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Messages - PathogenXD

Love the Dermal Regenerator, but I think that it may be a little too over powered at the moment. The way it is now, I build it, heal all my colonists over the course of several days, and then all my colonists are scar free forever more. The research time is fine, but I just don't feel like I'm sacrificing enough for each scar removal.

Would it be possible to require say... 5 medicine for every use of the regenerator? Maybe 5 is a little too much, but there's just a lot of benefit that comes from healing scars, and that needs to balanced out by an appropriate cost. If there was a significant cost, I'd have to choose which colonists were important enough to have scars removed, and I feel like that would add depth to the game.

Actually, thinking about it more, maybe 5 medicine is too few. Maybe it should require 10 medicine. The benefits of scar removal are just so great...