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Messages - Carlyscarlet

General Discussion / Re: most memorable colonist
June 29, 2016, 03:26:40 AM
I got a colonist named Table. His name stuck out because of how odd it was. But he is the most memorable of my colony. He was one of the original three of my commune He was quite lazy, working at his own pace. But that didn't stop him from building most of the commune and becoming a master builder.

One thing I remember about Table is his current struggle with spinal cancer. He got it on his 33rd birthday and it hit the colony hard. Table was an important person in the commune, building almost all of the defenses, roads, and buildings. To have his get plagued by a debilitating cancer was such a tole on me and the colony. But we struggled on with it, treating it as we went. Eventually, over months of treatment, signs of the cancer going into remission appeared. There was hope for Table, a light at the end of the tunnel. We might beat it.

Its been months of remission and Table has been working hard as ever. Defending and building up the commune is what he does, and he'll keep doing with or without cancer.
I'm gonna be completely honest here and say fuck no. You aren't the one to judge which games we are allowed to be in. Ideally, all games should be as inclusive as possible. I see no reason why trans+ people can't be in Rimworld. The world is harsh? Well newsflash buttercup, the world RIGHT NOW is extremely harsh to transpeople. We are seen as deviants and predators by most conservative people because of out identity. "Men in dresses/tomboys". They think we are just dressing up to go in and prey on children, a lie widely propagated by conservative media. Laws are regularly made against us to allow discrimination. You thought the one in NC is bad? There have bills pushed that'll make it so that people will be paid to point out transpeople in bathrooms that match their gender identity, basically bounty-hunting for transpeople. And even more twisted, vile and harsh? We are regularly murdered and driven to suicide. Our suicide attempt rates are the highest among minorities, above 40%. you know Mumble's comment on getting reject/beaten for finding out a person is trans. That happens IRL, and transpeople are murdered for it. You can google several news articles of transgender women being killed by someone they were dating. And people regularly say its their fault and victimblame, basically blaming us for getting ourselves murdered and not the murderer for murdering us.

People harrass, send threats, doxx us, abuse us (physically and sexually), and even murder us. And for what? What you might say? For having the gall to be open about our identity.

And this is the world, right now, for us.

So Rimworld is too harsh for us? Fuck that noise. The world right now is harsher than Rimworld can be for us and other minorities. And I rather Rimworld stay that way and not include those kinds of real life struggles trans+ people face right now. The struggles in Rimworld are about survival, not gender identity, gender, race, and orientation. They challenge the player to use the pawns and all the traits and quirks they have with them to survive, thrive, and escape. An old black woman with cataracts, a white teenage boy who is neurotic, and an asian man who is a great shooter but is afraid of fire. These characters from different background all fit in well into the survival story of Rimworld, and I can't see why a trans man who came from a mining colony and was too poor to transition can't fit into this ragtag group as well.
So the exact same thing as prostophile. Yet I don't here the same level of outcry.

And we can avoid the rejection bit by... not having it as a thing that happens in the game. If fact, if that was in fact added I would tell my transfriends to not buy this game for adding trans brutality. We don't have racism in the game (hostility towards different raced people), why would tynan add transphobia?

And a botched surgery can happen to anyone, like people who want a bionically enhanced arm. Being beaten up for being trans is only related to trans people. So including that WILL trigger trans people, not botched surgeries.

Honestly, I'm not seeing why those reasons should be why trans people should be excluded from the game. We have neurotic, too smart, and prostophile that affect mood and break threshold and we've hadn't had issue with any of them. Transgender people just present a different kind of pawn that people have to deal with until escape. You can keep them joyed up to avoid their mood debuff or get them their "upgrade" in order to get a mood buff. Its not really big gameplay wise anyway regardless, its just more flavor and being more inclusive which is never bad IMO.
As a transgender woman, I would requrest you to refrain from adding trans with the likes zoophilia. Zoophilia is a paraphilia, not a sexual orientation, and is highly frowned upon. Zoophilia is beastiality and beastiality is always rape because animals are incapable of consenting. On the other hand, transgender is an identity where a persons gender identity doesn't match their biological sex. They are in no way related and  its quite frankly insulting to see them next to each other in the same sentence. I'm not saying you intended to insult, but as a trans person it came off that way.

Also, transgender people added to this game would be... I don't know... difficult. Transgenderness has no effect on gameplay besides character detail. It depends really. Transgender people fully transitioned look almost indiscernible from their gender identity, so new models for them wouldn't be necessary. However, transgender people need to take hormones all their life to maintain their bodies. But then again, this is the future and we've probably got the technology to make it so that trans people are indiscernable to cis people entirely. But thinking about it, that sounds like something only Glitterworld tech or great Urbworld tech could do, not mining and underground colonies.

What I would do is have it come in different stages. Pawns have a chance to be transgender, but based on their background, they are at different stages of transition and look different. If a trans pawn is from an Urbworld/Glitterworld and isn't poor, then they look like the gender they are and have some biological upgrades (hormone regulator or something) on them. If a trans pawn is from anywhere else and/or has a poor background, they look more like their biological sex. Some gameplay things about transpeople would probably be their moods. Fully transitioned transpeople have a permanent mood buff while untransitioned transpeople have a permanent mood debuff. Sort of like the prostophile trait, except instead of bio-augmented parts its hormone replacement. If you transition an untransitioned transperson, you get a pawn with a better mood that is less likely to break, along with them looking like their gender identity.

I don't know about this ever being implemented in vanilla. It would be super sweet if it was. More representation of minorities is great, especially mine. It takes some more dev time, but I feel like it would be worth it. Definitely would recommend this game more to my trans buddies if trans people were included in vanilla.
Ideas / Re: "Gay" as a trait
April 11, 2016, 08:03:41 PM
I see this thread has already become a pile of shit with the whole "Gays are breaking my immersion"

Anyways, I would like it if gender preferences were there but didn't take up a slot (put it somewhere else) or have it take up a slot and have more traits slots.
So is this mod dead?
Quote from: mumblemumble on February 12, 2016, 11:16:25 AM
If you mean perhaps hermaphrodites whom are literally born a certain way,  then yes. Though those are hermaphrodites,  not transgender.

As for alternatives,  a bit unsure what else you can mean.... Unless you mean perhaps those who consider themselves  "just"  more fem or butch,  but id call that a personality quirk,  not necessarily full blown transgender. So if you want to explain how im wrong instead of just SAYING im wrong,  go right ahead.  Otherwise I'm inclined to not believe you, if you don't explain yourself.

Also,  not sure about the "no women thing"  i never said that,  and realize women are capable,  but protected in life,  since they are valuable compared to men. (childbearing,  pleasant company,  slightly more vulnerable health wise,  ect)  and fyi,  women in rimworld can do whatever men can, as far as I'm aware. (Though a bellcurve for strength / dexterity between genders would be cool.)
Transgender people are also born a certain way as well. We experience dysphoria for having a body that doesn't match our gender identity. I'm not sure what your point is here.

Your second paragraph is basically expression of masculinity/femininity, that goes beyond being just transgender and can be applied to everyone. While survival is a big aspect of the game and jobs aren't really gendered, some clothing/hairstyles/accessories can be described as feminine/masculine. Maybe there can be a system to apply this femininity/masculinity in-game. Some survivors are more feminine/masculine in expression and will wear stuff that they like, probably for a mood buff. Gives an incentive to diversify clothing.

Anyways, on the whole "transgender" dealio. As said before, "transgenderness" is more than just changing our bodies. Its important, but it varies. Some want hormones and surgery, some just want hormones and are uncomfortable with surgery, some are just fine with just dressing as the gender they are and aren't really comfortable with hormones or surgery. But the whole interconnecting thing is dysphoria, which is the uncomfortableness one has with ones body because it doesn't match your gender identity. Real Thing (tm).

So how will this be modeled in game? A mood debuff called dysphoria that applies to all transgender survivors. Transgender survivors will usually wear clothing that matches their gender identity for a small mood buff that partially mitigates their debuff. If they get hormones, their physically shape changes and they get a permanent mood buff that cancels out the dysphoria or even goes over it a bit. If they get surgery, the dysphoria debuff goes away and they get a permanent mood buff that makes it hard for them to break.

Now, this path assumes all transgender characters want to go down the path of surgery, which isn't true IRL but is simplified for the game. Now, transgender people in game as in real life are pretty rare. Low rate of occurrence but we still exist. If you get one and take the time and money to invest in them, you can end up with a survivor who is pretty hard to break, signifying their dedication to the colony that did so much for them.
Outdated / Re: [A12d][ModPack] The ModVarietyPack
January 06, 2016, 06:19:58 PM
Quote from: simon-82 on January 06, 2016, 02:18:56 PM
Quote from: Kitsune on January 06, 2016, 01:56:27 PM
@Tivec: Had the same problem and fixed it the same way. xD Very very strange.~

So but i have another problem, in the outfit menu i cant find the cowboy hat and a few others. By the way above hats, i really really love the new seperation for the hats and the other clothing. ^~^
Hm, yea this can happen when the mods get changed (or loadad the 1st time). That's why I recommended to restart the game after loading the first time.

Thanks Kitsune :) Glad you are still playing with the modpack and that you like the changes.
About the hats missing, I had a quick look at the code and it seems I missed the 2 vanilla hats while doing the switcheroo of the tables, I think.
Can you confirm that only the 2 vanilla hats (cowboy + tuque) are missing?
It looks like that to me. The others are all there I believe. (so many hats...(yay! :)))

Oh by the way, have you seen the new heads? The males can have beards now.
But I had a hard time getting good ideas for the female heads :(
So now I have one female head with freckles and 2 with (badass) scars.
You surely have some good ideas for new female heads, right? Let me know! :)
Tattoos? Dirt? More scars? Just throwing ideas here.
General Discussion / Re: So when is Tynan returning?
January 06, 2016, 12:46:59 AM
He'll be back by Wrestlemania. Hell, maybe he is secretly training for a surprise debut at it, or a surprise entrant in the Royal Rumble. You'll just have to wait and see  ;)
Ideas / Re: Pregnancy as another way to boost numbers
August 20, 2015, 04:28:20 PM
Quote from: Mikhail Reign on August 20, 2015, 04:10:10 PM
I'm all for them growing up on a regular timescale and it being not a valid way to increase colony size. I think it should be in there mostly to show that the pawns are people. People have kids - sometimes it's good, sometimes it bad.

I figure as far as it functioning ingame as a baby a pawn would be confined to a bed and fed treated similar to injured. It would also be a joy activity - colonists could interact with the baby and both would get a mood mod - good or bad. Toddlers/pretend would require a zone they would stay inside and would be on endless joy (schooling could be included), and once they hit 14 (youngest age of colonists) they become a regular colonist
This so much. Maybe a crib for when they are babies to toddlers, and then graduate to a real bed. Also, babies stay with their parents unless they are drafted. Maybe a daycare job to watch children when their parents are working or drafted (designated area which daycarers go to and where kids are put. They cannot leave the area and gain joy from it).
Stories / Re: A Medieval Tale
August 19, 2015, 05:43:56 PM
It's the bottom left button of the icons in the reply screen, right above the smiley face.

If not, copy this and type inbetween the brackets.

Ideas / Re: Pregnancy as another way to boost numbers
August 19, 2015, 05:41:43 PM
Quote from: b0rsuk on August 19, 2015, 06:57:00 AM
What the OP and supporters really want is human farming. They go through contortions to justify it and give it a nicer name. I'm fine with some resources not being easily farmable.

A12 is going to have animal husbandry, and a dog or rabbit pregnancy should last long enough to make you dread farming mufallos or elephants.

Quote from: Carlyscarlet on August 19, 2015, 02:35:18 AM
Not sure if about rushing the process. Feels a bit gamey and silly even for this universe. Why would parents decide to rush their child to adulthood? What are the effects? Honestly, it feels like giving the player power to circumvent part of the game. If it does get added though, I think there should be penalties like them having no skills or passions.
Why ? Because player wants more colonists. Err, I meant pawns. Because he wants to run a corporation and grow more workers. Grow bionics, grow brains, grow personal shields, grow everything.
Exactly. Pregnancy, birth, and childhood shouldn't be easy nor should it be skipped. Having colonists grow up should be a long process because it is one that the majority of people go through. No speeding it up, no growing colonists. Why? Even though its futuristic there still should be some realism in the game. Vatgrown colonist and sped up childhood colonists really don't feel like they belong in a rimworld crashed ship ramshackle settlement. That's some illegal Urbworld stuff.
Ideas / Re: Pregnancy as another way to boost numbers
August 19, 2015, 02:35:18 AM
Honestly, to me, I don't think children should be a viable way to increase population.To me, they should be there to add depth to the story of the game, not convenience the player. Sure, most won't grow up before the ship is built, but that doesn't matter. The story will then go that pawn A and pawn B and their child escaped and are living together on another world. And if they die by accident or raiders, more story. And if they grow to adults, hooray, a functioning pawn.

Not sure if about rushing the process. Feels a bit gamey and silly even for this universe. Why would parents decide to rush their child to adulthood? What are the effects? Honestly, it feels like giving the player power to circumvent part of the game. If it does get added though, I think there should be penalties like them having no skills or passions.

Stories / Re: A Medieval Tale
August 18, 2015, 09:15:39 PM
Quote from: popster99 on August 18, 2015, 08:53:00 AM
pretty nice shame that the main character died really early on
Yeah. the Railgun literally hit from outta nowhere and killed in an instant. My game could have ended there but I got lucky with the hits. I think I'll nickname the assassin "Randy Orton" because he literally hit from outta nowhere. :p

Played a bit more though. I'll see about getting another update sometime.
Ideas / Re: Pregnancy as another way to boost numbers
August 18, 2015, 08:25:51 AM
I really want to see procreation, children, and families happen. To me it makes the game feel more rich. Yes, there is the problem with aging, but did people really complain when DF added children and their long age? Not really... They got around it with either building rich stories or sadistic baby munching contraptions. Which is likely to happen here as well if its added.

For a person who likes to makes stories with her games, families and kids really feel necessary. Even in the brutal world of RimWorld, love and life can happen. I don't really care how long they take to age, it doesn't really matter. If they grow up, that's great and is a testament to the colony's age and success. If not, well than that adds to the stories and struggles of its inhabitants. Maybe their kids get kidnapped by pirates. What if they die in a famine? How will the parents deal with that? How does the colony adjust? It all adds more richness to the game if your big on the story element.

Schooling could be done by a dedicated teacher (a role not just for children, but for all colonists that need a bit of education). If no teacher, then they are educated by parents.

Age can be 15 years to adult or something, maybe older. Older children can help out with hauling and cleaning.