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Messages - Kerbobotat

Outdated / Re: [Mod] (Alpha3) Production+
April 22, 2014, 04:09:32 PM
Quote from: Tynan on April 22, 2014, 03:48:33 PM
The idea of harmful waste material is really interesting.

Thanks Tynan :)
Outdated / Re: [Mod] (Alpha3) Production+
April 22, 2014, 03:14:26 PM
Quote from: Stankor on April 22, 2014, 02:56:30 PM
Looks good. You don't mention traders, are they configured to buy those?

Yep. The industrial trader is configured to buy the goods. Next release Ill probably move that to an entirely new trader, as overwriting the default trader probably causes some conflict issues with other mods.
Outdated / Re: [Mod] (Alpha3) Production+
April 22, 2014, 02:34:20 PM
Quote from: JinxWolf on April 21, 2014, 06:41:38 PM
Can we get some screenshots bro?

I've updated the first post with some screenshots showing off the workbenches, items and the research window

Quote from: jamieg on April 22, 2014, 08:56:52 AM
Yo nice mod dude, would you be interested in it being in the big bang mod pack, along with any future mods you release?

Sure, if you think it would fit well, go for it :)
Outdated / Re: [Mod] (Alpha3) Production+
April 22, 2014, 05:49:36 AM
Ill add some after work today. Set this up late last night so I forgot them.
Outdated / [MOD] (Alpha 3) Production+
April 21, 2014, 05:44:05 PM


This mod adds new workbenches for the production of trade goods. So far it includes a CNC fabricator for producing simple and complex Machined Parts, and a PCB workbench, for producing Control Circuit Boards. Both of these are valuable trade goods, but come at a cost; waste metal from the Fabricator is useless (So far) and ugly, and brings down the mood of the colonists, and building the processor chip and PCB can take a colonist quite a while, because of the need for attention to detail. But with time, you can get a good production line going, and start bringing new wealth and meaning to your colony!

Future releases will have more possibilities for production; chemical synthesis labs for industrial and medical goods, moisture traps for gathering valuable water, oil pumps/refineries for tapping the rich black gold beneath the surface, and who knows what else. I've tired to keep in the spirit of Rimworld with this mod, I dont want to add forty new types of metal and overly complicated steps, and every operation will have negative effects, whether its barrels of hazardous chemical waste that need storing, plies of slag metal, or just long work hours. With this mod you will be able to turn your colony into a thriving industrial base, or a polluted toxic wasteland, or both!


  • Machined Parts Fabrication Workbench: Craft cheap, common machine parts used all over the galaxy, or specialise in complex parts, that are worth far more
  • PCB Design Bench: Build basic circuitboards and the control chips for them (some assembly requiried!)




1.1 - Re-enabled Research prerequisite for Circuit Design Workshop >.<
1.0 - First Release: Machined Parts and PCB Workshop

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]
Help / <PlacementRestricter> definition location?
April 19, 2014, 04:42:32 PM
I'm working on something for a mod, and I want to create a building that can only be placed on sand tiles. I've found the <PlacementRestricter> tag in the geothermal generator, but I can't find where actual PlacementRestricters are defined. Anyone know?
Help / Re: Forcing Traders to visit the colony.
April 19, 2014, 06:06:50 AM
Quote from: Evul on April 19, 2014, 05:39:16 AM
Execute incident i believe have this :)

How do I call that?
Help / Forcing Traders to visit the colony.
April 19, 2014, 05:36:53 AM
Hey guys, just wondering is there any way (Through Dev/Console commands) to force a trader event for a specific type of trader to visit the colony? I've made some changes to a trader, and I want to test the effects, but I'd rather not sit and wait for one to randomly show up to see if it works.
Help / Re: Workbenches?
April 18, 2014, 07:25:53 PM
Ive gotten everything working! My colonists now have a table to fabricate machine parts, useless except as an export :)

Now I just have to figure out how to make them a tradeable goods type :S
Help / Re: Workbenches?
April 18, 2014, 06:59:32 PM
Cheers for the advice!

I copy-pasted the SkillNeedDef code from another mod, cut the bits I didnt need and changed the parts I did, and it works now, despite looking EXACTLY like my original file did. :P
Help / Workbenches?
April 18, 2014, 06:35:23 PM
Just playing around with modding for the first time, can anyone share more info on what exactly I need to define for a work bench?