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Messages - yeahchris

Ack. Fair enough. Can't imagine how hard it would be to mod for an in-development game.

It's probably a bit pretentious of me -- actually, it definitely is -- but if I could make one suggestion it would be this:

What happened in my game was basically that I saw relations skyrocket at game start because of zero expectations and then crash hard once expectations came into play and they didn't eat their food.

Bear in mind, I'm basically guessing at the math going on behind the scenes, but it seems to me as though a positive or negative adjustment amount is being determined by the difference between their various wellness meters vs their expectation given the wealth of my colony.

But what if, rather than having their mood vs expectations when they leave determining an either positive or negative relations adjustment, it was used to determine a target faction relationship score. And then your actual relationship value would be adjusted by some percentage of the difference between your actual value and the target value.

What that would do in effect would be to make it so that factions who visit and have a lackluster experience will generally gravitate towards lackluster faction relations rather than towards outright war. Someone who knows you barely at all would appreciate being received at all, but your strongest ally would expect to be well taken care of.

Again, I'm guessing at the math going into play here, but I noticed that the relation hits I was getting due to them not eating were fairly flat and consistent as my score went from 90 to -10.

Thinking something like:

(Target Relationship Score - Current Relationship Score)/5 gets added to your relationship per visit.

You would have to do some math to get around the fact that you're using positive and negative numbers, but you get the idea.

I believe this would help to make relations a bit less volatile while not rendering war impossible if you consistently locked them out in the cold. But if they're just not getting their turn at the pool table they'll trend towards a lowish-positive relationship score.... Rather than declaring war over their turn at the pool table.

Room ratings are good except for size. They don't seem to be eating any of my food, so they usually leave hungry. Also the visitor with a question mark over his head for trading usually wont use any joy objects or rest even though he's usually hanging out right next to the pool table. They will sometimes just walk outside and wander around in the rain.

Everyone else in the group usually plays pool, sleeps and then leaves joyful, rested, but hungry because they wont eat. At the end of the day though I can't change their AI package. I can only make the facilities available to them... which they are.
Not very far.

I've been basically building this colony as a space-farm rather than developing its leisure centers, so if I'm considered wealthy it's because I have lots of guns and space-cows. What I can say is that all of my colonists are happy as a clam with the leisure facilities.

I've not been focusing on them, but I wasn't expecting factions to potentially go to war with me as a result of not expanding my rec center.

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Quote from: Orion on July 21, 2016, 07:05:10 AM
I can look into stopping visitors from coming duration a radiation event.

About the guest room problem: I don't exactly know what's going wrong there. Do note, though, that with the wealth of your base and your relationship with the faction, their expectations go up as well.

Err. Oh. Okay.

I've built all the joy objects available to us, however. What do they need? Larger rooms? More expensive materials?

It seems harsh that I should be getting -10 faction relation hits based upon their increasing expectations. Perhaps their increasing expectations should put a ceiling on faction relationship gain, not directly adjust whether the relation score goes up or down. It's going down by A LOT because they've decided I'm rich now and want better toys.

"What are these hors d'oeuvres? Crackers and cheese? I expect caviar damn you! Next time we come, we BURN THE VILLIAGE TO THE GROUND!"
Figured out the save game edit. Still needs to be a mechanic to deal with something like this. Perhaps the ability to disallow visitors for a small relation penalty rather than them showing up, getting themselves irradiated, and then leaving with you suffering a 20-30 point faction relation penalty with no way to avoid it.

Edit: And still having issues. Guests typically arrive, fill up hospitality meter and then sit around not using any joy objects and sleeping in their masterwork beds while the hospitality meter steadily dwindles. Makes no sense at all. When they leave they say they didn't have a good time and I take a huge relations hit. Seems kinda broken. Going to have to uninstall, since at this rate I'm going to end up having all the factions hostile to me because they wont play with the toys I've given them. That's kinda dumb. It's all made weirder by the fact that when I had almost no amenities set up for them they consistently had a great time and dropped tons of gifts. This is a great idea for a mod, but I think tweaks are needed before it is really usable. It should take a serious breach of ethics before visitors' factions get into the negatives with you. IE robbing and murdering them.

Furthermore, I take it performing joy actions raises the hospitality meter. Problem is, AI determines whether they perform a joy action on the joy meter, so it's entirely possible (likely, even) for an AI guest to not do the actions which will keep his hospitality meter raised because his joy meter is already full. That needs to be sorted out, otherwise whether they have a good time will be more of a dice roll than anything else. The lack of joy objects when I first started probably worked in my favor earlier, as they would show up and only get to use it right before they left. Now they show up, get to use it right away, and then by the time they're about to leave their hospitality meter has dropped to nada.

Personal opinion, hospitality meter should not drop at all. Unless they get in a fight with a colonist. It should grade you based upon a checklist rather than a meter which is constantly going up and down based upon arbitrary actions the NPC visitors take. IE it should check: Did they get a bed? Were they able to use a joy object? Did they get to have a positive social interaction with a colonist? Etc. It should not matter when during the visit these things took place. The only reason the meter should drop is negative social interactions or things which should be available which are not.

The mod should check whether the above conditions were fulfilled and shouldn't be grading you on how close to the end of the visit they were fulfilled. So, hospitality meter should not drop.
Hello. Having a few issues with this mod. A particular faction decided to visit me about four different times during toxic fallout and in so doing dropped the faction relation score from 90-something down to about 10. That doesn't seem reasonable.

Is there a console command/save game edit or some such thing that I can use to fix this, as I think it's silly that they're bitching about the fact that they wandered around in radiation when I had no ability to stop them from doing this?

Second, until recently I had no guest beds and as a result they tended to just sleep on the floor of the social room I have set up with copious social objects, etc. Every time they visted me they loved me. I figured that they would love me more if I created guest beds adjoining said game room. Now they tend to wander around the hallway between the guest rooms and the game room, and they don't enjoy their visits.

How can I make them use the freely available joy objects? I thought making guest rooms was supposed to make them like me more, not less.