieve tasks in the order which you want them done without drafting and un-drafting)

Off of the mindset of crafting, here's some new ideas for hunting and power:
3. Hunting traps (could require nets from fabric, or be as simple as a deadfall trap)
4. "Colored" or somehow distinguished wires, to allow for overlapping yet separate power grids. Could help preventing your geotherms from loading up batteries, or allowing your defense system to be on a different power switch more easily.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
October 23, 2015, 03:53:13 PM
Here's a cheap idea -- press a button to have the camera automatically follow a colonist. I suppose there isn't much in the way of practicality for it, but it could be a neat and simple feature.

EDIT: Different idea: have a button for an event log of some sort, so disappearing text in the top left can be viewed again.
Hmm. Interesting points, didn't realize it'd already been discussed with some good depth. Learn something new every day.
Stories / Re: Haikus
May 20, 2015, 09:03:13 AM
My typical experience, a la haiku:

Obtained prisoner,
harvested all the organs,
sold to a slaver.
In games, I ordinarily play the good guy, occasionally a thief or bad guy, but nothing too extreme. I tend to follow the rules, play nice, etc. Then RimWorld happened. (Note, this is with an extended surgery/prosthesis mod)

In my first couple of colonies, I had a few worthless prisoners, so I just released them. Nothing terrible here, but I thought "Hey, maybe this will help improve relations". Over time, I came to find out that relations weren't really developed enough to be worth it, so I just sold the poor saps whenever my mood wasn't too low.

Later on, occasionally I would capture some prisoners who I'd release during an attack to use them as bait. Pretty terrible, but still a legitimate tactic, considering they weren't going to gain anything for me in any other way (since slavers wouldn't show up).

Then, my last colony happened. I was building a mountain base, and had a temporary outdoor base when some raids happened. I ended up capturing two people -- one of which was worthless and missing a right leg, and the other was decent, but had a low recruit chance. So I finished digging out enough of my mountain base, and began to move things in. This was about the time I recruited the first prisoner. I successfully moved everything into the base, and began deconstructing the temporary base. Thinking that the prisoner was worthless anyway, I decided I'd just deconstruct the prison around him, and leave him out there to die.

And that's when it happened. I had an idea. A wonderful idea. A wonderfully horrible idea.

I quickly remembered that one of my colonists had two cataracts due to aging, and that between two other colonists there was a missing right ear/nose/left leg. I decided this poor chap would be used "for the greater good" simply because he was missing his right leg. So, I began to steal most of his face, his legs, and over time his arms and a couple of organs too. Then, when I thought that I'd done enough bad things to fill a whole game of RimWorld, it just got worse. I had the fortune to have a slave trader come into the system. With a gleeful smile and laugh, I sold the poor limbless bugger for 856 silver.

And this is why we can't have nice things in RimWorld, and why RimWorld has made me a psychopath.

Moral of the story: My colony is friendly. We welcome all organs and limbs, preferably separated.
True with the escape capsules. I do have two issues with this though --  are you really going to name some place when you're going to try to leave it as quickly as possible? Begs the question of the "colonists'" intent, especially since they're referred to as "colonists" instead of "refugees" or "survivors".