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Messages - twotest

Help / How is map size changed
December 16, 2015, 11:58:01 AM
So I learned through searching that Dialog_AdvancedGameConfig is what is needed to be changed in order to add new map sizes (I specifically want 75x75).

However, I only know how to change xml, I don't know what file this Dialog_AdvancedGameConfig is located in.

So what file do I need to change, or maybe some other tips, in order to add 75x75 map size?
Mods / More map sizes (Dialog_AdvancedGameConfig)
December 12, 2015, 06:24:49 PM
I want to play on a very small map. I've been doing some searching, and I found this topic where someone made a mod that enabled 75x75, 100x100 and 125x125.

Unfortunately, the download link is down.

Then I found

both of which reference Dialog_AdvancedGameConfig

I considered trying to make the mod myself, but this is dll, not xml, and I have no experience in dll files. I would very much appreciate it if someone could add that 75x75 size, or tell me what file I would need to look at that contains "Dialog_AdvancedGameConfig" to add it myself?