How is map size changed

Started by twotest, December 16, 2015, 11:58:01 AM

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So I learned through searching that Dialog_AdvancedGameConfig is what is needed to be changed in order to add new map sizes (I specifically want 75x75).

However, I only know how to change xml, I don't know what file this Dialog_AdvancedGameConfig is located in.

So what file do I need to change, or maybe some other tips, in order to add 75x75 map size?


Fluffy (l2032)

To elaborate a bit on that; it's also a bit tricky to do it in C#. Adding new things, or changing the code for specific objects in the game (e.g. buildings, animals, weapons, etc.) is fairly easy, you just point the game to the new C# code in the XML def. Changing or adding the 'core' UI elements (main menu, etc.) is a lot trickier, since those are actually called from within C# code. You'ld have to replace the entire dialog just to change this one element.

If you really want to do this, download EdB's ModOrder, and open the files in the source directory. He's doing something very similar to replace the mod dialog, and it's all really well documented.